Re: Is the M.2 really an mSATA on the Z97 FTW?
2014/11/18 10:16:03
I think EVGA really dropped the ball here. Even though I have determined what the specs on the slot are, an E-key interface and 22mmx32mm card, I can not find any official documentation on these specs from EVGA, even within the motherboard manual. How in the world is anyone supposed to make an informed decision on if the slot is going to be useful to one if the important specs aren't given out with the other specs of the board? I know the M.2 can be used for other items also, but the most common usage of the slot seems to be for an ssd so I kind of assumed on my part that that is what it was going to be used for. And that is what the ASUS gaming motherboards boards are using it for.