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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:13:13
Guito So, the new notification system on the website is saying the date of when you made the auto-notify. Except the date is wrong is my case. The website for the FTW3 Ultra says I made the auto-notify yesterday, despite me receiving an email back on 09/23 saying that I have a product notification. What do I do now?
Please review the first post in this thread. It most likely will answer your question. I am not being rude, just trying to cut down on miss information and turning this into a 100 page thread by dawn...
Which I did, but I didn't find my answer. Jacob said it goes by your earliest notification, but that wasn't yesterday on 10/05. Hell, I even did the auto-notify this past weekend and it didn't go by that date either. It was originally back in September, so what should I do if the date is wrong?
EVGA_JacobF If you had an auto notify even before the card was released, it still counts. We are including everyone who ever clicked the auto notify button while it was there.
Seems pretty clear to me. If you've ever hit the button, it's including the first time you did so. As for what the notification system fundamentally is, you re-subscribed to that system in its original form, so to speak. They didn't alter the way it works. You had received a notification (unlike so many people) and it was reset. However, your original entry is in the system.
post edited by Sythrix - 2020/10/06 21:16:19
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:13:42
Well this is super unfortunate. It looks like I didn't bother with this as the notifications were not working and the cards were instantly gone or crashing the site anyway. (I thought I might have registered for the 3090 FTW 3 Ultra on launch though?) @EVGA_JacobF Are there any plans to help out Elite members who tried to purchase a card for 90 minutes straight on launch day who just signed up today? As much as I appreciate the new system, I feel like all those who were there on the 3090 launch as Elite members attempting to purchase the card should at least be entered for launch day notification date. Perhaps this can be considered for the 90 minutes of time we pretty much wasted that day. Would be greatly appreciated by many I'm sure. Thanks for consideration!
post edited by DarthYodi - 2020/10/06 21:27:27
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:15:39
Mkilbride2599 Please include me in the test. Haha, I work for USPS. I'M A HERO! Lol. But yeah, I wish it was like an 8 hour window, what with working nights, be a lot less likely to miss it. Will have to look into some kind of app that wakes me up when evga sends me an email.
Hey, I've got a question for you if you don't mind. I've got a package that is "In Transit" as of the 23rd of Sep. That's been two weeks. I emailed them 3 days ago, but just got an automated response. What exactly do I do?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:15:53
150,000 views in less then 2 days lol... wow. I just signed up for the notification. This is gonna be ruff.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:17:08
Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:23:20
Mkilbride2599 Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
I've been talking to other people. We all received emails on 09/23, and that apparently reset our positions on the queue. We all now have the 10/05 date, so that might be the issue you're facing.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:24:42
that makes since then, glad i reapplied on 9-21 then to get back on the list
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:25:11
Mkilbride2599 Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
I've been talking to other people. We all received emails on 09/23, and that apparently reset our positions on the queue. We all now have the 10/05 date, so that might be the issue you're facing.
I'm in the same situation. From his response on twitter We should be okay but it might be a glitch in how it's reporting? (I hope)
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:27:35
Mkilbride2599 Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
I've been talking to other people. We all received emails on 09/23, and that apparently reset our positions on the queue. We all now have the 10/05 date, so that might be the issue you're facing.
I think assuming it reset your position or that they don't know and account for these things is jumping the gun. This is a basic system, which they've tried to garnish with some feedback. Getting a notification resets that notification system, but we have no idea if it reset your position in line, because the notification system is not the line. I find it highly likely they have the original records of everyone who ever clicked. Why else would you put in all your information?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:33:42
I am also confused, as I see people showing 9/17 as when they signed up for notifications as the message they're getting when they re-enter. Mine has 10/5, but I signed up for notification way back and got the email on 9/23 for the FTW3 Ultra. So, did we lose our place in line?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:37:53
Sythrix Anyone else notice that the notification system now tells you when you first signed up? " EVGA Product Alert You have already entered for a notify on the following date/time: 9/23/2020 8:54:54 AM." So go... calculate where you are...
I don't get this, it just signs me up again...I've tried it multiple times. ETA: works with the Edge browser, but not with Firefox. Weird. I thought I'd signed up way earlier, but it shows 9/30 for me, so I've got a pretty long wait I'd guess. I probably didn't sign up sooner, since the Notify function was usually worthless in the past, everything was always sold out again by the time the Notification showed up. Just glad I finally did it before last night, LOL.
post edited by GNielson - 2020/10/06 21:49:40
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:41:04
Thank you so much EVGA! I just read about your new queue system and this is something that I hoped would be done since even before launch. I’m so glad someone finally had the insight to set this up. I don’t mind waiting in line and it’s nice to know that there actually is a line to wait in. I have no idea where I might be in the queue, but it seems like I signed up for the auto notify quite a while ago.
I am anxiously awaiting the notification that I can purchase one of these cards that I’m actually going to use! It really irks me that people are purchasing these cards just to turn around and post them for resale to try to make a quick buck. I will NEVER purchase one of these from a scalper, even if I have to wait six months!
Thanks again EVGA. You’ve given me yet another reason to be a loyal EVGA customer forever.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:41:28
Mine was the 17th at 7:30am and yet I still haven't gotten an email, I had to be one of the first.
PartNumber DateEntered Notify Sent 10G-P5-3897-KR 9/17/2020 7:31:26 AM YES
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:42:08
To everyone who signed up and got a notification email 9/23 but showing now that they signed up more recently - Jacob responded saying he's looking into this via Twitter.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:46:01
I just tried to enter again and I got this message. See attached. So looks like it is working, at least in some cases. Maybe it depends on what card you went for. Anyways I will post here when I get an email so people have an idea when they start going out I guess.
post edited by sean94z - 2020/10/06 21:52:53
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:46:58
Mkilbride2599 Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
I've been talking to other people. We all received emails on 09/23, and that apparently reset our positions on the queue. We all now have the 10/05 date, so that might be the issue you're facing.
I think assuming it reset your position or that they don't know and account for these things is jumping the gun. This is a basic system, which they've tried to garnish with some feedback. Getting a notification resets that notification system, but we have no idea if it reset your position in line, because the notification system is not the line. I find it highly likely they have the original records of everyone who ever clicked. Why else would you put in all your information?
So why did 8 people I am currently in a Discord with all get a 10/05 notification date despite receiving an email from 09/23? If this were one or two isolated cases, I would agree that this is speaking prematurely. On top of several people on this thread posting date discrepancies as well. The fact that we haven't received notification on whether this resets your positions speaks on the sometimes muddled communication on this GPU release. Jacob also just recently acknowledged that he's "looking into" the position reset issue, since other people have mentioned it on Twitter. Its likely a glitch, but given how chaotic this card release has been, its not out of line for people to assume the worst given prior debacles before the queue system. Finally, just because they have the original records doesn't mean that the website system WE access has the right information. There is a big difference between internal data and what pops up for a regular user on a website.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:49:12
First, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, as I applaud EVGA for doing something about the broken system where bots are taking cards from loyal customers. So bravo. But without knowing where in the queue we are, I wonder if people who signed up early but got the notification email way back on 9/23 are now way back in the queue, behind let's say someone who signed up for notifications later. Which does seem unfair, if that's the case. And I know they're saying it's not, but we have no way of really knowing. They could just be trying to appease us. Not only that, but after I got the 9/23 notification it became very apparent to those looking for a card on various sites that notification systems were not effective due to the sheer number of people trying to get cards, and bots. By the time you got the notification and clicked the link, they were already gone. I really hope it is the case that those of us who asked for notification earlier are logged that way, but based on the messages when re-entering info, it doesn't seem that way. And again, we simply have no way to know even if told otherwise without comparing info now and tracking who gets the invite and when (or an official queue where you could see your place in line and original date).
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:50:43
Mkilbride2599 Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
I've been talking to other people. We all received emails on 09/23, and that apparently reset our positions on the queue. We all now have the 10/05 date, so that might be the issue you're facing.
I think assuming it reset your position or that they don't know and account for these things is jumping the gun. This is a basic system, which they've tried to garnish with some feedback. Getting a notification resets that notification system, but we have no idea if it reset your position in line, because the notification system is not the line. I find it highly likely they have the original records of everyone who ever clicked. Why else would you put in all your information?
So why did 8 people I am currently in a Discord with all get a 10/05 notification date despite receiving an email from 09/23? If this were one or two isolated cases, I would agree that this is speaking prematurely. On top of several people on this thread posting date discrepancies as well. The fact that we haven't received notification on whether this resets your positions speaks on the sometimes muddled communication on this GPU release. Jacob also just recently acknowledged that he's "looking into" the position reset issue, since other people have mentioned it on Twitter. Its likely a glitch, but given how chaotic this card release has been, its not out of line for people to assume the worst given prior debacles before the queue system.
Finally, just because they have the original records doesn't mean that the website system WE access has the right information. There is a big difference between internal data and what pops up for a regular user on a website.
Looks like a hotfix was just put in! Mine shows correctly now!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:52:18
Zone15 Mine was the 17th at 7:30am and yet I still haven't gotten an email, I had to be one of the first.
Not surprising. It will take many, many months to get through the backlog, this is clear.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:54:38
For anyone showing incorrect date please check again.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:55:26
Mkilbride2599 Jacob. The notify date is my latest one. I did lose my position. I didnt notify at launch, but I did two weeks ago. I know that for sure. I lost my position.
I've been talking to other people. We all received emails on 09/23, and that apparently reset our positions on the queue. We all now have the 10/05 date, so that might be the issue you're facing.
I think assuming it reset your position or that they don't know and account for these things is jumping the gun. This is a basic system, which they've tried to garnish with some feedback. Getting a notification resets that notification system, but we have no idea if it reset your position in line, because the notification system is not the line. I find it highly likely they have the original records of everyone who ever clicked. Why else would you put in all your information?
So why did 8 people I am currently in a Discord with all get a 10/05 notification date despite receiving an email from 09/23? If this were one or two isolated cases, I would agree that this is speaking prematurely. On top of several people on this thread posting date discrepancies as well. The fact that we haven't received notification on whether this resets your positions speaks on the sometimes muddled communication on this GPU release. Jacob also just recently acknowledged that he's "looking into" the position reset issue, since other people have mentioned it on Twitter. Its likely a glitch, but given how chaotic this card release has been, its not out of line for people to assume the worst given prior debacles before the queue system.
Finally, just because they have the original records doesn't mean that the website system WE access has the right information. There is a big difference between internal data and what pops up for a regular user on a website.
Looks like a hotfix was just put in! Mine shows correctly now!
Just saw it myself! They fixed it. Its back to 9/17 for me.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:55:39
EVGA_JacobF For anyone showing incorrect date please check again.
So I didn't get the date when using Firefox, but it worked with Edge. Just me? Might check that out.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:56:47
Mine shows correctly now. Thanks! You guys are the best!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:56:58
EVGA_JacobF For anyone showing incorrect date please check again.
Thanks for working late to fix things up for people, much appreciated.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:58:20
EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming Signed up for Auto Notify: 9/17/2020 8:28:15 AM. I actually have a shot at getting one.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 21:59:11
I’m still showing all cards as this morning when I know that’s not true.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 22:04:46
wgrose I’m still showing all cards as this morning when I know that’s not true.
Your profile says you only joined 14 hours ago (I guess that means registered with EVGA and joined the forums), so maybe that's why all your notifications are coming back as this morning. I would not think that would impact when you registered for notification though - presumably EVGA are working on it.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 22:08:05
wgrose I’m still showing all cards as this morning when I know that’s not true.
Your profile says you only joined 14 hours ago (I guess that means registered with EVGA and joined the forums), so maybe that's why all your notifications are coming back as this morning. I would not think that would impact when you registered for notification though - presumably EVGA are working on it.
I’ve no idea. And it’s true I just used this forum for the first time in the last 14 hours. However, I’ve been registered with EVGA for over 5 years. My 1Password history has my saved password as July 28, 2015. So at least that long. I’m sure the moderators/Jacob can easily verify that.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 22:09:51
wgrose I’m still showing all cards as this morning when I know that’s not true.
Your profile says you only joined 14 hours ago (I guess that means registered with EVGA and joined the forums), so maybe that's why all your notifications are coming back as this morning. I would not think that would impact when you registered for notification though - presumably EVGA are working on it.
I’ve no idea. And it’s true I just used this forum for the first time in the last 14 hours. However, I’ve been registered with EVGA for over 5 years. My 1Password history has my saved password as July 28, 2015. So at least that long. I’m sure the moderators/Jacob can easily verify that.
Jacob appears to be closely monitoring this thread, so I'm sure he'll look into it.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2020/10/06 22:11:04
Checked all the notifications.. Made them on 9/17/2020. Before 9AM time most of them. Except the FTW which was 23rd. Now I'm a little nervous.. That my Email Might of junked them.. :(
post edited by Malkuth74 - 2020/10/06 22:14:47
I7 8700K OC (4.7 GHZ)EVGA CLS 240 MM AIOAsRock 370 MBEVGA 3080 FTW Ultra32 Gigs Ram G-Skill RipSaws DDR4 3200WD Black SSD NvMe 1 TB.Seasonic Focus 750 80+ Gold