Guide to painting inside your case

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2010/10/26 04:32:13 (permalink)
As there is a few pepole on here that are interested in painting inside their case i thought i would help out on how i do it, i have used gloss and satin finish`s but have found that a matt finish look`s the best.

Take your case apart it will give you a better finish in the end.

List of part`s

1/ Etch Primer

2/ Simoniz Engine Enamel (matt)

3/ Wet & Dry 320/400 Grit

4/ Blue painter masking tape (low tak) if you need it.

5/ Dust Mask (for spraying)

6/ Lint free cloth (old cotton t-shirt will do )

7/ Plenty of hot soapy water.

8/ Sanding block

9/ Clean area to spray(oustside or garage)

Let`s get started.

Wash down the panel`s with soapy water to get rid of dust,this should help to degrease the panel as well as getting it ready for sanding.

Put the 320 grit wet & dry on your sanding block,if you have a very small part to do dont bother with the block,have a basin or bucket of fresh soapy water at hand and place the block on the panel and start rubbing it down do this until the area is covered with very fine scratches and feel`s smooth to touch,when you are happy with this part get some more fresh soapy water and a sponge to clean the panel down,this will get rid of any aluimium/metal part`s that came of when sanding down.

Rinse with clean water this is when a shower will come in handy,dry off with a cloth and leave for a few hours(about 2)

Now your panel is dry get your lint free cloth and give it a good rub down to remove and dust and so on,now your ready to spray the etch primer,give the can a good shake for about 10mins or so then place it in a jug of luke warm water this will help the paint to flo out the can better,before you spray give the can a few squirt`s in the air to get the paint going sometime`s it could clog and start spitting and this will ruin your effort`s. (use your mask)

Hold the can about 7" away from the panel,do any edge`s first and then spray from side to side,very light coats as we dont want any run`s,every now and then give the can a shake,now leave for about 15 mins,turn the panel 90 degree`s and repeat making sure the area is covered in primer,leave to dry overnight this will make sure the primer has cured and will be ready for the top coat.

Sand down the panel with the 400 grit with soapy water,wash with fresh water and dry down with cloth and leave for a few hour`s,when dry get your cotton cloth out and remove and dirt,you can buy a special tak rag that carbody shop`s use if you like but i use a old t-shirt.

Now you are ready for the top coat you can put it in the jug of warm water if you like,the main reason i use engine enamel is it`s a very tough paint and will not chip like normal car paint,you can use Plasti-kote as well if you like as they do more colour`s if you want to go mad.

Same as the primer hold the can about 7" away from the panel and spray light coats side to side ,do not try and cover in one go as you will get run`s and ruin your hard work and will have to start again,leave to dry for 15mins turn the panel 90 deg and give it another light coat,do this until you are happy with the finish,now the most important part is to leave the part`s in a hot area in house to dry for a few day`s a week would be better to cure the paint.

Hope this help`s out it`s what i have learned myself and it work`s for me

Asus Rog Maximus XII Formula
10700K @ 4.8ghz 1.20v
16Gb 8Pack 3600hz
EVGA 2080 Super FTW3 Ultra
Phantek Evolv X

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    iCX Member
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    Re:Guide to painting inside your case 2010/10/26 04:50:11 (permalink)
    Great guide! I'm tempted to give it a shot. Don't suppose you have any pictures to go with it, 4 us hu kant reed gud.
    iCX Member
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    Re:Guide to painting inside your case 2010/10/26 09:58:26 (permalink)
    Ive done all mine now and it`s winter time here in the UK so no more till summer if i do any more and tbh you really need to have a go yourself as you will learn along the way :)

    Asus Rog Maximus XII Formula
    10700K @ 4.8ghz 1.20v
    16Gb 8Pack 3600hz
    EVGA 2080 Super FTW3 Ultra
    Phantek Evolv X
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