Re:GTX 680 2gb vs GTX 680 4gb
2012/07/09 08:45:03
ikeyes -your post is awesome, and put to bed a ton of my concerns regarding my build. I was actually quite worried that my failure to purchase the Sniper (I got the Sabertooth) would kill me later on.
Hey, would you spend the money on the monitors again, given the chance? You mention being happy, but then go on and on about how it's terrible.
So, my plan was to buy more monitors eventually but reading this thread I'm not so sure. I'm running SLI 670s, at 1920x1200, and I spent just a bundle on this system, so I'm thinking I'm stuck at this lowly resolution for a bit. I have a 3DTV also connected, but I haven't yet figured out how to use the 3D, I assume I have to buy more crap (Nvidia has some software thing I guess I'll try). Meanwhile, my cheap ass PS3 works with 3DTV out of the box, it's more than a bit frustrating.
I'm also wondering, is there anyone out there that actually is USING 3 monitors in stereoscopic 3D?? Is that really a thing? Is that even possible? How much does that cost, like another $1500? I mean, that's pretty much the Holodeck. YOU HAVE A HOLODECK AND YOU'RE LIKE "OH THIS IS CRAP."
Basically - how much more sh** do I have to buy to say I have something that's cool / unique, and not be disappointed?
I got these things thinking "wow!", and all the reviews (take The Verge for example) are saying "hey, you are screwing up if you don't use one these cards to power a bunch of monitors" and then all the people that actually love this stuff are saying "this is pants". My buddy gets a 570 and he's happy running BF3 at Ultra. I'm not trying to show up my buddy, but to hear people here, it's like "hey, you should throw your cards in a fire as soon as the next pile of cards comes out because these suck." I don't know, I thought they were pretty good?
But I am at the point where I can't seem to get any better fps / experience without buying more... and I'm also hearing that buying more stuff won't make my setup more enjoyable? Or... at least, not $500-1500 more enjoyable? Is that correct?
i7 3770, ASUS Sabertooth Z77, 16GB 1600 G.Skill, 3X SSD, 2x HDD, 2x GTX 670 in SLI, 3X 24" ASUS VE248h + 60" 3DTV ... Also - i7 3930K, ASROCK Extreme 6, 16GB 1600 Mushkin, 1 SSD, 1 HDD, 3x 760 in SLI
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