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2012/03/06 19:26:22 (permalink)
I've been doing a little CPU crunching on NFS@Home with 2 logical cores for awhile now and it's unfortunate to report that its task seems to be punctured with quite a fair share of "Error while computing" issues. In order to sidestep it, just select to perform lasievef application only but the computer machine in question must be equipped with a lot of RAM perhaps, at least 8GB. So, the step-by-step procedure to crunch it is as follows;-
1. Create an account at NFS@Home.
2. Join our team.
3. Navigate from NFS@Home Preferences until Edit NFS@Home Preferences, just select "lasievef - occasionally used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory" only and nothing else.
4. Ensure that "If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications?" are UNtick and then, left-click "Update preferences" button.
5. Left-click "Add project or account manager..." under Tools in BOINC Manager v6.12.34 and then, left-click "Next >" button.
6. Select "NFS@home" with your mouse from the "Choose a project" window panel and then, left-click "Next >" button.
7. Just fill up your email address and choose & confirm your password on the "Identify your account" window panel and then, left-click "Next >" button.
8. Finally, left-click "Finish" button.
Note: Our team has a total credit of 32804 and is rank #213 while its DC-Vault score is ~5931pts.
post edited by MOBAJOBG - 2012/03/06 19:41:20

EVGA GeForce GTX 580 CoD: Black Ops edition


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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/03/12 18:51:39 (permalink)
    Good news! All its applications (such as lasieved, lasievee worth 44 credits & lasievef worth 66 credits) are working perfectly now and it takes about an hour to finish a task.
    lasievef is advised to be performed by computers that have been fitted with at least 2GB per logical core.
    post edited by MOBAJOBG - 2012/03/12 19:09:30

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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/03/12 21:33:00 (permalink)
    AB Was Here... 

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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/03/16 09:35:27 (permalink)
    Thanks, AB that you're here. This is one of the project that I will be involved with on a long term basis.
    Note: Our team has a total credit of 59165 and is rank #175 while its DC-Vault score is ~6673pts now.

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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/04/07 02:19:18 (permalink)
    I've better than the previous good news to share!
    Under VirtualBox 4.1.4 + Ubuntu 10.10 (with the latest patch update) hosted on a Windows 7 (Win7) Ultimate SP1 64-bit o/s machine (see my siggy for rig CPU-Z), lasievef task chews up ~475MB of RAM and completes within 40mins. Therefore, I can afford to run eight (8) instances of lasievef application now instead of just two (2) previously.
    So, it takes less RAM by ~1.3MB and save up to 20mins per lasievef task to crunch as compared to on purely Win7 platform.
    post edited by MOBAJOBG - 2012/04/07 02:40:59

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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/04/07 03:27:39 (permalink)
    Good finding. Do you guys know is there any other Project that run faster in Linux? Thanks.

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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/04/07 04:27:22 (permalink)
    Unfortunately, Leiden Classical encounters "Compute error" (but done its job within 35mins however I'll try the latest builds of BOINC Manager 7.0.23, VirtualBox 4.1.12 & Ubuntu 11.10 to confirm later) as follows;-
    stderr out
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: userid
    Skipping: 0
    Skipping: /userid
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: teamid
    Skipping: 0
    Skipping: /teamid
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: hostid
    Skipping: 95852
    Skipping: /hostid
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: result_name
    Skipping: wu_78596477_1332919788_25171_1
    Skipping: /result_name
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: starting_elapsed_time
    Skipping: 0.000000
    Skipping: /starting_elapsed_time
    Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: computation_deadline
    Skipping: 1334127274.136000
    Skipping: /computation_deadline
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: mod_time
    Skipping: /mod_time
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: run_gpu_if_user_active
    Skipping: 1
    Skipping: /run_gpu_if_user_active
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: suspend_cpu_usage
    Skipping: 0.000000
    Skipping: /suspend_cpu_usage
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: max_ncpus_pct
    Skipping: 75.000000
    Skipping: /max_ncpus_pct
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: daily_xfer_limit_mb
    Skipping: 0.000000
    Skipping: /daily_xfer_limit_mb
    Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: daily_xfer_period_days
    Skipping: 0
    Skipping: /daily_xfer_period_days

    upload failure: <file_xfer_error>

    post edited by MOBAJOBG - 2012/04/07 04:29:00

    EVGA GeForce GTX 580 CoD: Black Ops edition

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    Re:NFS@Home 2012/04/10 22:06:09 (permalink)
    Latest update;-
    Under a VM setup of VirtualBox 4.1.12 + Ubuntu 11.10 (with Linux kernel v3.3-precise), lasievef task grabs ~507MB of prime RAM real estate and takes an average of ~30mins to finish within BOINC Manager v7.0.25. So, there is an increase of 32MB RAM usage however the entire computation time has dropped by another 10mins.
    I'd encountered failure to perform an upgrade of Linux kernel to v3.3.1-precise but nonetheless, I'm looking forward to the eventual release of the v3.4-precise in the nearest future.
    post edited by MOBAJOBG - 2012/04/10 22:11:18

    EVGA GeForce GTX 580 CoD: Black Ops edition

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