Helpful ReplyLocked***MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! (PLEASE READ 1st POST!- Updated 6/27/2016***

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/05 15:19:08 (permalink)
Nice thread there fellas. It's gonna take a week to go though all of that list

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/05 16:45:03 (permalink)

 Use this Associate Code at your checkouts or follow these instructions for Up to 10% OFF on all your EVGA purchases:
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/05 17:09:23 (permalink)
Gold Leader
here is my sad sad PC... Im TRYING to gather money enough to do some upgrades.. and trying to win new stuff. 
I have already won a new case (the iVektor shown in the pic and the CPU Cooler) and I just won a new PSU (will be weeks before I get it)
otherwise.. this bad boy is old. Thief brought it to its knees lol.
ASUS P5Q Pro E8500
Radeon HD 6870
8GB of random ram
3 crappy old HD's (one is like 8 years old)
610 PC Power & Cooling
and my nice new iVektor Case (that has a sticky power button now... its only like a month old.. sigh at least it was free)
and yes, that second image is my SteelSeries APEX and $8 case logic headset from wallgreens. lol.
Working on my 200 posts.
Now, why the +1's? is there a reason for it? does it help to with the "sponsorship"?  Thanks!

Could you please read the first post of this topic on page 01, before asking a question you actually could of found out by reading the first post yourself
An other thing, if you have don't have a MODS RIGS page, please make one before posting in this topic, many thanks!
It has nothing to do with a "sponsership", it's just a fun project Chrome-M-Dragon and I took part of, his idea for such a topic my idea & creation as the MR +1 list goes.
People give each other +1's and comments of their systems, which are called MODS RIGS systems, this is a project Chrome-M-Dragon and I support for EVGA.
This is the list I created and made to support Chrome-M-Dragon's project for this project:
To set up your MODS RIGS page go here:
Pics must not be larger that 1000 x 1000 pixels and not larger than 2MB, as the picture uploader clearly describes:
Select a file (.jpg/.jpeg, .png, .gif) that is less than 2megs and is no more than 1000x1000 pixels. You may use the tool below to resize and crop your image if you need.
   File Size limit : 2MB; File Type : jpg/jpeg, png, gif; 1000x1000 pixels maximum
So after setting up your MODS RIGS page, post a "url" to it in this topic + some pics of your setup and I will gladly add you in my MR +1 list on page 30 of this thread
Maybe Chrome-M-Dragon can explain it better for you, if you don't understand me

hmmm...have you read the first post? (maybe im missing it?) Sure it says go +1 everyone.. but doesn't explain what its for and why its needed..? is it just for fun?
Second.. I do have a mod rig page.. Odd. I posted the link??  trying again:  (BuildID=33633)
Even if its not needed, I will be cruising through that list to see others builds.. love seeing what people pull off!
 EDIT: Cant link mine yet - havent been a member long enough :(
 EDIT2: Im up to #35 - nice work in there!
 EDIT 3: just keeping track of where I am in the list.. #100
post edited by Static_FX - 2014/03/05 19:19:07
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 06:14:26 (permalink)
Gold Leader
here is my sad sad PC... Im TRYING to gather money enough to do some upgrades.. and trying to win new stuff. 
I have already won a new case (the iVektor shown in the pic and the CPU Cooler) and I just won a new PSU (will be weeks before I get it)
otherwise.. this bad boy is old. Thief brought it to its knees lol.
ASUS P5Q Pro E8500
Radeon HD 6870
8GB of random ram
3 crappy old HD's (one is like 8 years old)
610 PC Power & Cooling
and my nice new iVektor Case (that has a sticky power button now... its only like a month old.. sigh at least it was free)
and yes, that second image is my SteelSeries APEX and $8 case logic headset from wallgreens. lol.
Working on my 200 posts.
Now, why the +1's? is there a reason for it? does it help to with the "sponsorship"?  Thanks!

Could you please read the first post of this topic on page 01, before asking a question you actually could of found out by reading the first post yourself
An other thing, if you have don't have a MODS RIGS page, please make one before posting in this topic, many thanks!
It has nothing to do with a "sponsership", it's just a fun project Chrome-M-Dragon and I took part of, his idea for such a topic my idea & creation as the MR +1 list goes.
People give each other +1's and comments of their systems, which are called MODS RIGS systems, this is a project Chrome-M-Dragon and I support for EVGA.
This is the list I created and made to support Chrome-M-Dragon's project for this project:
To set up your MODS RIGS page go here:
Pics must not be larger that 1000 x 1000 pixels and not larger than 2MB, as the picture uploader clearly describes:
Select a file (.jpg/.jpeg, .png, .gif) that is less than 2megs and is no more than 1000x1000 pixels. You may use the tool below to resize and crop your image if you need.
   File Size limit : 2MB; File Type : jpg/jpeg, png, gif; 1000x1000 pixels maximum
So after setting up your MODS RIGS page, post a "url" to it in this topic + some pics of your setup and I will gladly add you in my MR +1 list on page 30 of this thread
Maybe Chrome-M-Dragon can explain it better for you, if you don't understand me

hmmm...have you read the first post? (maybe im missing it?) Sure it says go +1 everyone.. but doesn't explain what its for and why its needed..? is it just for fun?
Second.. I do have a mod rig page.. Odd. I posted the link??  trying again:  (BuildID=33633)
Even if its not needed, I will be cruising through that list to see others builds.. love seeing what people pull off!
 EDIT: Cant link mine yet - havent been a member long enough :(
 EDIT2: Im up to #35 - nice work in there!
 EDIT 3: just keeping track of where I am in the list.. #100

 *ugh* no need to question me there Without my list this topic would not of remained intact.
As creator, designer and maker of the MR+ 1 list, , this topic really lifted off after entering it with the 195 participants that already have posted in the topic.
When I made the list I added each of the 195 members, gave each a +1 and a comment, all in about 4 workdays, after this every participant that wanted to be added , I added them to the lsit by giving each and every member a +1 and a comment, comments have the same value as the +1's as they tell the owner who left them a +1, some people seem to have been lazy and not left a comment, such +1's never count imo.
Chrome-M-Dragon copied my list for his post, as my list was most successful for thiis project, the one I made on page 30 is most up to date though.
We both agreed me to continue keeping that list up to tdate, even being on page 30, I always link people to it, so they too can see for themselves that they have been added, +1'ed and given a comment by me So without my MR +1 list this topic would of been much less populated as it is now.
So no need to question me this topic's function, I for one know exactly how this works, as creator, designer and maker of it's main function, the MR+1 list on page 30:
My systems are in it as many many others 391 to be exact, mine can be found here:
It's not that I don't mind adding new participants, but at least also leave Chrome-M-Dragon and I a +1 and a comment  Because without me keeping the MR+1 list up to date and Chrome-M-Dragon for keeping this topic intact, this project would of died off long ago and sometimes I get the feeling I have done too much for this all for nothing 
Newbies beg for +1's and comments, they even get them , from others as from me as well after I have added them, but still I feel somewhat left out, as if I am doing this all for nothing, even by not receiving all the +1's and comments I should of gotten in the first place long ago, heh
post edited by Gold Leader - 2014/03/06 06:32:14

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 06:32:27 (permalink)
But yer on with the show I guess, just added an other Core i7, this time one from GTXDJackBauer:
Although, to be honest, adding some Dual or Quad CPU systems would be nice for a change! 
All these moderate desktop consumer hardware based setups, they are neatly built, that's not it, but mainly it feels like adding a similar same thing over and over again, adding a Dual or Quad CPU based setup would just be nice for a change, my interests with computer hardware always lies greater with High-end Server & Workstation hardware it's self, which explains the thing I don't have much feelings nor interests with Desktop consumer hardware I guess
Ah well, each to their own on that behalf
But yer, that does not mean I won't add them
On with the next runner up!

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 06:40:19 (permalink)
Gold Leader
*ugh* no need to question me there Without my list this topic would not of remained intact.
As creator, designer and maker of the MR+ 1 list, , this topic really lifted off after entering it with the 195 participants that already have posted in the topic.
When I made the list I added each of the 195 members, gave each a +1 and a comment, all in about 4 workdays, after this every participant that wanted to be added , I added them to the lsit by giving each and every member a +1 and a comment, comments have the same value as the +1's as they tell the owner who left them a +1, some people seem to have been lazy and not left a comment, such +1's never count imo.
Chrome-M-Dragon copied my list for his post, as my list was most successful for thiis project, the one I made on page 30 is most up to date though.
We both agreed me to continue keeping that list up to tdate, even being on page 30, I always link people to it, so they too can see for themselves that they have been added, +1'ed and given a comment by me So without my MR +1 list this topic would of been much less populated as it is now.
So no need to question me this topic's function, I for one know exactly how this works, as creator, designer and maker of it's main function, the MR+1 list on page 30:

My systems are in it as many many others 391 to be exact, mine can be found here:

It's not that I don't mind adding new participants, but at least also leave Chrome-M-Dragon and I a +1 and a comment  Because without me keeping the MR+1 list up to date and Chrome-M-Dragon for keeping this topic intact, this project would of died off long ago and sometimes I get the feeling I have done too much for this all for nothing 
Newbies beg for +1's and comments, they even get them , from others as from me as well after I have added them, but still I feel somewhat left out, as if I am doing this all for nothing, even by not receiving all the +1's and comments I should of gotten in the first place long ago, heh

I found the new list.. and will be +1 them (I like to look at systems anyway)
But I guess I am still confused. what is the +1 for? Does it have a real use, or is it just to say.. Ive had [insert number] people like my system?
i did find your Valkyrie rig and +1'd it.. very nice... its HUGE!!! lol
still cant link mine.. but heres a picture.

i won the case and cooler (and just won a PSU and another cooler!) but everything else is old.. 3DMark11 ... 3311 lol 
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 07:58:51 (permalink)
The +1's increase your community score, it's just a way of saying hay I like your build here is my +1 , more in such sense

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 08:36:09 (permalink)
ah :) as I thought.  cool.
Now what are the ribbons?? lol
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 11:08:40 (permalink)
Here is My Latest Benching/Overclocking Rig (Hallowen #5) that I have Just started testing.
It may Not be the Prettiest Rig around, But it Does the Job....





ASUS: Rampage VI Extreme | i9-7940X | 2X RTX 2080 Ti Kingpin SLI | 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Memory - SAGER: NP9870-G | i7-6700K | GTX 980M 8GB | 64GB DDR4 | 950 PRO M.2 512GB | 17.3 QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Prema bios - EVOC Premamod:  P870TM1 | i9-9900K-LM | RTX 2080N 8GB | Modded Vapor Chamber | 32GB 3000MHz Ripjaws | 960 EVO M.2 1TB | 17.3 3K QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Intel 8265 -
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 15:38:39 (permalink)
ah :) as I thought.  cool.
Now what are the ribbons?? lol

The Blue Ribbons are earned if you have made a very good topic about a new and good looking system build, or helping someone with some helpful advice, or making maintenance guids as II have done with some VGA cards like the EVGA GTX 295 Red Editions, EVGA GTX 680 SC Signature Editions or my HD 6990.
You can also get Blue Ribbons while giving people some wise advice with certain things, or posting a mega collection you have obtained, or doing interesting mods to cases, VGA cards,or renovating old PC's and making them like new again.
So basically anything that reads as a good interesting topic will get you a Blue Ribbon for sure
Blue RIbbons also have a value of 2 EVGA Bucks each, no matter where you live, this value is always the same, they can be used as discount coins for the EVGA shop, so if you have 12 Blue Ribbons you have 24 EVGA bucks to spend as discount money on something from the EVGA shop
Or you just save them up like I do xD So it's a promotional thing, as poster you receive a Blue Ribbon for your good input, as it's EVGA's way of saying thank you for your good topic

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 15:45:10 (permalink)
@ hallowen
Nice hardware but shame about the case man, I hope you will give this monster a decent case some day.
Anyhow I left you a +1 for this thing you have made, although I am a bit disappointed that there is no case, but yer it is what it is I guess
Also added you in the list:

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 16:13:09 (permalink)
Gold Leader
@ hallowen
Nice hardware but shame about the case man, I hope you will give this monster a decent case some day.
Anyhow I left you a +1 for this thing you have made, although I am a bit disappointed that there is no case, but yer it is what it is I guess
Also added you in the list:

Thanks, and While I Appreciate the +1 Gold Leader, Just Attempting to Put All this Hardware in a Case (Even a Very LARGE Case) Would be Very Difficult to say the Least and would be Similar to Telling Kingpin and Other Extreme Overclockers that use DICE/LN2 for Cooling the CPU's/GPU's and MB's to Enclose Their Rigs, which if You have Followed this Ultimate Form of Benching/Overclocking is Highly Unlikely due to the need of having constant accessibility to the Components.

ASUS: Rampage VI Extreme | i9-7940X | 2X RTX 2080 Ti Kingpin SLI | 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Memory - SAGER: NP9870-G | i7-6700K | GTX 980M 8GB | 64GB DDR4 | 950 PRO M.2 512GB | 17.3 QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Prema bios - EVOC Premamod:  P870TM1 | i9-9900K-LM | RTX 2080N 8GB | Modded Vapor Chamber | 32GB 3000MHz Ripjaws | 960 EVO M.2 1TB | 17.3 3K QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Intel 8265 -
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/06 18:56:28 (permalink)
Well Size matters not and that isn't much hardware, well not from what I have seen from many of friends from 2CPU.com a place where I too come from
Not to sound in a senseless way, but I know plenty people that have four graphics cards or even more in one case even with a Dual Xeon or Quad Opteron setups...
JayVenturi for one has something similar but with 4-Way SLI EVGA GTX Titan SC's in his Dual 8-Core Intel Xeon E5 2690 and an EVGA SR-X, which you can see here:
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2690's 
192 GB Kingston ram 1600mhz default, ecc reg 
EVGA 4-Way SLI EVGA GeForce GTX Titan SuperCLocked PCI-E 6144MB 384Bit GDDR5
EVGA 1500w power supply 
LSI 9271-8i raid controller, 1GB DDR3 cache 
8 Crucial M4 SSD 512gb each 
4 Intel 520 SSD 180gb each 
10 fans 
2 liquid coolers  
BMW mouse 
Max Red keyboard 
3 Samsung monitors (2560*1440 each) 
B&W speakers 
BlueRay burner 
CaseLabs MHT10 
Windows 7 64 bit ultimate, Ubuntu, Hackintosh
He got this in a case, which does make your system dwarfed when it comes to sheer size
So that being said, I even think that putting your setup in a case will even be less work than this Dual E5
Even I have built numerous Dual CPU setups and easily got them in any type of case, nothing much to it really
Lian Li makes ideal cases which makes them very easily accessible from all sides
This would be the ideal case for your setup then:
Lian Li PC-T60 Pitstop Test Bench:

Please don't forget to give my systems a +1 and a comment too!
385.) Gold Leader - Valkyrie SMP 2014
139.) Gold Leader - Blue-Leader SMP 2009
250.) Gold Leader - Firefox SMP 2006
251.) Gold Leader - Sveta SMP 2004
377.) Gold Leader - Stealth 2001
281.) Gold Leader - Gradinko SMP 2000
298.) Gold Leader - Avenger M99 
post edited by Gold Leader - 2014/03/06 19:01:16

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 04:57:56 (permalink)
!!! Modrigs crashed!
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 05:19:24 (permalink)
Yes, I Agree there may be SOME Open-Style Platforms Available that could be used for "High End" Systems, But Even Those would Still be Difficult and Not needed with the Type of System Operations that employ Extreme Cooling Methods that are in use Today and similar to what I plan on doing eventually.
BTW: I Noticed JayVenturi Doesn't Have any Benchmark Scores in his Mods Rigs????
Kind of Hard to Know How His System Performs, But then Again it Looks Nice and Neat, Doesn't It?
Anyway, Just For Some Examples, Look at THE Top Benching/Overclocking Rigs by Kingpin.
Do You See Any Cases?


post edited by hallowen - 2014/03/07 10:46:24

ASUS: Rampage VI Extreme | i9-7940X | 2X RTX 2080 Ti Kingpin SLI | 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Memory - SAGER: NP9870-G | i7-6700K | GTX 980M 8GB | 64GB DDR4 | 950 PRO M.2 512GB | 17.3 QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Prema bios - EVOC Premamod:  P870TM1 | i9-9900K-LM | RTX 2080N 8GB | Modded Vapor Chamber | 32GB 3000MHz Ripjaws | 960 EVO M.2 1TB | 17.3 3K QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Intel 8265 -
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 12:26:12 (permalink)
Well those are totally not acceptable MODS RIGS systems I'd add in my list anyway, to be very honest I find them ugly, boring and they lack style 
Kinda off topic imo, but lol, I can't care what Kingpin has  Heck I don't even know the guy, sorry, but that leaves me cold, even that has little to do with MODS RIGS xD
A case is a minimum to enter my list, it's mainly about posting modded systems with at least a case, that hold wonderful builds with neat mods, or just plain builds that show some good cable management.
I mean it would be easy for anyone to make a system on a piece of cardboard or a mobo tray of a case even,  although I'd report such a build as a faulty one, quite simple on my end.
Aas for JayVenturi? Well to tell you the truth, JayVenturi is a lot like me, Futuremark products are highly inaccurate and the results are always unreliable, they say absolutely nothing on how your system will perform in the game, application or simulator you plan on running it with, so as that goes? Futuremark is totally useless, I never liked it myself anyway
So due to that, such over commercialized programs shall never be found on any of my systems nor the ones from JayVenturi and other 2CPU.com friends of mine, we prefer the real stuff and mostly the apps, games or simulations you plan on running have a a much more accurate benchmark utility themselves
Although there are a few exceptions such as the following:
BarsWF x64 CUDA Client:
I even have a topic for test results of this cool and accurate testing program, which is here:
Maxon Cinebench 11.5 x64:
Pass Mark Performance Test  x64:
Voodooalert's Hx264 Render test:
This is a benchmark program a friend of mine from Austria made.
And there may be a few more as well, but these are at the least more accurate when it comes to real time performance than anything Futuremark can give, that's for sure :P
post edited by Gold Leader - 2014/03/07 12:31:27

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 12:42:31 (permalink)
No Problem Here, Different Strokes for Different Folks..... 
Everyone has Different Tastes whether it be Computers, Cars or Lifestyles, and I Guess You are saying the Futuremark Benchmarks that are Used by EVGA and Vince (Kingpin) in the Research and Development of All the New EVGA Graphics Cards, Power Supplies and Motherboards that come out are a Waste of Time, But That is Just MHO. 

ASUS: Rampage VI Extreme | i9-7940X | 2X RTX 2080 Ti Kingpin SLI | 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Memory - SAGER: NP9870-G | i7-6700K | GTX 980M 8GB | 64GB DDR4 | 950 PRO M.2 512GB | 17.3 QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Prema bios - EVOC Premamod:  P870TM1 | i9-9900K-LM | RTX 2080N 8GB | Modded Vapor Chamber | 32GB 3000MHz Ripjaws | 960 EVO M.2 1TB | 17.3 3K QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Intel 8265 -
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 17:31:12 (permalink)
OK guys, lets love all rigs regardless of their upbringing :P *jokes* Anyway, I HAVE been keeping an eye on things here and there and will be updating post one. I would like a few PM's regarding what is classified as a mods rig. I do enjoy looking at LN2/exreme cooled rigs, but are they worthy of a MODS RIGS +1? Also, pictures are and still will continue to be a must, even if it's only one (of the inside I hope) Get them images up! NOw i'ma update post one with the full list and we will see what happens from then on!

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 18:07:57 (permalink)
As creator & maker of the MR +1 list myself, I came to the conclusion to remove hallowen's system from my list, it isn't MR +1 worthy, as it lacks a case which all of the other 391 participants do have, sorry, but it does not meet the requirements for this project, my final verdict stands
An other thing, if people give people +1's could you please read the comment I did place on page 30; which reads the following:
To make things easier for us all, I would really like for the +1 givers to also leave a comment for every +1 they are passing, hereby the MODS RIGS owner will know from who he or she got the +1 from
Many thanks for your understanding.
post edited by Gold Leader - 2014/03/13 22:04:41

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 19:02:17 (permalink)
Well gold leader what is a mods rig if not a modification of a pc. Case or no case (which can be considered a modification) I think it should be allowed. Discrimination against the caseless is wrong, and your right it is a list you made and work hard in, but this project stopped being ours long ago, this is the communities.

People are, well, only Human. We know that. The rule of law is borne out in identifying, condemning, and punishing those who violate the standards on which we all agree. This is exactly what we do in america. -James Inhofe
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/07 19:39:35 (permalink)
Well, Thanks Anyway for Your Decision and Since I see I've Got No Choice in this Matter even if I DID get the Chance to Put everything in a Benching Case as per Your Description, It's Your Thread You Created Anyway and You Have Every Right to Decide Whatever System You Deem Good Enough to Include/Exclude from Your Lists.
Like I Mentioned Before, All the Rigs in the EVGA Forums are Not Built to the Same Exact Standards or Operational Characteristics since there are Many Types of Individual System being Built that will vary with the Desired Outcome and Application to be obtained. 

ASUS: Rampage VI Extreme | i9-7940X | 2X RTX 2080 Ti Kingpin SLI | 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Memory - SAGER: NP9870-G | i7-6700K | GTX 980M 8GB | 64GB DDR4 | 950 PRO M.2 512GB | 17.3 QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Prema bios - EVOC Premamod:  P870TM1 | i9-9900K-LM | RTX 2080N 8GB | Modded Vapor Chamber | 32GB 3000MHz Ripjaws | 960 EVO M.2 1TB | 17.3 3K QHD 120Hz Matte G-Sync | Intel 8265 -
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/08 14:36:47 (permalink)
With all the square footage you need I think the "Room" qualifies as a suitable case

eVGA RTX 3090 Kingpin Hydrocopper | eVGA X299 Dark | Intel i9 10980XE | Heatkiller IV CPU Block | 32 GB GSkill Trident Z 3200  | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo | Dual Corsair AX1200i PSU's | Dual Koolance RP-1000 Pumps | Dual Koolance EHX-1320 4x120mm Rads | W10 | Asus PB278Q | Acer 20" | Razer Death Stalker | Razer Death Adder | Thermaltake Armor+
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/08 18:29:17 (permalink)
Well Gold Leader what is a mods rig if not a modification of a pc. Case or no case (which can be considered a modification) I think it should be allowed. Discrimination against the caseless is wrong, and your right it is a list you made and work hard in, but this project stopped being ours long ago, this is the communities.

The MR +1 List I created and made on page 30 of this thread for this topic & place shall always be my work, even I made it to support this project of yours, I did that since I thought it may be helpful, since you are an old friend of mine, helping a friend with a creation like this list of of mine, just seemed to contain the right helpful motive.
All 391 systems in that list have a modded case, so adding PC's without a case just feels wrong and not fitting to the concept, that is why I thought about it and removed it as that reason goes
MODS RIGS is about case mods and if one of the main ingredients is missing, that being the case it's self, I just can't seem to add it in, simply because it would be senseless
As for discrimination? Huuu? That has certainly not taken place here, I am not discriminating people for their skin colour, what country they are coming from or for their disabilities..
If you can state that anywhere, now is the time to do so  
It could be that I have misread or misunderstood things you said, but it didn't come over that well I think
post edited by Gold Leader - 2014/03/13 22:04:16

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/08 20:16:54 (permalink)
i kinda think a MODded rig would be any PC thats not pre-built... and while I think the PC's with no case are odd, and not very fun too look at, they still are modified pc's. They should be on the list.
Mine, is not very exciting, but will get better over time (im very new to modding) and all I did was run my wires behind the MB... lame yeah.
If you want to get picky, then go through that list and remove the bad links, and the ones that dont have 3Dmark11 scores as required by EVGA? Just my opinion :) 
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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/09 05:49:19 (permalink)
*ugh* 3DMark is irrelevant to this project, well to my list anything Futuremark biassed has no function, neither on my systems, all furutremark products are regarded garbage imo, you shall never find a single useless futuremark product on any of my systems that would give me horrendous shivers 
Those scores highly inaccurate of how a system really performs, as for them world champion 3D mark events? Meh, those scores only count for Futuremark's massive commercialized program, just promoting them even that these scores have little effects in the games themselves... it's more about money feed for that company than making it count for as real time use, sorry but such events are a waste of time, money and regarded useless for real world use
When I build a system I don't plan running 3D Mark on it all day, that would be a major waste of time, money [power wise] and system's functions
But yer, if people like that software, it's all up to them to use it of course
Anyhow, the MR +1 list I created and made is a list as a reference of all the modded systems of the EVGA computing communitiy, it's okay to add your 3D mark sore, but it's still irrelevant to the +1's verdict, the +1 should be given on how a system is built, what you like about it and that may differ per system of course!
And yes I will give it a cleanup this week, I just had a lot of things on my mind, a good friend also just passed away within my Descent Club, so sorry for not being much here lately
post edited by Gold Leader - 2014/03/13 22:03:54

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Re:MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! 2014/03/09 18:53:10 (permalink)
oh, i agree... COMPLETELY about futuremark.. my last pc was ruined by it. Something went haywire when running it and I wound up starting from scratch and having to re-install everything. I only ran it to get included in the slim chance to win the $1k upgrades. (boy do I need it! lol) Im just glad it didnt crash and completed the "test"
Now, if anyone is in need of a new build idea... TITANFALL! :) that would make a sweet pc. 
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Re: ***MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! (PLEASE READ 1st POST!- Updated 3/7/2014*** 2014/03/09 23:35:42 (permalink)
Nice!! +1's to all ;)
Hit me back :]
Will post more builds later on....
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Re: ***MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! (PLEASE READ 1st POST!- Updated 3/7/2014*** 2014/03/10 02:51:33 (permalink)
+1 for you mrinfinit3, looks great.

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Re: ***MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! (PLEASE READ 1st POST!- Updated 3/7/2014*** 2014/03/10 22:06:28 (permalink)

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Re: ***MODS RIGS, Get your +1 Here! (PLEASE READ 1st POST!- Updated 3/7/2014*** 2014/03/11 15:39:10 (permalink)
Well......Not to nit pic.....But if you look a bit closer, he does in fact have his setup in a case. Which is modded to house his open setup.
Might not be the prettiest setup on the list, but that is a case.

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