GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb

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Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb 2012/07/08 14:58:45 (permalink)

Asus Sabertooth x99
5930k (4.5ghz)
16gb Corsair DDR4 (3000)
EVGA 1000w psu
Zotac 980ti x 2
Samsung 850 pro 500 SSD
HPLP3065 30in Monitor 2560x1600
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Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb 2012/07/08 17:19:48 (permalink)
Hehe yea, this issue has been debated quite a bit already.
And the answer is plain and simple, just buy whatever you want, whatever you can afford, and enjoy it.
The future is always going to put your hardware to shame no matter what you buy, so dont look at future proofing anything, because the future is relative to what you are going to spend to upgrade to what comes out in the future.
The example of the new retinal displays is a good example.
People who have 1 1920x1080p monitor now, would be fine with 2GB. That is true. So buy the 4GB to future proof. Thats a good point. But the resolution is exactly 4x more at 3840x2160.  So you now need 4x the gpu power, and the vram. So was 4GB of vram really enough to future proof? Id say its unlikely.  And the only way to keep maintain your FPS, would be to go from the 1 card you had, to quad sli.  But now you still have a vram issue. 
Surround at 11520x2160 is going to require much more than 4GB VRAM. I dont think anyone will doubt that.
So the main point is, if you are going to play games today that uses 4GB at the resolution you are running, then get the 4GB.  If you cant afford that, or are running alow resolution, then just get the 2GB. When the future comes, the hardware required will come along with it.

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Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb 2012/07/08 21:39:33 (permalink)
It seems so basic and simple but here it is months later and Ikeyes post comparing 3-way sli 2gb to 3-way sli 4gb is the first I have seen. Finally, a first hand account of experience with both systems. IKEYES…HAVE A COLD ONE ON ME AND A NOMINATION FOR A RIBBON!
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Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb 2012/07/09 03:42:20 (permalink)
Doesn't the GTX 680 sport some new dynamic physics as well? Physics uses vram right? So i get some bad-ass physics along with high resolution. Sweet!

Antec 900 case (3 front 120mms)
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i7-3820 @ 3.6
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Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb 2012/07/09 08:45:03 (permalink)
ikeyes -your post is awesome, and put to bed a ton of my concerns regarding my build.  I was actually quite worried that my failure to purchase the Sniper (I got the Sabertooth) would kill me later on. 
Hey, would you spend the money on the monitors again, given the chance?  You mention being happy, but then go on and on about how it's terrible. 
So, my plan was to buy more monitors eventually but reading this thread I'm not so sure.  I'm running SLI 670s, at 1920x1200, and I spent just a bundle on this system, so I'm thinking I'm stuck at this lowly resolution for a bit.  I have a 3DTV also connected, but I haven't yet figured out how to use the 3D, I assume I have to buy more crap (Nvidia has some software thing I guess I'll try).  Meanwhile, my cheap ass PS3 works with 3DTV out of the box, it's more than a bit frustrating.
I'm also wondering, is there anyone out there that actually is USING 3 monitors in stereoscopic 3D??  Is that really a thing?  Is that even possible?  How much does that cost, like another $1500?  I mean, that's pretty much the Holodeck.  YOU HAVE A HOLODECK AND YOU'RE LIKE "OH THIS IS CRAP." 
Basically - how much more sh** do I have to buy to say I have something that's cool / unique, and not be disappointed? 
I got these things thinking "wow!", and all the reviews (take The Verge for example) are saying "hey, you are screwing up if you don't use one these cards to power a bunch of monitors" and then all the people that actually love this stuff are saying "this is pants".  My buddy gets a 570 and he's happy running BF3 at Ultra.  I'm not trying to show up my buddy, but to hear people here, it's like "hey, you should throw your cards in a fire as soon as the next pile of cards comes out because these suck."  I don't know, I thought they were pretty good? 
But I am at the point where I can't seem to get any better fps / experience without buying more...  and I'm also hearing that buying more stuff won't make my setup more enjoyable?  Or...  at least, not $500-1500 more enjoyable?  Is that correct?

i7 3770, ASUS Sabertooth Z77, 16GB 1600 G.Skill, 3X SSD, 2x HDD, 2x GTX 670 in SLI, 3X 24" ASUS VE248h + 60" 3DTV ...  Also - i7 3930K, ASROCK Extreme 6, 16GB 1600 Mushkin, 1 SSD, 1 HDD, 3x 760 in SLI
My Video Game Web Site (online since 2002!):  Stage Select - Video Game News and Information
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Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb 2012/07/11 03:57:48 (permalink)
2D Surround is the best upgrade I've done in many years, and with just two 670 FTW's I am very happy with the performance at 5760x1080 (6048x1080 bezel corrected).
I do not care for 3D anything, and I have tried it using Nvidia's setup for PC gaming as I was one of the people who was lucky enough to get the demo bundle EVGA was sending out to people to test back when it was newer.
I think trying to run games in 3D Surround on these current Kepler cards isn't going to be worth the effort, you've got to keep in mind that running 3D is essentially doubling everything you render on screen so if 2D isn't running like butter it's not a good sign for 3D... something to consider at least.
However if you know you will want to go 3D eventually, it makes sense to purchase those displays now... but for the $ I personally can highly recommend the ASUS VH236H displays that I purchased for my 2D Surround setup.  I paid $449- shipped to my door from Newegg and am very happy with them.
That specific monitor is endorsed by MLG, and if you go check out reviews on Newegg, etc, you will see that it's a time tested model.  There are newer versions of this model, but this one is proven to be excellent and the price was great as they were on sale at the time for $149- but it looks like $169- is a more typical price from Newegg at least.
I'm sure there are other great choices, and I can't suggest anything for 3D / 120Hz as I haven't looked into that at all, it's just not for me.
I would encourage you to read through this thread larsoncc:

3770K @ 4.5 (EVO)|EVGA GTX-670 FTW SLI|ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe|16GB Vengeance DDR3-1600|830 Series 256GB SSD
2D Surround @ 6048x1080 on ASUS VH236H (x3) & Dell 2405FPW @ 1920x1200 Accessory Display
Q6700 @ 3.8 on Swiftech GTZ - EVGA GTX-280 SLI @ 756/1566/1350 on Swiftech MCW60r2 & GTX200 Heatsinks
EVGA 780i P08 & Zalman ZM-1000HP - HAF-932 - Dual Loop CPU/GPU each with MCR320 & D5 (7/16" Masterkleer) Pentosin G11 1:9 & PTNuke
Surround Gamer?  This is a must have!  https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/index.php/Flawless_Widescreen
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