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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:37:29
Naur1 I signed up for the notification couple weeks ago but dont' remember which ones. Is it ok to just redo all the ones I"m interested in or is there a penalty?
Do it as often as you like. It will not change your position.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:37:45
☄ Helpfulby Afterburner 2020/10/05 20:38:38
bryanmh24 Hello Jacob, I was wondering what email would we expect these notifications from. So I can add them as a contact and it does not go to my spam folder
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:38:32
Nekrage So people that have been manually refreshing for weeks are now screwed because they didn't use the email notify me system.....are you serious? But somehow I'm not eligible to be an Elite Member. Thanks.
Why aren't you eligible to be an Elite Member? Why didn't you register any of the 8 cards you bought? This 🎻is the world's smallest violin, and it's playing just for you, Mr. 8 1080s you didn't register. Sounds like 8 real individual customers who want to game who will get product while you go without. Way to go EVGA, thank you!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:38:36
☄ Helpfulby Afterburner 2020/10/05 20:39:29
bryanmh24 Hello Jacob, I was wondering what email would we expect these notifications from. So I can add them as a contact and it does not go to my spam folder
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:39:04
He just replied to another tweet saying it's one per part number, so that seems to mean 1 model of card per person. Meaning, depending on how early you're in the queue, you could have the opportunity to buy all 5 3080s before someone who just joined can even buy one.
No. 100% wrong. He has stated MANY MANY times over the past weeks, it is 1 per line. One 3080 and one 3090. I have even a reply from him asking if I could buy myself a 3090 and a 3080 for a friend. He said yes, but then I can no longer get a 3080 for myself because I used up my 3080 purchase.
I dunno, he word for word said "it's one per part number" each card has its own part number. thats a weird mistake for him to make?
I am 100% certain it is per series. People make mistakes, but he has been VERY clear over the past few weeks, many many many many times. He even used the scenario of if you qualify for FTW queue and XC3 queue, make sure you pick the card you want, because you won't be able to get the other. That again, verifies it's one per series. There is no guessing on this if you have been reading his twitter and forum posts for the past weeks. 1 3080, 1 3090.

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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:39:19
If I have already set to notify me, if I did it again just to be sure, will it put me in the back of queue? EDIT: Never mind, it won't! You will NOT be put to the back of the line if you re-notify me.
post edited by Yangjo - 2020/10/05 20:42:03
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:39:47
Naur1 I signed up for the notification couple weeks ago but dont' remember which ones. Is it ok to just redo all the ones I"m interested in or is there a penalty?
Do it as often as you like. It will not change your position.
Jacob has said it goes by the earliest entry for each card. twitter . com/EVGA_JacobF/status/1313307509667422208
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:40:11
Yangjo If I have already set to notify me, if I did it again just to be sure, will it put me in the back of queue?
If you know for a fact you did it, leave it. Or... Do it as often as you like. It will not change your position.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:40:17
Why not just do an actual payment up front order queue? 1 unit per series per billing and shipping address (must match), no PO boxes, 24 hour notification before shipment to allow an opportunity to cancel. Should go a long way in separating the weed from the chaff. This no investment system you've proposed is going to waste a lot of time on disinterested, indifferent, or opportunist buyers. Many will also miss their 5 hour windows due to sleep, work, etc...
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:40:36
So, what if notification comes at 1am?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:40:53
Naur1 I signed up for the notification couple weeks ago but dont' remember which ones. Is it ok to just redo all the ones I"m interested in or is there a penalty?
Yes, he said re-setting it up won't change your position as long as you use the same email. Feel free to do it to give you peace of mind.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:42:38
I hope this goes smoothly!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:43:14
antarius11 So, what if notification comes at 1am?
Jacob said it will most likely be 9am-6pm Pacific Time for when the notifications come out twitter . com/EVGA_JacobF/status/1313316682723520512
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:43:26
☼ Best Answerby Afterburner 2020/10/05 20:44:14
chillinc I signed up for an auto notification for a card a while ago, but reading this post I re-submitted a notification request (prior to realizing that my original request saved a place in line). Did that reset my place in line, or is my original place in line intact from when I originally requested a stock notification?
It will go by your earliest entry.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:43:50
This is actually really awesome of you guys. If I can snag one of your EVGAs, I'll give you my money instead of MSI (pending Tiger Direct back order.)
So THANK YOU, this is quality customer service. This is basically how I got my Index during this whole pandemic crazyness in the world. Valve had me go in queue, they sent me an email, and I bought one within a specific time period. Very cool.
In the dark, I can feel You in my sleep.. In Your arms I feel You breathe in to me. Forever hold this heart that I will give to You, Forever I will live for You!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:45:04
bryanmh24 Hello Jacob, I was wondering what email would we expect these notifications from. So I can add them as a contact and it does not go to my spam folder
Go about 3 pages back. It has been stated multiple times in this thread.
Enjoy Discounts on EVGA items with Discount code: 0HGRCPSXNTZ58R3
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:45:18
This is great news, thank you EVGA! Favorite video card company :)
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:45:35
This is great to hear Jacob, thanks to you and the EVGA team. Hope this goes smoothly.
9700k @ 5.0Ghz 1.3v AVX0 EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:46:53
I bet that queue is so large that even if you signed up for auto notify on launch day, Sept 24th, that you won't get a notification to buy until Jan 2021. With Nvidia CEO saying there will be 3090 shortages until 2021, I'm not hopeful at all: https://www.tomshardware....ges-to-last-until-2021
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:48:17
chillinc I signed up for an auto notification for a card a while ago, but reading this post I re-submitted a notification request (prior to realizing that my original request saved a place in line). Did that reset my place in line, or is my original place in line intact from when I originally requested a stock notification?
It will go by your earliest entry.
Is the first wave starting tonight? I'm sure lots of us would like to know if we can sleep yet lol
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:48:18
dmel642 I bet that queue is so large that even if you signed up for auto notify on launch day, Sept 24th, that you won't get a notification to buy until Jan 2021. With Nvidia CEO saying there will be 3090 shortages until 2021, I'm not hopeful at all:
Is this for all cards or just FE? Because I have a feeling it is just FE.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:48:36
Hey Jacob, you should update the thread post with answers to frequently asked questions so that they don't get repeated on the thread.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:49:20
Nealx01 Hey all dont forget to use associate code xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at checkout when its your turn. Will save you about 95$ on the 3090s and about 45$ on the 3080s!!
This guy gives great advice!! You could also just click the banner in my sig to save the cookie for the discount. Thanks for the shout out man!
I can't believe you quoted the other guy and tempered with the content of what he said to put in your own code instead of his. That's so shady and dirty man. Just for this I'm definitely going to use his code EMSB4K6IEQOIA46.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:49:46
I'll never buy from another company again. I love the transparency and effort EVGA has made here. Even if I have to queue for weeks it was an amazing thing to do.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:51:22
I did something really really stupid and changed my email in my profile to a newer one because my old one was outdated. I did this after the announcement was made for this queue system. I then signed up again with the new email on auto-notify. I then panicked and reverted it to the old email again (of which I likely signed up for auto-notify a while ago). Did I just put myself at the back of the line?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:51:34
We have made some changes to the checkout process for 30 Series orders. Now we are using a queue based notification system. To sign up, use the notification button on the product you would like to be notified for. For everyone who already used the notify button previously, you are already entered. Once product is available (and it is your turn to purchase), you will receive a secure email that will allow you to purchase the product that you received a notification for. Please note that you have 5 hours to place your order, if your order is not complete within 5 hours, the product will be released back into queue system. Also note that your email address that was used for the notify system MUST MATCH an email that has a registered EVGA account, if an account is not available with that email, you will need to create one before you can purchase. Also note that this system will be available for US store first and evaluating for other regions. Thanks EVGA
Is there a rough estimate on how many notifications there are atm? Is it like in the 10s of thousands?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:51:57
Nealx01 Hey all dont forget to use associate code xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at checkout when its your turn. Will save you about 95$ on the 3090s and about 45$ on the 3080s!!
This guy gives great advice!! You could also just click the banner in my sig to save the cookie for the discount. Thanks for the shout out man!
I can't believe you quoted the other guy and tempered with the content of what he said to put in your own code instead of his. That's so shady and dirty man. Just for this I'm definitely going to use his code EMSB4K6IEQOIA46.
Just a cheeky joke bud, sorry you found it so unfunny you had to make a new account just to call it shady :) Swing and a miss!
If I helped you in some way, or you just think I'm awesome.. please use my associate code! It gives you a discount
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:51:59
EVGA customer for life... I'm not changing AIB partners for the foreseeable future! Thanks Jacob & EVGA. You guys have been my sole GPU provider since 2007!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/05 20:52:57
dmel642 I bet that queue is so large that even if you signed up for auto notify on launch day, Sept 24th, that you won't get a notification to buy until Jan 2021. With Nvidia CEO saying there will be 3090 shortages until 2021, I'm not hopeful at all: https://www.tomshardware....ges-to-last-until-2021
You might as well be right, but this does get us in line where we can eventually get a card. THe way its setup now, only bots and tiny windows of opportunity when you can buy them. Beats f5ing, waiting for something that may never come.