Re:Need help selecting some good shoes
2012/06/11 19:14:04
Very few of these people are going to give you the right advice. The answer is to go to a runners store and have them evaluate your foot type. Or go to a podiatrist but that's may not be practical just for shoes. Shoes are made in three different types. Stability, motion control and neutral. If you have a high arch, look for a neutral shoe. If you have a flexible flatfoot, weight bearing your arch goes down and non weight bearing you have somewhat of an arch.....stability shoe. If you have a flat foot both weight bearing and none weight bearing, motion control.
Look at the major brands of shoe. Saucony, new balance and Asics. These shoes in the runner type will be the best and expect to pay 80-120 bucks. These shoes will last you. Stay away from the Nikes. They sacrifice stability by making the shoes look trendy and break down quickly. Or buy them and then go back to my advice. At least that way you will have a pair of shoes to mow the lawn in after you buy your second pair. For what its worth
Each shoe manufacturer will have the various categories I mentioned. Find your foot type and try on the shoes in the various brands to see which shoe type fits you best. If you are on you feet a lot and you overpronate....consider some custom orthotics. These will help get you through the day. Good luck
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