Re: Loosing weight
2014/12/29 13:10:09
I recently lost 50 pounds over a three month time frame. I was doing it on advice from my surgeon before my surgery and to assure I would have a good outcome from my surgery. I needed to lower my blood sugar and to get my overall body into a much better condition. Actually during the time I lost the weight, I was not very active. I changed what and how I ate. I began to eat salad every night for dinner. You need a protein, as many have said, so I add chicken or turkey to it. For dressing, I only use balsamic vinegar. There are too many dressings that add more calories than you realize, so watching that is important. I do not eat lunch. I eat an English muffin for breakfast with peanut butter. I do drink a great deal of water. I do not drink soda or much with sugar, although I do drink coffee in the morning with sugar and cream. I also drink a lot of milk.
These changes have happened while being somewhat sedentary. I will begin to start doing a low impact work out, basically on an elliptical, after the new year. One thing to remember is that muscle weighs more than fat. When doing a workout to lose weight you need to be careful, as losing inches may outpace losing the weight. This is more important. I have reduced two suit sizes at this point and I am now wear a size I wore in high school. I need an entire new wardrobe. Never thought this would happen. Amazing how life has a way of prioritizing things when necessary and you always find a way to what is best when presented with the opportunity.
Good luck on your efforts.