Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs

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2020/05/20 12:12:38 (permalink)
I suppose this partly could be a WTB?? but looking more for info, but I have been searching the interwebz and scoureing for at least a few months (or however long its been with my folding farm), and I want to add some 8X pcie GPUs (the boxes do not have 16X risers and getting those are so hard to do that 8x is easier to look for) to aid in the folding process, though I have to admit that 12 cores seem to be doing fairly well on there own.

So my question is this, does anyone know of ANY PCIE 8x GPUS that I could slap into my boxes? the boxes are older servers (IBM X3650 M3) and if I can keep them as single slot GPUs I could fit up to 4 per server (8 total with both).

Thanks for the help.
post edited by Jim74205 - 2020/05/20 12:14:01


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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/20 12:59:44 (permalink)
    A x16 card will work in an x8 slot, but will be limited to x8 speeds...
    Looking at that board, that's PCIe 2.0 x8 slots as well. I'd think a 2060 (or 2) would be the most you'd wanna put into it as it's going to bottleneck.
    post edited by castrator86 - 2020/05/20 13:03:29

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/20 13:18:19 (permalink)
    What he said, all PCIe cards will work in any slot. What you have to make sure of is that the slots are open-ended, because most GPUs use a physical x16 connector. As long as the x8 slots you're using are open-ended you can put any GPU in them. 

    Have water, will cool. 
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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/21 05:25:23 (permalink)
    They are not open-ended and I am really not wanting to mod them if i don't have to, hence why I figured I could attempt to find some 8x cards...I know I could mod the slots, but I am trying to keep that as an absolute last resort type thing if that makes sense.

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/21 07:17:09 (permalink)
    What about USB pcie x1 extensions?
    I've used them many times with good results for folding/crunching.
    Obviously you wont be gaming with this configuration but the performance hit should be small for folding and the alternative is not being able to run the GPU at all or modding the slot.
    You could get/make a mining style GPU rack and mount outside the case.

    post edited by Opolis - 2020/05/21 07:26:25

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/21 07:35:38 (permalink)
    Obviously you wont be gaming with this configuration but the performance hit should be small for folding and the alternative is not being able to run the GPU at all or modding the slot.
    You could get/make a mining style GPU rack and mount outside the case.

    This is probably your best bet with that setup... then get some low power 1660s or the 2060KOs in there.

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/22 03:07:08 (permalink)
    What about USB pcie x1 extensions?
    I've used them many times with good results for folding/crunching.
    Obviously you wont be gaming with this configuration but the performance hit should be small for folding and the alternative is not being able to run the GPU at all or modding the slot.
    You could get/make a mining style GPU rack and mount outside the case.


    I have used those with seti with good results however when I tried folding on that rig my ppd was reduced by 2/3rds. However it was also on a mining board which could be the reason. I switched to this style (below) on a different rig.

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/26 09:53:20 (permalink)
    They have PCIE x8 to x16 risers.
    They do rise the GPU by about 0.75", which works in case your motherboard is horizontal, and the GPUs are vertical.
    You'll have to remove the front mounting lip (it won't mount in your case), but can rest safely on the riser.
    I wouldn't go with USB risers, as they are limited to x1 speeds.
    You also can look into your bios.
    Chances are that your slot isn't serving x8 speeds, but lower, due to other GPUs occupying PCIE lanes.
    In that case, you can use a PCIE x4 ribbon riser, or x1 risers as well.
    Anything x8 or lower needs to be powered.
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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/28 14:52:33 (permalink)
    I just want to make sure you guys are aware this is an actual server (2U server) that I am talking about, I can post a picture if requested, but the server lives in a server rack inside a server farm, so space is limited (hence why im trying to find a GPU that can just pop into the 8x slot and be happy), I am sure I could jerry-rig something if I had to use the risers and other things like that but I am trying to avoid that for obvious reasons. but I do appreciate the options provided

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/29 08:52:26 (permalink)
    Limited space is always a problem.
    Are the GPUs half size?
    Does your server only accepts blower type, or also open type GPUs?
    Also what's the max slot width for the GPU? (1, 2, 2.5, or 3 slots)?
    Fourth, can they even get cooling inside the case? PCIE 8x without pcie 6/8 pin cables, could mean you're limited to about 50-60 Watts GPU max.
    That would mean very old and slow GPUs.
    Aside from cutting open the back of the slot, you can also cut a slit on a pcie x16 GPU on the pcie Lanes, to make it fit a closed x8 slot.
    post edited by ProDigit - 2020/05/29 08:54:01
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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/29 09:20:15 (permalink)
    They are full height brackets, so thats not an issue, just space externally is, I have a max of 2 slots, but if possible would like to keep to 1 slot GPUs IF possible, cooling is handled by fans, this is a server so it has active cooling that is always on

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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/31 09:48:07 (permalink)
    There are a lot of factors to take into consideration in that design.
    My personal opinion, is, the highest compatibility probably lies with a Quadro-P series GPU on this server.
    Check your BIOS revision date. It probably won't be able to support GPUs beyond it's revision date.

    I've looked at the specs of this server, and it doesn't even list any compatible GPUs at all.
    More than likely, GTX 1600 series or newer, and RTX Quadro GPUs aren't supported, because they're probably going to be newer than your BIOS will be.
    If you do want to run GPUs, because of the design; unless you run the case open, or cut/drill out a hole where fans are running on an open cooler GPU, open cooler designs are out of the question.
    Meaning you'll be stuck with a blower type GPU.
    Luckily most Quadros P-series are blower type. So even here Quadros are preferred.
    Or, a higher end Quadro K-series, like a Quadro K6000.

    The x8 slots are PCIE 2.0, and for network or SSD adapters. Not sure if the 8 lanes are shared, or if it's x8 per PCIE slot.
    Since it's PCIE 2.0 at x8 speeds max, any GPUs faster than a Quadro P6000 (~RTX 2070) are going to be PCIE bottlenecked.
    If it's x4, you'll be looking for a Quadro P2000 (equivalent of a GTX 1650). 
    I wouldn't go below Quadro K6000, M4000, or P2000. Not worth it.

    Anywhere between a P2000 and P6000 on the second hand websites, like Ebay; where they go from $100-600 second hand depending on the model.
    Just don't buy the 'Quadro 2000', it is MUCH slower than the 'Quadro P2000'.
    I would recommend you to purchase either a few items of these 90 degrees risers:

    Or these, that are a little taller (whichever would fit):

    Buy a couple, and use a grinder, saw, or steel file, to file off a little cut so the x16 slot would fit in an x8 slot.
    It's a better solution than modifying the x8 slot on your server, or modifying your GPU.
    post edited by ProDigit - 2020/05/31 10:11:46
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    Re: Looking for PCIE 8x GPUs 2020/05/31 21:53:16 (permalink)
    well the board its self is a 16x, the riser is a 8X x2, I need to do some measurements but if that is the right size and that is a 16x to 16x riser that would solve issues....

    also when it comes to the quadro series cards I know almost next to nothing on those as I never had a need to use them nor did I have a need to really put time into figureing out what is what with the quadro cards and the associated designations.
    post edited by Jim74205 - 2020/05/31 21:56:06

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