GeForce 6200 LE

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2009/11/17 10:19:17 (permalink)
I had the hard drive cleaned on my old HP Compaq Presario 6000 since I was down to less than 50% free space (33GB)
I downloaded the files I wanted to keep to an external hard drive but my FMS (flight model simulator) didn't make it so I had to get another simulator.
I got ClearView but it needed a 3D graphics card.
I had to get an AGP card and got the GeForce 6200 LE.  I didn't want to wait so I did the install but couldn't get a picture, just a quick message that my monitor was out of frequency range and to lower the frequency.
The frequency was already at it's lowest setting (60 Hertz) and a call to the place of purchase said the lower frequenct is for an LCD, my VGA monitor needs 73 Hertz.  I don't have this option but I set it to 75 Hertz.  I still have no picture on my monitor.  Just a breif message that it's out of frequency range but now it says to lower resolution.  After trying several settings and getting nowhere, I took it back to the shop.
They got it working even though my settings are the same as when I started, 1024 x 768 pixels and 60 Hertz.
Maybe it just needed the driver installed but I remembered the gut saying that the driver could cause problems too so I removed it again and took it to the pros.
Now my monitor works and the simulator works. 
My poblem is that when I awaken my PC from standby mode, it takes about a minute to come on and the first thing I see is a blue screen that reads;  (only shows for about 5 second, I took photo)
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
The problem seems to be caused by the following file: nv4_disp
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.  If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
The device driver got stuck in an infinite loop.  This usually indicates problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly.
Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates.
Technical info:
*** STOP: 0x000000EA (0x8656D020, 0x86C892C0, 0xF7A9DCB4, 0x00000001)
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.
This goes off and a few seconds later windows starts up, monitor comes up as normal and everything works OK...until morning start-up.
The first time I reported it to the guy that worked on it said "This is like a "ticking sound" on your car, it needs to be resolved or it may become a bigger problem.
I called Micro Computer Technologies, Inc,  where I had it installed and they said bring it in and they would check it out.
When I got there, the guy told me to do 3 things;
Check for windows updates - Done
Uninstall unecessary software - Done
Don't use hybernation/standby mode, just leave it on and turn off the monitor at night - didn't do.  I want it to function normally.
I ran an error check and it said to upload DirectX 9.0 or newer - I downloaded DirectX 9.0...no change
It also said
This sytem has recovered from a serious error.
Send error report - done.
It then took me to a page to update display adapter.
The guy that did the install said he didn't use the CD to download the driver, he went to their websit so he would get the latest version so that should be good.
I called the guy that installed my GeForce card and he said look for answers in google.
They didn't have PC's when I went to school so I don't even know what to ask for. 
All I know is what the Blue Screen said, check for driver updates. 
I did a windows update, "express install" and got - No high priority updates are available, check for optional updates in "custom"  I didn't go there.
While searching for a DirectX 9.0 install, I read something that led me to search for problems with drX and windows XP and found this page that shows compatability with Geforce 6600 and 6800. 
My GeForce 6200 isn't listed BUT listed in the Features for the 6200 is "Complete Microsoft DirectX 9.0"   so it may already be on the card but I downloaded DirectX anyway.  Maybe  a conflict here?
 I opened the NVidia GeForce 6200 properties window and got
This device is working properly, if you are having problems, start the Troubleshooter.
I did but didn't see anything that would apply.
I called Microsoft Help 24/7 number, for $139.00  I can get 12 months of service...I said I only need one day, not 12 months.  I've gotten thru yrs without a problem untill now.
Any advise appreciated or I guess I'll try the shop where I had it worked on or maybe try a diferrent place.
post edited by dfemmert - 2009/11/17 14:36:04

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    Re:GeForce 6200 LE 2009/11/28 17:52:43 (permalink)
    i recently bought a geforce 6200 video card for my windows vista home premium 32-bit.. but when i put it in my computer and boot it up all it shows is a black screen and my monitor doesn't find the signal for my computer..and i double checked that the cable were hooked up correctly from the video card to the monitor.
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    Re:GeForce 6200 LE 2009/11/28 19:35:15 (permalink)
    The guy that did the install said he didn't use the CD to download the driver, he went to their websit so he would get the latest version so that should be good.

    This sounds funny, but I would uninstall that video driver.

    To uninstall the video driver the simple way, open the Windows Control Panel.  Navigate to and open the Device Manager.  Expand the Display Adapter item in the Device Manager list.  Right-click the 6200LE and select Uninstall.  Reboot the computer.

    Once the computer reboots, install the driver which came on the CD which came with the 6200LE.

    Why am I recommending this?
    Contrary to popular belief, the newest driver is not always the best.  NVIDIA operates on the "unified driver architecture" method which means that any driver is supposed to work for a whole series of video cards not just one specific video card.  This is a nice approach, but does not always work great in practice.  Newer drivers don't always work well for older video cards.
    I had issues with a 6200 PCI video card.  I had frequent BSODs.  I tried everything.  I underclocked the video card.  I tried to keep it cool.  Etc.  I finally contacted the manufacturer to seek some help.  They told me to get rid of the new driver I had downloaded and installed when I purchased the video card.  They told me what I just told you.  And they were right.  I went back to the driver which was on the CD and had no more problems.
    Good luck.

    ASRock Z77 • Intel Core i7 3770K • EVGA GTX 1080 • Samsung 850 Pro • Seasonic PRIME 600W Titanium

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    Re:GeForce 6200 LE 2009/11/28 19:45:17 (permalink)
    Here is my full support communication with BFG:

    T Y S O N,
    Nvidia works on what they called the Unified Driver Architecture. Basically,
    this means that one driver will work with all nvidia cards. In practice,
    that's true, but newer drivers tend to work the best with newer cards, and
    sometimes perform less than optimally with older cards. In our extensive
    testing, we've noticed that the 84.21 was the last driver that worked really
    solidly with the 6200 series cards.

    Thank you,
    James E
    BFG Support

    >"T Y S O N" :
    > I like the 84.21 driver much more. So far my graphics card has not crashed
    > on me... but time will tell if this old driver fixed the problem for good.
    > The things I like about 84.21:
    > Half the size -- interface works well and doesn't have all the bells and whistles I don't need.
    > Better performance -- benchmarking revealed than 2D/GUI performance went up
    > average 6% and 3D went up a couple %'s in a couple areas. 2D shapes went up
    > the highest -- for some reason 2D shapes are consistantly 15X higher score
    > than they used to be in benchmark (passmark performance test).
    > More stable (so far).
    > Is there documentation out there which recommends this 84.21 driver to
    > people with a similar situation to mine; and is there a known reason why
    > this driver appears to work better?
    > Thank you very much.
    > >From: BFG Support
    > >
    > >T Y S O N,
    > >Does this still occur if you use the driver I recommended rather than the latest?
    > >
    > >Thank you,
    > >Tony H
    > >BFG Support
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > >"T Y S O N" 
    > > >
    > > > I just sent a previous message with an ongoing issue. It relates to
    > > > nv4_disp.dll blue screen I am recieving relating to page faults and
    > > > infinate loops. Attached is a dump of my system information.
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > >From: BFG Support
    > > > >
    > > > >T Y S O N,
    > > > >
    > > > >One thing I recommend is commonly called a 'driver scrub'. In order to perform
    > > > >a "driver scrub" you will need to perform the following steps:
    > > > >
    > > > >Download a program called Driver Cleaner PE (Professional Edition) from
    > > > ><http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=745>. You will then want to
    > > > >enter 84.21 into the search bar on <http://www.nvidia.com> and download the
    > > > >appropriate driver from the site. Once you've obtained the program and driver
    > > > >you will need to uninstall your NVIDIA drivers:
    > > > >
    > > > >Enter your Device Manager > Display Adapters > Right-click on your card
    > > >
    > > > >Properties > Driver tab > Uninstall driver
    > > > >
    > > > >Once you've selected uninstall it will prompt you to reboot, allow this and
    > > > >enter Safe Mode, using the F8 key while booting up. Once in Safe Mode you will
    > > > >want to open Driver Cleaner and select NVIDIA, click Start. Once finished you
    > > > >will want to run the driver setup and allow it to boot into windows normally
    > > > >once complete.
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >Thank you,
    > > > >Tony H
    > > > >BFG Support
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >"T Y S O N"
    > > > >
    > > > > > I have a re-occuring nv4_disp.dll crash with this BFG Technologies 6200oc
    > > > > > 256 PCI graphics card. Do you have any advice? I have the latest drivers
    > > > > > for it. The crash is apparently at complete random while running a
    > > > > > Direct X game. Happens in multiple DX9 games at random times.
    > > > > >
    > > > > > I also have a PNY geforce 5200 256 PCI graphics card that I upgraded from.
    > > > > > That card uses exactly the same drivers and doesn't give me any difficulties.
    > > > > >

    ASRock Z77 • Intel Core i7 3770K • EVGA GTX 1080 • Samsung 850 Pro • Seasonic PRIME 600W Titanium

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