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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:26:12
EastCoastWest Just got my notification for: 24G-P5-3979-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:22 AM PT!!
I'm at 8:41 for that one...shucks
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:29:36
Hello, finally got an email for the 3070TI FTW card! 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 6:42:42 AM PT Yes True Used enewt's code for 3% off! Thanks for your help sir!
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:30:36
Just got my invite at 1336 EST for 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/14/2021 5:19:16 AM PT Thanks enewt!
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:32:02
I got one too.. was shocked as it was so late. 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/14/2021 8:56:21 PM PT Yes True
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:32:24
ThePhilosopher_ Hello, finally got an email for the 3070TI FTW card! 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 6:42:42 AM PT Yes True Used enewt's code for 3% off! Thanks for your help sir!
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back, your kind words, and for using the Associate’s Code for your 3% discount at checkout; all of it is appreciated. Enjoy your new gaming goodness! UnicornDebris Just got my invite at 1336 EST for 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/14/2021 5:19:16 AM PT Thanks enewt!
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy your new gaming goodness! Kaliken27 I got one too.. was shocked as it was so late. 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/14/2021 8:56:21 PM PT Yes True
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy!
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:34:01
Deleted... Ok I deleted this because I wanted to put it in the KPE hybrid post...and enewt answered to this too quickly....
post edited by mech9t5 - 2022/01/05 11:39:11
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:37:33
mech9t5 The KPE hybrid queue is making great headway this week. Brings back to the early queue days of the KPE hybrid. @enewt, I see that you are very close for the hybrid. You still in not favour of buying the hybrid?
At this point...any port in the storm. Unfortunately, I deactivated it and kept the KPE HC queue registration. Feel free to stare, point and laugh.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:42:05
mech9t5 The KPE hybrid queue is making great headway this week. Brings back to the early queue days of the KPE hybrid. @enewt, I see that you are very close for the hybrid. You still in not favour of buying the hybrid?
At this point...any port in the storm. Unfortunately, I deactivated it and kept the KPE HC queue registration. Feel free to stare, point and laugh.
Well, you made a decision that you thought was the correct one. I wish that the KPE HC queue will also pick up soon rather than later for you and others who are queued in.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:50:20
enewt At this point...any port in the storm. Unfortunately, I deactivated it and kept the KPE HC queue registration. Feel free to stare, point and laugh.
You are still sans KP enewt? I was hoping to check back in and see some better news. Maybe the KP Ti is your better bet at this point.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:51:37
Just got my email for the 3070 TI! I can finally replace my OG 1070!!! I hope a lot of other patient gamers got theirs today, as well! 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 12:00:19 PM PT Yes True Thanks enewt for keeping this project going and giving us hope :).
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:52:00
I'd sell you mine and go back to the FTW3 but EVGA won't let you pay me in EVGA Bucks
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:53:13
So I understand that only the 2 oldest notifies are the ones that count, but once you receive a card, shouldn't that notify no longer count? I signed up for a 3060 Ti, a 3080 and a 3090. I received the 3060 Ti, and I am very grateful, but I would really like a higher end card. But only the 3060 Ti and 3080 show as active. Shouldn't the 3060 Ti no longer count as one of my 2 slots? Because I have a 3090 I would like to take up one of the active slots since there's a far better chance of getting that than the 3080. 3080 is from March and 3090 is from May and I see people getting the same 3090 that signed up in June. Thank you for any explanation.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:54:25
08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 3:43:19 PM PT Yes True. I'm so excited. Last piece for my new build.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 11:59:23
irishsj So I understand that only the 2 oldest notifies are the ones that count, but once you receive a card, shouldn't that notify no longer count? I signed up for a 3060 Ti, a 3080 and a 3090. I received the 3060 Ti, and I am very grateful, but I would really like a higher end card. But only the 3060 Ti and 3080 show as active. Shouldn't the 3060 Ti no longer count as one of my 2 slots? Because I have a 3090 I would like to take up one of the active slots since there's a far better chance of getting that than the 3080. 3080 is from March and 3090 is from May and I see people getting the same 3090 that signed up in June. Thank you for any explanation.
If you purchased the 3060Ti after the queue changes, then that counts as one of your notify slots, even after you purchased it. EVGA will not change your active queues for you. It remains to be seen what EVGA's plan is for the upcoming new SKU launches.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 12:03:29
irishsj So I understand that only the 2 oldest notifies are the ones that count, but once you receive a card, shouldn't that notify no longer count? I signed up for a 3060 Ti, a 3080 and a 3090. I received the 3060 Ti, and I am very grateful, but I would really like a higher end card. But only the 3060 Ti and 3080 show as active. Shouldn't the 3060 Ti no longer count as one of my 2 slots? Because I have a 3090 I would like to take up one of the active slots since there's a far better chance of getting that than the 3080. 3080 is from March and 3090 is from May and I see people getting the same 3090 that signed up in June. Thank you for any explanation.
If you purchased the 3060Ti after the queue changes, then that counts as one of your notify slots, even after you purchased it. EVGA will not change your active queues for you. It remains to be seen what EVGA's plan is for the upcoming new SKU launches.
Thank you for the heads up.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 12:07:15
drewski989 You are still sans KP enewt? I was hoping to check back in and see some better news. Maybe the KP Ti is your better bet at this point.
Depending on EVGA policies re a new queue, I intend to try for the KPE Ti. But the HCs of any variety appear to be in very short supply.... RaindropBebop Just got my email for the 3070 TI! I can finally replace my OG 1070!!! I hope a lot of other patient gamers got theirs today, as well! 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 12:00:19 PM PT Yes True Thanks enewt for keeping this project going and giving us hope :).
Congratulations and thanks for reporting back to the community. Thanks for your kind words. Enjoy your new gaming goodness! honus03 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 3:43:19 PM PT Yes True. I'm so excited. Last piece for my new build.
Congratulations! Enjoy your newly updated rig!
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 12:16:11
I got my notify for the 3080 FTW3 today. 10G-P5-3897-KL 11/20/2020 12:36:40 AM PT Thanks for keeping us in the loop enewt, your list helped keep me a little more sane during the slog.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 12:17:14
I just got an email for a 3885-KL. XC Ultra 10G-P5-3885-KL 9/21/2020 3:57:55 PM PT
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 12:18:16
garybechtold 7/9/2021 8:34:09 PM PT 9/24/2020 3:25:24 PM PT
3895 only moved 3 seconds in 6 weeks (April 16 to May 28, 2021). At 10 and a half signup months left, that is ridiculous amount of real time left. It hasn't moved since the week of May 24, 2021.
My time stamp is 10/7/20 for 3895 - This is not a que, it’s a method that blocked out (10’s of ?) thousands of purchasers who choose the “wrong” option when they shut it off and are stuck in a que that hasn’t moved in 8 months and can’t opt into something else? Complete BS way to reduce the purchaser base without actually just deleting them.
This is not a que, it is a queue.
Oh really? I thought it was a cue. Or a Q. Xaiux Doctor dothraki, do you mind doing the math for my SKUs? Thanks! 24G-P5-3988-KR 2/25/2021 10:06:34 AM PT 10G-P5-3898-KL 2/25/2021 10:05:16 AM PT
Disclaimer: This uses linear interpolation 3988: It moved 68.55 signup days in 52 real weeks for a rate of 0.19 signup days per real day. At 8.48 signup days away, that is 45 days from the last notify (12/10/2021) that estimates to receiving the card at 1/24/2022 0:47:06. 3898: It moved 0.09 signup days in 52 real weeks for a rate of 0.09 signup days per real day. At 71.02 signup days away, that is 783.38 days from the last notify (12/10/2021) that estimates to receiving the cars at 2/1/2024 9:05:15. Maybe I should put an easy tool like this on my spreadsheet. At the very minimum, easy for me, preferably easy for everyone. tommyw1968 12/2/2020 7:57:57 PM PT Anyone have a clue when this notify may come though?? I figured 13 months might be enough, especially since 3070 systems are reasonably easy to obtain now. I was wrong.
I need a SKU number AND a signup date, not just the latter.
Folder of EVGA queue documents ( Google Drive) 30 series queue sheet ( Google Sheets, Excel online) Queue 3.0 spreadsheet ( Google Sheets) EVGA 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra (3967), i7-3770k, NZXT Kraken X60, Samsung 1TB mSATA SSD, Gigabyte Z77X-UP5 TH, Corsair HX1000i, ASUS Blu-Ray drive, Viewsonic XG270.
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 12:23:23
Mr.Moo52 I got my notify for the 3080 FTW3 today. 10G-P5-3897-KL 11/20/2020 12:36:40 AM PT Thanks for keeping us in the loop enewt, your list helped keep me a little more sane during the slog.
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. I am glad the summary helped out. Enjoy your new gaming goodness! mheller71 I just got an email for a 3885-KL. XC Ultra 10G-P5-3885-KL 9/21/2020 3:57:55 PM PT
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy your new gaming goodness!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 12:26:59
Got a notification for the 3080ti (the 3967) but holy fish did the price got jacked up since I last thought I get it. Sooooo skipping.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 12:47:19
Just got my notify for 3080Ti FTW3 HC 12G-P5-3969-KR 6/3/2021 2:02:37 PM PT
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 12:49:06
Teruyo Got a notification for the 3080ti (the 3967) but holy fish did the price got jacked up since I last thought I get it. Sooooo skipping.
Thanks for reporting back! arbinb Just got my notify for 3080Ti FTW3 HC 12G-P5-3969-KR 6/3/2021 2:02:37 PM PT
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 12:52:49
Anyone having issues with being able to check out? Got a notification today and when I log in and then click the direct product link it just loops me back to log in again.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 12:53:00
I just got the email and placed the order! PartNumber DateEntered Notify Sent Active 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 8:43:44 PM PT Yes True
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 13:02:42
namtron I just got the email and placed the order! PartNumber DateEntered Notify Sent Active 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/11/2021 8:43:44 PM PT Yes True
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy your new gaming goodness!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 13:09:41
I got the email for kingpin 3090, if you want I could work it out with enewt so he could buy it, but I don't have his evga bucks 🤔
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 13:09:58
Has there been any movement on 3989? That's what I'm most interested in. 24G-P5-3989-KR 6/4/2021 10:06:51 AM PT No True
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2022/01/05 13:13:16
Optimus is slowly shipping their kingpin water blocks that have active rearside block
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Re: 30 Series Queue System
2022/01/05 13:16:03
tommyw1968 I've been waiting over 1 year for a 3070 notify... what the hell???? 14 months and going....
Same as the rest of us in those queues. I assume it is for one of the black or similarly less expensive cards. They are only making their higher margin cards so you/we will likely be waiting until after you are trying to get in the queue for the next generation of cards.