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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/09 06:05:30 (permalink)
I have a double-shot laser sniper rifle that isn't very accurate and a legendary double-shot Gauss rifle that does plenty of damage but is awful trying to hip-fire because of the charge up time involved.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/09 07:44:44 (permalink)
Preston Garvey finally ran out of things for me to do so I am going around and fixing up my settlements and assigning supply line duties. The last time I was at The Castle I found a corpse lying there so IDK what happened. Last night I got a message that my quest to defend The Castle has failed so I guess I will find some more dead settlers there. I didn't even get a notice that The Castle was under attack. It is heavily defended with Maching Gun and Laser turrets so I have to conclude that the population there is a bunch of idiots and I didn't need them anyway. R.I.P. Castle settlers. LOL


I didn't think he would ever run out of quests to do. Then again once all the settlements are established what good is he. LOL
I have not done the Castle quest yet. I took a Queen Mierlurk out elsewhere and I WAS dancing from position to position avoiding her long range spit and that was tough.
Regarding the Fail notification. I am looking more and more at the Pip Boy for settlement under attack notices because I am missing too many of them.
Is there anything special about the Castle that it gets its own quest?
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/09 07:47:33 (permalink)
I have a double-shot laser sniper rifle that isn't very accurate and a legendary double-shot Gauss rifle that does plenty of damage but is awful trying to hip-fire because of the charge up time involved.

So it sounds like a one and done shoot and then you go to another weapon to continue the fight.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/09 07:51:19 (permalink)
I gotta say, I'm stuck with Cait too. And the downfall too (SPOIL ALERT) ------------------ I cleansed her with that machine in Vault 75(???). So now, every time I take any drugs, she dislikes it....

I just snatch all of the Psycho so she doesn't have a relapse. LOL
I found a vid on how to get a secret Sniper rifle. I haven't tried to get it yet.

Hmm curious. I will definitely take a look at this.

Not the best in game, best against the sea creatures though... the best one is a random drop off of a legendary mod and thats random, normally the two shots... or those that increase damage on limbs.

got a sniper rifle that does double damage if out of combat, though maybe the two shots are better...

Looking at that pic it looks like the double damage was done to her arm. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/09 08:24:29 (permalink)
I have not done the Castle quest yet. I took a Queen Mierlurk out elsewhere and I WAS dancing from position to position avoiding her long range spit and that was tough.
Regarding the Fail notification. I am looking more and more at the Pip Boy for settlement under attack notices because I am missing too many of them.
Is there anything special about the Castle that it gets its own quest?

There are a lot of areas to explore there. I think it used to be a Minuteman Outpost that needs to be rebuilt. I didn't do a whole lot with it except build a generator for the recruitment beacon and gave it some new cannons along with some machine gun and laser turrets. It apparently need some more settlers after yesterday's slaughter. IDK how to get rid of the corpses. I can't vaporize them with my Alien Blaster. I can't pick them up or kick them out of the way either. I guess they are now permanent fixtures like full sized garden gnomes?
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/10 05:13:16 (permalink)
"Cannons"? I ask this as I am carrying around 10 cannon balls and they are classified as ammo and do not carry the weight penalty or display what the recycle break down is.
I tried moving those ghouls and was successful until they came back. LOL What I do now is after a battle, I then remove the bodies. If I had known then that I could remove bodies I would have done it immediately. The ash piles are there to stay.
One of the settlements I cleared out I took the bodies to the river and gave them a toss. They just stayed there, in the water, not going with the current. But I did find out that even though they are dead they still produce loot. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/10 05:32:54 (permalink)
I picked up a lot of cannon balls so I could scrap them. There is supposed to be a Naval Cannon you can carry around as a weapon but I haven't found it yet. It is probably in the Final Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution quest. I guess I'd better do that next before collecting my XP from the Institute or BOS for missions I already finished.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/10 11:46:45 (permalink)
I picked up a lot of cannon balls so I could scrap them. There is supposed to be a Naval Cannon you can carry around as a weapon but I haven't found it yet. It is probably in the Final Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution quest. I guess I'd better do that next before collecting my XP from the Institute or BOS for missions I already finished.

I haven't done that quest either. Maintaining settlements is a full time job and I do want them out of the way. Besides, when following the games story line, for me, it would end too early. It acts as an incentive to keep going and adds to the fun/entertainment value.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/11 04:49:10 (permalink)
The USS Constitution mission was great. One of the best quests in the game.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/11 05:16:40 (permalink)
The USS Constitution mission was great. One of the best quests in the game.

Did you get the 'Broadsides' weapon for it? Supposedly you have to choose between siding with the crew or the Raiders. I sided with the Captain and the crew and I must have hit one of them with a stray round because they suddenly turned on me and tried to kill me. I just loaded a previous save and decided to go back to it later. I am about to try it again today. I hate Raiders so maybe I should just go around and kill all of them first before the battle begins.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/11 12:06:02 (permalink)
The USS Constitution mission was great. One of the best quests in the game.

Did you get the 'Broadsides' weapon for it? Supposedly you have to choose between siding with the crew or the Raiders. I sided with the Captain and the crew and I must have hit one of them with a stray round because they suddenly turned on me and tried to kill me. I just loaded a previous save and decided to go back to it later. I am about to try it again today. I hate Raiders so maybe I should just go around and kill all of them first before the battle begins.

Yep, you get the canon from it. Gotta worry about clipping the bots out there or the crew will turn on you fast. Using that canon on the deck is especially bad about hitting friendlies with. I had to revert saves on that mission 5 or 6 times because of that.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/11 12:23:40 (permalink)
Yep, you get the canon from it. Gotta worry about clipping the bots out there or the crew will turn on you fast. Using that canon on the deck is especially bad about hitting friendlies with. I had to revert saves on that mission 5 or 6 times because of that.

I know I smoked a bunch of Raiders before I figured out how to get into the ship. I must've hit a 'friendly' with the cannons because I kept firing them just to hear the roar. I giggle at some of the silliest things sometimes, LOL. There are a lot of missions there to retrieve parts for the Final Voyage and is why I want to do it and get some more XP.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/14 21:20:14 (permalink)
So I am a little late on the bandwagon, purchased FO4 about a couple weeks ago.
I am already 20% complete according to steam but only have around 24 hours logged?  Does the storyline get beefier the further you get in?  I remember having over 100 hours logged on Witcher 3 at 20% complete.
Side note- I'm not a huge fan of settlement building.  Maybe it grows on you....just haven't been able to get into it yet.  I like to wander and roam but didn't want to get far off track yet being at the beginning of the game.  Maybe the settlement building is what builds your hours?
Thoughts or comments?
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/15 06:27:24 (permalink)
So I am a little late on the bandwagon, purchased FO4 about a couple weeks ago.
I am already 20% complete according to steam but only have around 24 hours logged?  Does the storyline get beefier the further you get in?  I remember having over 100 hours logged on Witcher 3 at 20% complete.
Side note- I'm not a huge fan of settlement building.  Maybe it grows on you....just haven't been able to get into it yet.  I like to wander and roam but didn't want to get far off track yet being at the beginning of the game.  Maybe the settlement building is what builds your hours?
Thoughts or comments?

I not building anything fancy or elaborate for my settelments. I just make sure they have beds, a roof over their heads, and food and water. A few well placed turrets for defense is nice too. Then I assign one of the settlers to a supply route.
I decided to start that quest in The Institute where I have to kill the Synth guards. Those little buggers are hard to kill. I must have had to kill over 100 Synths trying to escape and no matter where I went I couldn't get out of there. I just loaded the saved point before I started that foolish mission. After I completed Synth Retention I return to Father and told to examine my new quarters. So I went there and nothing happens. No XP for finishing the quest, no nothing and I waited for hours. Anybody have any advice for this? I know there are more side missions somewhere in The Institute. I finished the Constitution quest and got my Broadsider cannon. I haven't used it on anyone yet but I'd like to gut-shoot a Raider and watch him get propelled backwards a few yards. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/15 09:43:30 (permalink)
Just in case it hasn't been mentioned elsewhere, the Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update has been released at 10:55 AM.

Fallout 4’s 1.3 Update is now available in beta for Steam users. 

This beta update is a work in progress so before opting into the beta, you should back up your saved games. Please give us feedback at our the Fallout 4 beta forums, which re-opened today. 


To get the Beta, you need to do the following: 
  1. Log into Steam 
  2. Right Click on Fallout 4 in your Library 
  3. Select Settings 
  4. Select Betas 
  5. A drop down menu will appear. Select Beta Update 
  6. Select OK 
  7. Wait a few minutes and Fallout 4 should update 
  8. When done, Fallout 4 should appear as Fallout 4 [beta] in your Library
If you decide you don’t want to run the Beta anymore, redo steps 1 – 4. At the drop down, select NONE – Opt out of all beta programs. 

Beta Update 1.3.45 

New Features 
  • New ambient occlusion setting, HBAO+ 
  • New weapon debris effects (NVIDIA cards only) 
  • Added status menu for settlers in your settlements 
  • Added ability to rotate an object you are holding with left/right triggers and pressing down on left thumbstick lets you switch the rotating axis 
  • Improved "ESDF" keys remapping support while in Workshop modeGameplay Fixes 
  • General memory and stability improvements 
  • Improved performance when looking through a scope 
  • Fixed issue where player could warp to a different location when aiming 
  • Companions can no longer get stuck with radiation poisoning 
  • Fixed an issue where Vault 81 residents would not dismember correctly 
  • Big Leagues perk now displays calculated damage correctly 
  • Fixed issue with third person camera not displaying properly after exiting certain crafting stations 
  • Fixed an issue where subtitles would occasionally not update properly 
  • Effects will properly be removed on companions when items are unequipped 
  • MacReady’s Killshot perk now calculates headshot percentages properly 
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs getting stuck in Power Armor 
  • Fixed a rare issue with companions getting stuck in down state 
  • Second rank of Aquaboy now calculates properly 
  • Fixed an issue with resistance not always lowering the damage correctly when added by mods 
  • Enabled number of characters available when renaming an item (XB1) 
  • Fixed issue with player becoming dismembered while still alive 
  • Robotics expert is now usable in combat 
  • Stimpaks can now be used on Curie after the transformation 
  • Playing a holotape found in wilderness while switching point of view no longer causes the screen to blur or controls to be lockedQuest Fixes 
  • Fixed an issue with "Taking Independence" where the minutemen remaining from the battle against the Mirelurk Queen would not gather in the Castle 
  • Fixed an issue where invulnerable characters would get stuck in combat 
  • Fixed an issue where Preston would send player to a settlement instead of a dungeon as part of a Minutemen quest 
  • Fixed an issue where Synths could attack the Castle while the player was friends with the Institute 
  • Fixed an issue where killing a caravan would leave a quest open 
  • Fixed an issue where Dogmeat would stay at Fort Hagen after "Reunions" was completed 
  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn't talk to Desdemona to complete "Underground Undercover" 
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck exiting the cryopod 
  • Fixed an issue where the player could no longer get Preston as a companion 
  • In "The End of the Line," fixed an issue that would prevent the player from killing the leaders of the Railroad 
  • Fixed an issue with Minutemen quests repeating improperly 
  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn't get back into the Railroad headquarters after being kicked out of the Brotherhood of Steel 
  • After finishing "The Big Dig," fixed an issue where Hancock would no longer offer to be a companion or help with the "Silver Shroud" quest 
  • Fixed an issue with obtaining the Dampening Coils from Saugus Ironworks before going to Yangtze 
  • During "Unlikely Valentine," fixed an issue where the player could be blocked from entering Vault 114 
  • In "Confidence Man," Bull and Gouger can now be killed 
  • During "Taking Independence," fixed an issue that would prevent the radio transmitter from powering up 
  • In "Human Error," fixed an issue where killing Dan would cause the quest to not complete properly 
  • Fixed an issue with "Tactical Thinking" where leaving dialogue early with
  • Captain Kells to reprogram P.A.M. could cause quest to not completely properlyWorkshop Fixes 
  • Fixed a bug that would cause settler counts to appear incorrectly 
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from setting up a supply line in settlements with a high population 
  • Improvements to snapping pieces together while in Workshop mode 
  • Fixed an issue that caused powered items to stop functioning permanently if its power source was ever removed 
  • Player can now build workbenches in their Diamond City house 
  • Building wires no longer uses up copper 
  • Fixed issue with certain settlement attacks not generating properly 
  • Fixed an issue with settlement happiness calculations 
  • Settlers assigned to weapons stand will now stand next to it 
  • Diamond City house now shows provided power 
  • Repairing items will now correctly consume resources 
  • Fixed an issue where companion would ignore commands at workshop locations 
  • Fixed an issue with crops appearing destroyed after saving and reloadingThank you for your continued support. If you have feedback to share, contact our support staff here:


post edited by NazcaC2 - 2016/01/15 09:46:11

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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 05:47:46 (permalink)
So I am a little late on the bandwagon, purchased FO4 about a couple weeks ago.
I am already 20% complete according to steam but only have around 24 hours logged?  Does the storyline get beefier the further you get in?  I remember having over 100 hours logged on Witcher 3 at 20% complete.
Side note- I'm not a huge fan of settlement building.  Maybe it grows on you....just haven't been able to get into it yet.  I like to wander and roam but didn't want to get far off track yet being at the beginning of the game.  Maybe the settlement building is what builds your hours?
Thoughts or comments?

Regarding settlement building. IMHO I think that is part of the fun. Yes, it builds the hours because you need materials to do so and are forced to venture out of the settlements to acquire it. Yes, it is a pain in the butt sometimes but fun to watch when you have the defenses up and running and the baddies decide to commit suicide. LOL Besides, this allows you to use your imagination to see what you can build. Simple or extravagant, you decide. I should also note that there is a limit to how much you can do to each settlement. All settlements are different in their size limit so keep an eye on that portion of the screen.
For me, I am of the adventuring type and don't really follow the main line. This way, I have something to fall back on when the adventuring starts to thin out. Also, I have as of yet to find any of my adventuring to cause any issues with the main line that I have completed. No "Failed Quest" notifications like there was in Skyrim. Knowing this allows me to venture out more.
This game, as noted before in a previous posting has an estimated 400 + hours of quests and such. I wouldn't worry about the position and logged hours scale. Just get out there and have fun. SAVE OFTEN!!!! You WILL die......... often. LOL
Concentrate on your XP leveling because the further you venture away from "safe" territory the harder the enemy is and rookies are easy prey. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:04:14 (permalink)
I lost one of the Railroad quests to help 13 Synths escape The Institute. I must've waited too long. I can't get past the quest where I have to kill the guards in The Institute. After I kill them I can't seem to find any way out and the rest of the Synths just stand there with a blank stare on their faces.  
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:11:47 (permalink)
I decided to start that quest in The Institute where I have to kill the Synth guards. Those little buggers are hard to kill. I must have had to kill over 100 Synths trying to escape and no matter where I went I couldn't get out of there. I just loaded the saved point before I started that foolish mission. After I completed Synth Retention I return to Father and told to examine my new quarters. So I went there and nothing happens. No XP for finishing the quest, no nothing and I waited for hours. Anybody have any advice for this? I know there are more side missions somewhere in The Institute. I finished the Constitution quest and got my Broadsider cannon. I haven't used it on anyone yet but I'd like to gut-shoot a Raider and watch him get propelled backwards a few yards. LOL

The Synths that I encountered were tough also. Depending on the range I use several weapons. 308 and 50 CAL for long shots but are a one and done method. But they do extensive damage. Then I use the beefed up shotgun and combat rifles of 44 and 5.56 cal. The 5.56 seems to be a very good choice in general as it seems to cover many enemy classes. It also carries a lot of ammo. I do use a laser pistol for very close quarters also due to the speed of firing. But then you know this. LOL
What is the weight of the Broadsider cannon? Also what type of ammo does it use?
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:13:51 (permalink)
I lost one of the Railroad quests to help 13 Synths escape The Institute. I must've waited too long. I can't get past the quest where I have to kill the guards in The Institute. After I kill them I can't seem to find any way out and the rest of the Synths just stand there with a blank stare on their faces.  

 Is that quest early in the line of quests there or later?
I haven't been there yet.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:23:31 (permalink)
The Railroad doesn't have any quests for me now except for the one to free all of the Synths where I have to kill the guards. So far that one is a no win situation for me. There were a handful of 'Dead Drop' quests and some 'recover a DIA cache' quests before I finally got those two. The mass rescue quest has disappeared from my menu.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:27:08 (permalink)
The Railroad doesn't have any quests for me now except for the one to free all of the Synths where I have to kill the guards. So far that one is a no win situation for me. There were a handful of 'Dead Drop' quests and some 'recover a DIA cache' quests before I finally got those two. The mass rescue quest has disappeared from my menu.

Maybe I'll hold off then and see if this gets a patch.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:29:28 (permalink)
Thanks for the heads up!!!!!!!!!!! That means an official release is around the corner.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:47:31 (permalink)
I have to say that I have done almost everything in this game I can possibly think of to the point that i'm not playing it anymore and waiting for them to release the DLC. Until then, I'm just running around doing the same stuff, so I walked away from it for a bit.

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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 06:56:02 (permalink)
I stumble across some things here and there like 'The kid in the fridge' but other than that I am having fun shooting cars and watching them explode.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 07:08:55 (permalink)
I stumble across some things here and there like 'The kid in the fridge' but other than that I am having fun shooting cars and watching them explode.

I found him also LOL. The gun fight that happens after that gets a little fun. And if you go a different route you get ambushed by a bunch of Mierluks and they are nasty and strong.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 07:49:22 (permalink)
I do't see too may Mirelurks anymore. I think I put them on the 'Endangered Species' list. Smashing the eggs in their nest is probably helping.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 08:06:36 (permalink)
I stumble across some things here and there like 'The kid in the fridge' but other than that I am having fun shooting cars and watching them explode.

I found him also LOL. The gun fight that happens after that gets a little fun. And if you go a different route you get ambushed by a bunch of Mierluks and they are nasty and strong.

Did you give up the boy, or did you return him to his parents?

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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 08:29:49 (permalink)
I took him home and just hosed the scumbags that wanted him. I didn't even listen to what they had to say. Cait and I both just opened fire.
P.S. 'Cait liked that'.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 11:41:18 (permalink)
I stumble across some things here and there like 'The kid in the fridge' but other than that I am having fun shooting cars and watching them explode.

I found him also LOL. The gun fight that happens after that gets a little fun. And if you go a different route you get ambushed by a bunch of Mierluks and they are nasty and strong.

Did you give up the boy, or did you return him to his parents?

I took him home. Not for sale.
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Re: Fallout 4 2016/01/16 11:45:07 (permalink)
I took him home and just hosed the scumbags that wanted him. I didn't even listen to what they had to say. Cait and I both just opened fire.
P.S. 'Cait liked that'.

You feel the same way I do.
A lot of loot from that and with the ability to "Invest" in shops, that sure adds up quickly in the caps department.
Cait liked that? Oh oh someone might be getting frisky again. LOL
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