My EVGA GTX 650 TI BOOST SC 2GB is randomly overheating (UPDATED WITH PHOTOS)

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2014/06/02 06:03:45 (permalink)
So I've had my EVGA GTX 650ti Boost SC 2GB since 26/09/13 which I bought brand new on Ebay from a Business seller, so my temp at idle is 30°Celsius and when playing a high-end game like Splinter-Cell:Blacklist on Ultra Custom Settings 60fps it only goes up-to 60°- just about 68° after a few hours and the fan speed only goes up-to 45%-50% which is pretty quiet, but recently when I played Arma 3 for abit and I heard the GPU fan going berserk so I checked EVGA Precision X and the temp was 85° and the fan speed was full load 75% and in all the time I've had this GPU it's never gone that high, also the EVGA Percision X might be off with it's on-screen monitoring as it said the Temp was 87° at one point while playing Garry's Mod Murder so quickly tabbed out and the temp was 65°.
Back when I was playing Arma 2 I read a guide to boost GPU activity for DayZ and Wasteland which is link here: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126074790
I had no problems with Arma 2 Wasteland(Also the settings didn't make a difference) but one time when I playing Arma 2 Dayz Epoch Mod while waiting in the lobby not actually playing the GPU Fan went full load, but back then I just thought it was the CPU Fan acting up as it's stock fan which I've since 2-3 years, but after finding out the noise was the GPU fan going full load I restored all the Evga Control Panel Settings back to Default. So the only time the GPU has gone overborne like that is when I was waiting in a DayZ Epoch lobby on ARMA 2, When I went into a shop to buy a BackPack while playing on ARMA 3 Altis Life and last night while on the ARMA 3 main menu while having the On-Screen Monitoring on the temp went straight up-to 80°-85° so I tabbed out it said the temp was 70°, also I would like to add this is the first time this GPU has ran ARMA 3 I was playing Arma 3 back in September 2013 with my old GPU before I un-installed it.
It just did it again when I was playing BattleField 3 the temp just went straight up-to 85° and full 75% FAN SPEED even when I put the Graphic settings to the lowest it didn't make a difference still just kept going up to 85° even tried to go up to 90°. Please help!!!
these are photos of MSI AfterBurner playing 10-20 secs of BF3 on the low settings


The temps only go berserk when I start playing a game but when in idle the temps go back to normal 30c, strange, if the card's temp sensor is faulty wouldn't it be going berserk in idle aswell? It might be a software problem, it seems I'm getting views on this question but no answers.
I just fully un-installed everything Nvidia and restarted in safe mode and did a Nvidia Clean install with the install disc that came with the GPU and here are the last readings I can bear to do.

PC Specs: 
Case: AeroCool Predator X-1 (Front Fan sucks in & Back Fan blows out)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHZ(StockFan)
GPU: EVGA GTX 650 Ti Boost SC 2GB (Driver Version 337.88)
Memory: 8.00 GB RAM
Current Resolution: 1680x1050, 60Hz
Main HDD: ST3320620AS ATA Device (300GB)
Second HDD: ST2000VX000 ATA Device (2TB)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Permium
post edited by MrSharpy - 2014/06/03 09:41:25

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    Omnipotent Enthusiast
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    Re: My EVGA GTX 650 TI BOOST SC 2GB is randomly overheating (UPDATED WITH PHOTOS) 2014/06/03 09:26:03 (permalink)
    Are you running any other GPU monitoring software at the same time as you're running MSI AB??  If so, close all others and leave only AB running.

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    Re: My EVGA GTX 650 TI BOOST SC 2GB is randomly overheating (UPDATED WITH PHOTOS) 2014/06/03 09:35:44 (permalink)
    No I was using evga precision x when the issue first occurred and I got the same results when I uninstalled EVGA Percision X and Installed MSI AfterBurner to check if It might have been Evga Percision X messing about the results you see in the photos it was not.
    I've sent a Product ticket and they have came back to me this message.

    Your Question:

    While starting to play Battlefield 3 straight away after joining In-Game the Temperatures of my GPU went from 40celsius to 95celsius in a matter of seconds, I changed the In-game Graphic Setting to Low and it didn't make a difference the Temperature just kept going up. I've asked around on a few Websites and they stated it may be the GPU Temperature Sensor has become faulty.

    Your Answer:

    Hi Jason,

    I am sorry to hear this.  With the tempature getting to 95c in a few seconds of it being under load the card may be bad.  You can start an RMA  for it. When subimtting the RMA please include the testing as well as the issue.

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    Re: My EVGA GTX 650 TI BOOST SC 2GB is randomly overheating (UPDATED WITH PHOTOS) 2014/06/03 10:16:57 (permalink)
    As usual, sounds like EVGA will take care of you...

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    Re: My EVGA GTX 650 TI BOOST SC 2GB is randomly overheating (UPDATED WITH PHOTOS) 2014/06/03 10:25:54 (permalink)
    I really do hope so, this is the main reason why I bought a EVGA GPU because as it is stated "They are Number 1"
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