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If you are experiencing any issues with Precision X1 there are multiple steps that can be taken to help resolve the issue. Sometimes, other programs can conflict with Precision X1 so the first thing to check for is that any other overclocking or customization software is closed before launching Precision X1.
First and foremost, please ensure that you are running Precision X1 as an administrator. You can do this by right-clicking on the program icon and select "Run as Administrator." Due to security requirements with newer NVIDIA drivers, Precision X1 may have to be run as administrator at all times.
But if issues remain after closing any extraneous programs, we would recommend trying the following steps:
1) Uninstall Precision X1 from the system and then delete the application directories from:
2) Ensure that the Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable is installed from the link here:
3) Uninstall all drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller, linked here: and then reboot the system.
4) Install the latest NVIDIA drivers from the link here: and then power off the system completely. It is recommended to unplug or shut off the power supply for about 2-3 minutes to ensure the graphics card has completely discharged.
5) Power on the system then reinstall the latest version of Precision X1 from the link here: Then launch the program as an administrator and check that any problems have been resolved.
If you continue to experience issues while using Precision X1, our 24-hour Technical Support team is happy to assist you. You can contact us by calling: 1-888-881-3842 or by e-mailing us at: