Re: First international challenge on TN-Grid 10-16 Dec 2016 (Joined)
2016/12/16 07:05:58
I really Hope you all mean Threads and you all did your HT Back On in your Bios
I have some with HT on and some with HT off.
I believe I have 264 Thread/cores running right now.
Still have my 4P 24 core and a old quad core q6600 to fire up yet.
Running out of room, and the Mrs will not let me have a few in the kitchen!!!!
Wonder why?.... lol
I hear you there...trying to keep everything contained in the bed room...we use the smallest bedroom as an "office" since we dont have a legit one...but man it gets hot...and I can't expand my little 15u rack and 5 towers are housed here for the moment =(. Only computers outside are the plex server by the tv (for the moment) and the mrs' computer in the master bedroom.
On another note....should be getting my 2670's in today ^_^. 32 new (used) cores...yay. Now if only EK will hurry up and get me my AIO cooler...I can finish hooking up my new 6850k =(.
post edited by wizanhi - 2016/12/16 07:07:40

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