Your card is operating normally as designed using
GPU Boost 2.0 Technology to maximize performance until the GPU hits the predetermined Temperature Target of 80C..The Maximum GPU Temperature is 92C (as you know) and the GPU itself is designed to operate up to that temperature all day, every day, for many years, just like a CPU..What can become a problem though is thermal stress and electromigration damage/deterioration at an atomic level in the microstructure. Effects of thermal stress and electromigration occur naturally and are exacerbated or reduced by increases/decreases in temperature/current.
Moving quickly beyond all that, don't worry about your card running at 80C, at all, because it should last for years like that, but cooler is better.
EVGA PrecisionX or MSI Afterburner make no changes unless you intentionally make them yourself..Generally speaking, most settings can be quickly and easily undone and returned to stock settings by hitting the Default or Reset buttons should you make changes, so don't worry about that either.
To manually create a fan speed profile in PrecisionX, simply click on the Fan Curve button and Enable Automatic Fan Control..On the graph that appears, click on a setpoint and drag it to where you want it, or use the up/down/left/right arrow keys on your keyboard for more precise movement..You can delete setpoints by clicking on them (to highlight) and hitting the Del key on your keyboard..You can add setpoints by clicking on the line..You can change fan speed curve to steps by double-clicking anywhere in a blank area of the graph..You can also use the predefined Agressive or Quiet fan speed profiles..MSI Afterburner is basically the same..Pretty simple..No worries.
Should you have any concerns/questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask..And welcome to the forums, btw.