How reliable is Whattomine?

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Wednesday, March 07, 2018 6:42 PM (permalink)
I have taken an interest in cryptomining for a couple months, but have not bought anything yet, stumbled on the website Whattomine.com and wonder what anyone thinks of it, useful tool, misleading, inaccurate, etc?

I use the web calculator to come up with best fit configurations to start, as a pilot project. But with the top coins to mine changing everyday, short of running multiple systems dedicated to different coins, what could I do?

I want to get into this, but where I live the rate is between 40-47 cents per kWhr after all fees. Do I find a small industrial office to rent for cheaper electricity?
post edited by lehpron - Wednesday, March 07, 2018 6:47 PM

For Intel processors, 0.122 x TDP = Continuous Amps at 12v [source].  

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    Re: How reliable is Whattomine? Wednesday, March 07, 2018 7:11 PM (permalink)
    At that rate you are getting shafted and that makes mining for a profit near impossible. The only thing i can recommend is do it as a hobby for a while and learn more of the in and outs of mining and if you want to take it seriously you will have to find power rates much lower than that to be profitable.

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    Re: How reliable is Whattomine? Wednesday, March 07, 2018 7:16 PM (permalink)
    I mine on nicehash and the data on whattomine.com seems pretty right-on.
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    Re: How reliable is Whattomine? Thursday, March 08, 2018 1:02 AM (permalink)
    Whattomine is great.  The same coins are usually always in the top, depends on your cards.  Your power costs are horrific though so it might not even be worth it.


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    Re: How reliable is Whattomine? Thursday, March 08, 2018 7:47 AM (permalink)
    I live in Lakeside, CA, which is east county San Diego; I'm renting a room with my friend and his dad in a house.  They are so conservative with power that our month allowance baseline is low, like 278 kwh.  Tier 1 up to 130% usage, it's 15 cents, then it goes to 32 cents up to 400% for Tier 2, then 39 cents thereafter for Tier 3.  But there is a 7.7 cent fees per every kwhr that San Diego Gas & Electric adds in. 

    Regular house usage averages all the 130%, so any additional (such as if I started a rig with GPUs or a single ASIC) would occupy all the second tier, so the average might as well be 40 cents per kwhr.

    There is a consideration to get a 5.2kw solar panel setup just to reduce regular summer usage, which normally averages 700kwh per month, but I don't know what impact it would have to reduce my share, so to speak.  So yeah, I might only get started as a hobby to get everything together.

    But my friend was the one that suggested I rent an industrial space, since power rates are lower (half as much), but space rental is like triple my current room rental, plus I'd need more investment than money I'm making to bother.  

    For Intel processors, 0.122 x TDP = Continuous Amps at 12v [source].  

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    Re: How reliable is Whattomine? Thursday, March 08, 2018 9:07 PM (permalink)
    Within it's limits, whattomine is a fairly good "ballpark" guide.
    I lived near Lakeside (Santee, El Cajon, and East San Diego almost into El Cajon right off El Cajon blvd) and worked there for a while, in my years in San Diego - didn't realize electric rates had gotten THAT insane since I left the area in '89 though I remember them being pretty high even when I lived in the area.
    At those prices, SOLAR MAKES SENSE, given lots of sunshine and very few cloudy days most years - even without state and federal "credits" and subsidies.
    If you're going to get serious about cryptocoin mining, you need to leave the excellent SoCal climate (AND crowding) and move somewhere that electric is cheap, like the "land of low cost electric" in 3 counties of Central Washington (which has a similar climate to San Diego area, but about 10 degrees F cooler in the winter).

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