Thanks for the info everyone! Prior to my responses, I'll summarize where I'm at.
I followed all ideas as best I could, and got no positive results in the end (board isn't powering up).
I contacted Newegg today for an RMA Replacement, so I'm hoping I'll have more luck the second time around. I can let you all know how that goes if an when it happens. I guess this one may be solved via RMA!
Well, if both PSUs checked out with the same result, my guess its the MB. Before going to that assumption, I would try remembering if those PSUs were used before on other builds.
Also, try disconnecting all SATA ports because by default it should go straight to the BIOS and make sure you try testing with just one stick of ram. My last resort before I truly assume its the MB, check the MB CPU pins in case they are bent. At that point I would almost guarantee that it is the MB if everything was tried.
-This is the first time either PSU has been used. Both appear to work using EVGAs included PSU tester (essentially a safer "paperclip test").
-I tried disconnecting essentially everything down to the bare minimum, nothing, a stick of ram, ram+cpu+heatsync/coolor, in case and out of case, kept getting the same result of power light on the board lighting then dimming once, no action in the PSU itself. (The EVGA one should spin up at the very least, if the PSU tester is honest).
-CPU pins all look okay to me, I was extra careful with the CPU because those little, expensive things terrify me. :)
You might also want to try starting up your system with the mobo outside the chassis on a piece of cardboard or other non conductive material. It could be something causing a short.
Welcome to the forums btw...
-I gave that a shot, this one gave me the most hope actually. But I was saddened to see I got the same results.
-And thanks!
The fan will not turn on until it is needed. Ref: PSU#1: CORSAIR HX850 850W
I ask Corsair this when I first noticed this.
-I figured as much, though when I used the testing device (effectively a paperclip test), when power up the PSU it does start the fan for a second then stops. When plugged to the mobo it does nothing. Eitehr way I'm going to hang on to my Corsair PSU as a back up at this point. I'm still kind of scared of it, because half of me is wondering, "Did the PSU kill my motherboard? Or was my motherboard already defective?". If I ever get a cheap motherboard in the future I'll certainly give it another try with fingers crossed.
Also found another thread or 2 reporting issues with their boards, some other things I tried were CMOS resets and flippoing the BIOS1-2-3 switch around. No luck of course.