Helpful Reply[ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it

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2019/06/23 18:37:35 (permalink)
Ok I've talked this with EVGA Labs and i would like to start a thread so you guys can report, inform, and ask for new features for PX1.
I recieved my RTX 2080Ti KINGPIN card some 2 weeks ago and i'm fascinated with it, i also had the GTX 1080Ti and same, but not at all with the Software. For that reason let's help to make it the best !!!
My findings on PX1:
1) Won't let you adjust Clocks with the arrow keys, which sux because moving the slider increases like crazy, and ONLY when you touch the slider the "Apply" button is enabled. We want this to be easy, just put focus on the field, move the Clocks with the arrow and then Apply right ?
 This is v03190 and on preview release and ONLY random will allow me to do it with the arrows, but just on ocasional situations.

You can clearly see that the Apply button does nothing when i'm typing or moving my arrow keys to increase Memory Clocks, and if i go to the slider it just goes beyond what i want to. The workaround is setting your desired value, then just "touch" the slider and the Appl Button will be enabled. But we don't want this right ? we want to do it fast, and that's it enabling the keyboard.
2) FAN 3 doesn't display RPM while FAN1 and FAN2 do (UPDATED Info by Tin, FAN 3 controls External fan not the VRM as i thought)

3) This i cannot show an image but while gaming or benching and trying to adjust clocks "on the fly" with PX1 this will stop responding making my system impossible to move even the mouse or just close session, have to wait a lot and ended restarting. After 2 or 3 changes this happens on previous version and new version also.
4) New version locked my system a couple of times, and i saw you guys reporting this and a lot. In my case i discovered that the +100 on previous version put 2175 Core, on this 2160, so i had to increase a bit more to get the desired Clocks. Also i flashed the XOC BIOS to test it with AIO and it boosts AUTO to 2205 when +125 is added (before i needed +130 to only 2190) and in game for ex BF5 3440x1440 Ultra Settings DX12 ON, DLSS ON, RTX MEDIUM pumps great FPS from 89 to 100 depending on the map. On the "limited bios" that come with the card Clocks will go from 2145 to 2175 to 2190 and back and up all the time, this causes some "miliseconds small freeze" in game which are nasty when you play MultiPlayer (the most demanding to test CPU and GPU is 64 Player Sessions). So XOC BIOS is good, but impossible to use on the AIO as ALL fans are set to 100%, i don't care about the rad ones are ok, but the VRM is like a beast fan, put me nervous on every test, so i'm waiting my HydroCopper to test it better. Sorry if i mixed stuff, but it's important that you can try this.
5) The Lack of "On Display" Features is annoying, i have to use MSI Afterburner to see more details and mix 2 differents Softwares which is not good. 
EVGA PX1 Should Display: CPU % USE, CPU MHz, CPU Temp, Core Temp, Core MHz, Memory MHz, Memory Speed and much more. Yes, i know you can do that on KINPING OLED Display but to show and to test how it's performing it would be nice to have them on the screen of the Game/ Bench, etc.
Like this but on OSD like Afterburner does: Still nothing about CPU...

All the Best to All. Sergio.

P.D sorry if there's a thread for this but i didn't find it and all info is spread on this part, so i did this. For this moderators feel free to do what you think is best. I just want to help.
post edited by andressergio - 2019/06/25 18:42:11

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Intel Core i9-7980XE 4.8GHz 18C/18TH DDC
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EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA Gaming PCB rev 1.0 
Alphacool Custom Water Cooling Parts
SilverStone ST1500-TI TITANIUM Fully Modular PSU
Acer Predator X38 3840x1600 175Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC
Windows 10 64 Bit Pro Version 21H1 Build 19043.1288
EVGA PX1 v1.2.6 & NVIDIA Drivers 496.49
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/23 18:44:51 (permalink)
Before your Click Apply did you press the Enter Key?
Do you have a Fan Connected to the Fan Header that is next to the EVBOT Header?
"New version locked my system a couple of times," I see this but mostly under the Current Driver. Not as bad under 1903 and you can recover and restart normally.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2019/06/23 18:48:26

Associate Code: 9E88QK5L7811G3H

Yes, that TiN
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/23 18:47:49 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Cool GTX 2020/01/21 16:11:16
Thanks for thread and summary.
FAN 3 doesn't display RPM while FAN1 and FAN2 do.

Fan 3 is external fan header on the card's side. If you have no fan connected, reported speed will be = 0.
Radiator FANs are controlled together linked, that is FAN2 setting.

If you have question, please post in public forum. I do not reply PMs, so all in community can benefit the answer. 
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/23 18:50:39 (permalink)
Before your Click Apply did you press the Enter Key?
Do you have a Fan Connected to the Fan Header that is next to the EVBOT Header?

Hi @bcavnaugh thanks for your reply, yes i did it many times, and this same happened with old EVGA P Software, same exact issue on all my rigs, and many compilations. I don't have anything connected to the card, is totally stock. This behaviour happen on all the PX1 i tried, i updated the Firmware and now trying the XOC BIOS, but as i said it put me nervous to do good tests with so loud fans. 
Cheers, Sergio !

Intel Core i9-7980XE 4.8GHz 18C/18TH DDC
ASRock X299 OC Formula
XPG D60G (4x8GB) DDR4-3800C16 B-Die 
1x Intel Optane SSD 905P 480GB U2
EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA Gaming PCB rev 1.0 
Alphacool Custom Water Cooling Parts
SilverStone ST1500-TI TITANIUM Fully Modular PSU
Acer Predator X38 3840x1600 175Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC
Windows 10 64 Bit Pro Version 21H1 Build 19043.1288
EVGA PX1 v1.2.6 & NVIDIA Drivers 496.49
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/23 18:53:45 (permalink)
Stay away from the XOC BIOS until you get the card working.
Are you right clicking on PX1 and selection Run as administrator?
XOC BIOS is also mostly for LN2
Did you have PXOC installed on this Computer Before you had PX1 Installed?
What NVIDIA Driver Version are you running?
If need be you can to a PX1 Clean Up. The Links below may help with this.
https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2947719  & https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2947737
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2019/06/23 19:01:42

Associate Code: 9E88QK5L7811G3H

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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/23 19:05:03 (permalink)
Thanks for thread and summary.
FAN 3 doesn't display RPM while FAN1 and FAN2 do.

Fan 3 is external fan header on the card's side. If you have no fan connected, reported speed will be = 0.
Radiator FANs are controlled together linked, that is FAN2 setting.

@TiN_EE pleased to meet you here !!! and glad you liked this thread, i found a lot of problems dispersed on many threads, so is good to have all in one place. I thought that FAN3 was the VRM's...that my mistake then. Will edit it.
Thank You ! All the Best. Sergio

Intel Core i9-7980XE 4.8GHz 18C/18TH DDC
ASRock X299 OC Formula
XPG D60G (4x8GB) DDR4-3800C16 B-Die 
1x Intel Optane SSD 905P 480GB U2
EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA Gaming PCB rev 1.0 
Alphacool Custom Water Cooling Parts
SilverStone ST1500-TI TITANIUM Fully Modular PSU
Acer Predator X38 3840x1600 175Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC
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EVGA PX1 v1.2.6 & NVIDIA Drivers 496.49
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/23 21:36:38 (permalink)
I had a problem with frame rate target control not working, and resetting my Power Limit/Temp Target as well. 
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/25 18:39:33 (permalink)
Stay away from the XOC BIOS until you get the card working.
Are you right clicking on PX1 and selection Run as administrator?
XOC BIOS is also mostly for LN2
Did you have PXOC installed on this Computer Before you had PX1 Installed?
What NVIDIA Driver Version are you running?
If need be you can to a PX1 Clean Up. The Links below may help with this.
https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2947719  & https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2947737

Yes brother i already did all, i even installed W10 May 2019 Update then installed PX1. Yesterday i was gaming in stock clocks and went to change the fan speed hit apply and all got in slow motion, nothing responding, waited, black screen and then i reset. After that all went fine. Seems like it doesn't like to touch anything while gaming. I found the BF5 at Ultra Settings 3440x1440 DX12, DLSS ON, RTX ON MEDIUM is harder and stresses GPU and CPU a lot more than any Stabilty Test when you Game on a 64 Player Session. Same goes for BF1.
Cheers. Sergio !

Intel Core i9-7980XE 4.8GHz 18C/18TH DDC
ASRock X299 OC Formula
XPG D60G (4x8GB) DDR4-3800C16 B-Die 
1x Intel Optane SSD 905P 480GB U2
EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA Gaming PCB rev 1.0 
Alphacool Custom Water Cooling Parts
SilverStone ST1500-TI TITANIUM Fully Modular PSU
Acer Predator X38 3840x1600 175Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC
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EVGA PX1 v1.2.6 & NVIDIA Drivers 496.49
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/06/25 19:05:45 (permalink)
Just after I updated my first post i had an instant lock up just by opening PX1 and went to apply DEFAULTS from my Game Clocks.
All my Clocks on CPU, MEM, MESH (CPU Cache), Temps and more are Rock Solid, so the EVGA Card.
1) PX1 was set and closed on my Game Clocks 2160/8000 (I can game at 2190/8100 on XOC BIOS). After that i opened it to set Defaults and as you can see the button is in blue and all is in slow motion (look the lit mouse circle above) process blocks all not even taks manager, delay is huge.

2) After waiting some minutes...Stopped responding

3) driver stopped responding also, i had to reboot...

 No clue at all. 
post edited by andressergio - 2019/06/25 19:12:42

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Intel Core i9-7980XE 4.8GHz 18C/18TH DDC
ASRock X299 OC Formula
XPG D60G (4x8GB) DDR4-3800C16 B-Die 
1x Intel Optane SSD 905P 480GB U2
EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA Gaming PCB rev 1.0 
Alphacool Custom Water Cooling Parts
SilverStone ST1500-TI TITANIUM Fully Modular PSU
Acer Predator X38 3840x1600 175Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC
Windows 10 64 Bit Pro Version 21H1 Build 19043.1288
EVGA PX1 v1.2.6 & NVIDIA Drivers 496.49
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/07/15 23:00:13 (permalink)
VF Curve tuner scanning hardlocks the computer after about 10 seconds. 
GTX1080 TI SC Black.
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Re: [ NON OFFICIAL ] PX1 bug reports, improvements and all you want so say about it 2019/07/22 21:34:24 (permalink)
EVGA PX released !!!
Version 7/18/2019
  • Improves RTX 2080 Ti K|NGP|N Support
  • Adds support for AMD Ryzen CPU temp monitoring
  • Support for Z10 RGB LCD display
  • Adds ability to disable splash screen on startup

Intel Core i9-7980XE 4.8GHz 18C/18TH DDC
ASRock X299 OC Formula
XPG D60G (4x8GB) DDR4-3800C16 B-Die 
1x Intel Optane SSD 905P 480GB U2
EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA Gaming PCB rev 1.0 
Alphacool Custom Water Cooling Parts
SilverStone ST1500-TI TITANIUM Fully Modular PSU
Acer Predator X38 3840x1600 175Hz NVIDIA G-SYNC
Windows 10 64 Bit Pro Version 21H1 Build 19043.1288
EVGA PX1 v1.2.6 & NVIDIA Drivers 496.49
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