EVGA Z790 in Europe

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2022/10/24 03:15:06 (permalink)
Will these boards be available in Europe?
The .eu site seem not to sell anything in Europe anymore...
Thank you

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/10/24 13:28:48 (permalink)
    Would also be useful if EVGA could sell their motherboards through Scan Computers here in the United Kingdom. They always used to. I have no idea why they didn't with the Z690's.

    Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Dark Hero | Intel Core i9-14900KF | RTX 4090 FE | 2x32GB Corsair Dominator Titanium DDR5 RAM (7200mhz) | 2x Samsung 990 Pro 4TB M.2 NVMe's for main OS and backup) | Windows 11 Pro 64-bit 23H2 |Klipsch 5.1.2 Dolby Atmos speakers + Denon AVR-X2800H Receiver | LG 42" C2 OLED | EVGA ASSOCIATE CODE: JRKV0L1B1GY3ADW

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/10/24 13:31:31 (permalink)
    Hello gsorin,
    Fellow european guy here, from past observation and being very familiar with most their previous products and the EU EVGA Shop personally i can safely say they won't be on there.
    In the case of the Z690 Classified/DARK KP it wasn't even listed until somewhat recently and even then it was never sold.
    The few OC enthusiasts in EU had to order the Z690 DARK KP on ebay and have it shipped from NA to get them.
    I went to the extra length to keep checking retailers and this board above never even showed up (as opposed to X570s and Z590s which have).
    But if there was any bit of hope, the most likely place to find them would be German retailers, namely equippr has a very good contact with EVGA.

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/10/29 14:14:22 (permalink)
    Hello gsorin,
    Fellow european guy here, from past observation and being very familiar with most their previous products and the EU EVGA Shop personally i can safely say they won't be on there.
    In the case of the Z690 Classified/DARK KP it wasn't even listed until somewhat recently and even then it was never sold.
    The few OC enthusiasts in EU had to order the Z690 DARK KP on ebay and have it shipped from NA to get them.
    I went to the extra length to keep checking retailers and this board above never even showed up (as opposed to X570s and Z590s which have).
    But if there was any bit of hope, the most likely place to find them would be German retailers, namely equippr has a very good contact with EVGA.

    The website "equippr" sells EVGA mb's...thx will keep an eye on that web site once the Z790 hits market.
    Any other trustworthy EUROPEAN web sites that sell latest EVGA mb's?
    Hold on its just weird and unacceptable that EU customers need to go through so much loops to get a EVGA product, YET they have a official EVGA EU store...which never sells anything at all actually this pisses me of greatly either delete your EVGA EU website or make sure people can actually buy new stuff including the new Z790 mb's. I don't understand why no official EVGA rep gave an explanation what the deal is with EVGA EU....is beyond me. Or at least give the option to pre-order from EVGA EU then EVGA EU asks the head center in USA how many units they want PROBLEM solved!
    post edited by CobraCommand - 2022/10/29 14:21:18
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/10/30 16:18:29 (permalink)
    Hello gsorin,
    Fellow european guy here, from past observation and being very familiar with most their previous products and the EU EVGA Shop personally i can safely say they won't be on there.
    In the case of the Z690 Classified/DARK KP it wasn't even listed until somewhat recently and even then it was never sold.
    The few OC enthusiasts in EU had to order the Z690 DARK KP on ebay and have it shipped from NA to get them.
    I went to the extra length to keep checking retailers and this board above never even showed up (as opposed to X570s and Z590s which have).
    But if there was any bit of hope, the most likely place to find them would be German retailers, namely equippr has a very good contact with EVGA.

    The website "equippr" sells EVGA mb's...thx will keep an eye on that web site once the Z790 hits market.
    Any other trustworthy EUROPEAN web sites that sell latest EVGA mb's?
    Hold on its just weird and unacceptable that EU customers need to go through so much loops to get a EVGA product, YET they have a official EVGA EU store...which never sells anything at all actually this pisses me of greatly either delete your EVGA EU website or make sure people can actually buy new stuff including the new Z790 mb's. I don't understand why no official EVGA rep gave an explanation what the deal is with EVGA EU....is beyond me. Or at least give the option to pre-order from EVGA EU then EVGA EU asks the head center in USA how many units they want PROBLEM solved!

    Because it's much easier to them to ship to their EU Retail partners so next to no allocation is left by then of a certain product (imagine the priority like this once a product is manufactured in x numbers: US Store>US Retail>EU Retail>EU Store).
    And since the Taiwan office is what sends it to the individuals ordering on the EU Store it's much more logistically complicated (they also pay all the imports and collect VAT for you beforehand). I'm not saying it's a great excuse, but it's information i have gathered myself observing, asking them and ordering the last 2-3 years now.
    In fact whatever you would say about the EU Shop it's under EVGA HK jurasdiction (EVGA Hong Kong is who you pay to on the EU site and that region falls under them and Taiwan regarding the shipping, although ofcourse your official communicating body is the German office, but whatever complaint or issue you would have they will have to internally talk to the other or other two). <- this is why when us europeans would complain to the NA forum or any of their NA staff it would generally fall on deaf ears, simply not their region.
    In general you wanna keep your eye on German retailers and employ whatever method to purchase there and have it delivered to you (mailboxde as a service, have a friend/colleague bring it back to you etc)!

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/11/29 08:16:08 (permalink)
    Hello gsorin,
    Fellow european guy here, from past observation and being very familiar with most their previous products and the EU EVGA Shop personally i can safely say they won't be on there.
    In the case of the Z690 Classified/DARK KP it wasn't even listed until somewhat recently and even then it was never sold.
    The few OC enthusiasts in EU had to order the Z690 DARK KP on ebay and have it shipped from NA to get them.
    I went to the extra length to keep checking retailers and this board above never even showed up (as opposed to X570s and Z590s which have).
    But if there was any bit of hope, the most likely place to find them would be German retailers, namely equippr has a very good contact with EVGA.

    The website "equippr" sells EVGA mb's...thx will keep an eye on that web site once the Z790 hits market.
    Any other trustworthy EUROPEAN web sites that sell latest EVGA mb's?
    Hold on its just weird and unacceptable that EU customers need to go through so much loops to get a EVGA product, YET they have a official EVGA EU store...which never sells anything at all actually this pisses me of greatly either delete your EVGA EU website or make sure people can actually buy new stuff including the new Z790 mb's. I don't understand why no official EVGA rep gave an explanation what the deal is with EVGA EU....is beyond me. Or at least give the option to pre-order from EVGA EU then EVGA EU asks the head center in USA how many units they want PROBLEM solved!

    So true bro i orderd my evga clx360 trough amazon.com and imported it to the netherlands with extra shipping and import cost to bear, only some power supply's and graphic cards hit our shores. no titanium psu's no clx aio's and no motherboards and a lot of other products.
    i think marketing wise evga could benevit a lot from opening the market to the european union,i am 100% sure that the are a lot of customers ready to welcome evga with open arms, and their great quility products! i love evga but its a distrubution nightmare to get them to me.
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/23 05:42:19 (permalink)
    Hello EVGA,
    Congrats on the z790 launch for guys at the US!  But for us europeans, could we get some sort of answer about your intentions over here, if any, so that we can give up on the wait and consider other options? My PC is being hold off just by this piece of equipment. I was expecting at least some sort of official declaration from you guys.
    Thanks for reading this and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/23 06:36:13 (permalink)
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/23 08:29:43 (permalink)
    Hey guys,
    I know you probably don't want to hear it, or you would rather listen to an official, but in their absence, if you ever read my experience about EVGA products above you will know that you need to wait more months after the MAIN launch for any EU stock IF EVER.
    Now to give some insight to the Z790 launch in specific, they only had LIMITED pre-sale stock on two different Fridays for the US. Jacob basically suggested on Twitter beforehand.
    Now we do know US is main priority for allocation, and if they only had LIMITED and also just pre-sale that means two things:
    1. The MAIN launch still didn't happen (they expect it to happen late December or early January as of now)
    2. EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet.
    So based on previous launch data and experience, if you wait out the US MAIN launch, after that IF they decided to give us any units at all (for Z690, they didn't send any), it can take from 1 to 3 months before they send any.
    So i would highly advise you to not make any of your builds rely on an EVGA Z790 (as in to make yourself wait endlessly) if you are an european like me, based on what we can expect above!
    Or if you are like me and you are dead set on specific hardware and you say no to alternatives, then to grow to be endlessly patient (i had to sometimes aswell).
    I'm watching these boards daily myself, even though i'm not intending to purchase it, i do out of curiousity, habit and to be able to give info to others in EU on them (as you can expect, many others love these quality mobos).
    So the only thing i can personally promise is to post here once i notice the first shipment and/or stock available!
    Merry Christmas guys!

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/23 14:01:58 (permalink)
    Hey guys,
    I know you probably don't want to hear it, or you would rather listen to an official, but in their absence, if you ever read my experience about EVGA products above you will know that you need to wait more months after the MAIN launch for any EU stock IF EVER.
    Now to give some insight to the Z790 launch in specific, they only had LIMITED pre-sale stock on two different Fridays for the US. Jacob basically suggested on Twitter beforehand.
    Now we do know US is main priority for allocation, and if they only had LIMITED and also just pre-sale that means two things:
    1. The MAIN launch still didn't happen (they expect it to happen late December or early January as of now)
    2. EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet.
    So based on previous launch data and experience, if you wait out the US MAIN launch, after that IF they decided to give us any units at all (for Z690, they didn't send any), it can take from 1 to 3 months before they send any.
    So i would highly advise you to not make any of your builds rely on an EVGA Z790 (as in to make yourself wait endlessly) if you are an european like me, based on what we can expect above!
    Or if you are like me and you are dead set on specific hardware and you say no to alternatives, then to grow to be endlessly patient (i had to sometimes aswell).
    I'm watching these boards daily myself, even though i'm not intending to purchase it, i do out of curiousity, habit and to be able to give info to others in EU on them (as you can expect, many others love these quality mobos).
    So the only thing i can personally promise is to post here once i notice the first shipment and/or stock available!
    Merry Christmas guys!

    Yes good advice from your end!
    Im also holding of because i really want an EVGA Z790 Classified i already have the i7-13700k and MSI Trio X RTX 4090 (DANG i wish it was a EVGA RTX 4090.....) all is left is RAM and MB and ATX3.0 psu.
    You know there are PLENTY of USA pc hardware sites that OFFER the option to ship to EU/UK! Why not EVGA USA? The EVGA EU simply is a ghost site for years now and nobody cares or fixes the EVGA eu site its a shore for years and years now. And i checked often at the EVGA EU sites in hope of seeing the Z790 in stock....
    Look if EVGA was just a brand new company only existing for say 2 years i would understand. But they exist for a pretty LONG time now and also have a loyal fan base in EU/UK they could have increased their profit margins if they INCLUDED EU/UK...1 to 3 months is WAY to long to wait and thats an IF so you wait for nothing...
    Im now looking at Asus or MSI Z790 boards and doing research pretty disappointed i feel like loyal EU/UK EVGA costumers are left hanging.
    You know there was a time where EVGA EU had everything in stock from MB's to GPU's to PSU's and loved it to order from them ie my last 2 rigs where all EVGA parts.
    But now i can't! I wish they offer us a quick solution at least the ones that are member of EVGA and can proof their purchases over the years.
    PS you said "EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet."
    How come when the EVGA EU site was working properly you could find anything that EVGA USA had! At around the same price from dollar to euro incl all high end mb's or gpu's you could order one at around the launch at USA maybe 1 to 3 weeks later. So if they could do it THEN why not now?
    Even if im a bit salty disappointed but thats out of love!
    Either way i wish all EVGA STAFF and EVGA members a nice christmas and a healthy succesfull and happy new year!!!!
    post edited by CobraCommand - 2022/12/23 14:08:37
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/23 16:01:09 (permalink)
    Hey guys,
    I know you probably don't want to hear it, or you would rather listen to an official, but in their absence, if you ever read my experience about EVGA products above you will know that you need to wait more months after the MAIN launch for any EU stock IF EVER.
    Now to give some insight to the Z790 launch in specific, they only had LIMITED pre-sale stock on two different Fridays for the US. Jacob basically suggested on Twitter beforehand.
    Now we do know US is main priority for allocation, and if they only had LIMITED and also just pre-sale that means two things:
    1. The MAIN launch still didn't happen (they expect it to happen late December or early January as of now)
    2. EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet.
    So based on previous launch data and experience, if you wait out the US MAIN launch, after that IF they decided to give us any units at all (for Z690, they didn't send any), it can take from 1 to 3 months before they send any.
    So i would highly advise you to not make any of your builds rely on an EVGA Z790 (as in to make yourself wait endlessly) if you are an european like me, based on what we can expect above!
    Or if you are like me and you are dead set on specific hardware and you say no to alternatives, then to grow to be endlessly patient (i had to sometimes aswell).
    I'm watching these boards daily myself, even though i'm not intending to purchase it, i do out of curiousity, habit and to be able to give info to others in EU on them (as you can expect, many others love these quality mobos).
    So the only thing i can personally promise is to post here once i notice the first shipment and/or stock available!
    Merry Christmas guys!

    Yes good advice from your end!
    Im also holding of because i really want an EVGA Z790 Classified i already have the i7-13700k and MSI Trio X RTX 4090 (DANG i wish it was a EVGA RTX 4090.....) all is left is RAM and MB and ATX3.0 psu.
    You know there are PLENTY of USA pc hardware sites that OFFER the option to ship to EU/UK! Why not EVGA USA? The EVGA EU simply is a ghost site for years now and nobody cares or fixes the EVGA eu site its a shore for years and years now. And i checked often at the EVGA EU sites in hope of seeing the Z790 in stock....
    Look if EVGA was just a brand new company only existing for say 2 years i would understand. But they exist for a pretty LONG time now and also have a loyal fan base in EU/UK they could have increased their profit margins if they INCLUDED EU/UK...1 to 3 months is WAY to long to wait and thats an IF so you wait for nothing...
    Im now looking at Asus or MSI Z790 boards and doing research pretty disappointed i feel like loyal EU/UK EVGA costumers are left hanging.
    You know there was a time where EVGA EU had everything in stock from MB's to GPU's to PSU's and loved it to order from them ie my last 2 rigs where all EVGA parts.
    But now i can't! I wish they offer us a quick solution at least the ones that are member of EVGA and can proof their purchases over the years.
    PS you said "EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet."
    How come when the EVGA EU site was working properly you could find anything that EVGA USA had! At around the same price from dollar to euro incl all high end mb's or gpu's you could order one at around the launch at USA maybe 1 to 3 weeks later. So if they could do it THEN why not now?
    Even if im a bit salty disappointed but thats out of love!
    Either way i wish all EVGA STAFF and EVGA members a nice christmas and a healthy succesfull and happy new year!!!!

    So look first of all i have daily watched EVGA EU since about 2019 and it was a ghost site apart from some Ampere stock and some other random items and the 2020-2021 Queue system.
    So this is not even new information, but almost 4 years old history now. Basically they closed their warehouse in Germany back in 2017 or 2018 (yes, because i kept asking the same questions as you and guessing, but actually got to talk to James from EVGA on discord about this a few times).
    WHY exactly they closed it is unclear to me, but it was mentioned a few times that the logistics is somehow extremely complicated for it to be worth it to sell directly to customers in EU (i guess apart from the very limited Ampere stock and again a few random items).
    And them being a US based company combined with that above i think they simply made the decision to follow a priority like this: EVGA US Shop>US retailers>EU retailers>EVGA EU Shop (this priority is also based on those years of observing product launches, comparing the EU and US site, their stocks and even personally participating in the launches and Queue systems, so it must be damn close to their actual allocation priority)
    Additionally i know for a fact that EVGA EU Shop is under EVGA HK jurasdiction (you can confirm this when purchasing anything on EVGA EU, you pay to this branch) and the US Headquarters know very little or has very little decision making in what happens there.
    They do have a German office, but it only handles RMA and Customer Service, the decision makers are in Hong Kong and Taiwan (both has an office).
    And yes i do remember the time before like 2016 when many other things were in stock on EVGA EU, i have purchased in the past there and actually got my products from their German warehouse, since they closed in 2017 or 2018, it all ships from Taiwan.
    But i also remember even then we were not the first to get that stock, atleast not so immediately like you would expect.
    In response to your PS, i can only repeat the reason which is evident considering how it works for a few years now: Z790 didn't actually launch yet, they had special pre-launch sales for US only, on two separate Fridays only, because they had extremely LIMITED amount of the boards. So if you check back to the priority and all the information above, it checks out. The little amount they had was sold on US soil. The MAIN/actual launch is still coming, so even if EVGA EU was functioning, or they would magically allocate us any Z790, it will be no earlier than that date (but again by previous data, it's more likely to take a month or a few).
    The small amount of boards itself probably means they couldn't produce enough just yet, which would further explain why they ship them to a place first higher in priority. This could very well be because there is still shortage of specific materials or components, which was suggested every single month in the hardware space and didn't seem to magically end or disappear yet.
    When they are going to have such high production numbers of them, you will slowly start seeing them at more and more US retailers, perhaps even EU retailers at that point.
    Obviously if we ever find out more detailed reasons of why exactly EU is a bit forgotten apart from their Retail partners, i will try to share that info aswell.
    I know it is hard to swallow, it was for me too, but please trust that the information i have gathered for years now and i'm sharing here is with absolutely good intent and it's trying very hard to get the points across!
    I think i have covered everything, but i wrote this pretty late and a bit tired, if i missed anything or anything is unclear that we have information about, let me know, happy holidays again!
    post edited by Epsolike - 2022/12/23 16:15:25

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/24 07:33:28 (permalink)
    First of all, Happy Christmas Eve guys!!  I hope everyone is having a blast of a time! :D
    And now, I'll be really quick. Look what Jacob said on his twitter yesterday in the comment section: (link in question so that was a big Oof). I dunno if posting links goes against the rules of this forum but essentially somebody asked the good ol' question "What about EU?" which he replied "We have some on the way will be at EU retailers. Hope to have some more info soon".
    So there you go guys. Finally some good news! 
    post edited by Albertopm96 - 2022/12/24 07:35:06
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/24 14:01:04 (permalink)
    Hey guys,
    I know you probably don't want to hear it, or you would rather listen to an official, but in their absence, if you ever read my experience about EVGA products above you will know that you need to wait more months after the MAIN launch for any EU stock IF EVER.
    Now to give some insight to the Z790 launch in specific, they only had LIMITED pre-sale stock on two different Fridays for the US. Jacob basically suggested on Twitter beforehand.
    Now we do know US is main priority for allocation, and if they only had LIMITED and also just pre-sale that means two things:
    1. The MAIN launch still didn't happen (they expect it to happen late December or early January as of now)
    2. EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet.
    So based on previous launch data and experience, if you wait out the US MAIN launch, after that IF they decided to give us any units at all (for Z690, they didn't send any), it can take from 1 to 3 months before they send any.
    So i would highly advise you to not make any of your builds rely on an EVGA Z790 (as in to make yourself wait endlessly) if you are an european like me, based on what we can expect above!
    Or if you are like me and you are dead set on specific hardware and you say no to alternatives, then to grow to be endlessly patient (i had to sometimes aswell).
    I'm watching these boards daily myself, even though i'm not intending to purchase it, i do out of curiousity, habit and to be able to give info to others in EU on them (as you can expect, many others love these quality mobos).
    So the only thing i can personally promise is to post here once i notice the first shipment and/or stock available!
    Merry Christmas guys!

    Yes good advice from your end!
    Im also holding of because i really want an EVGA Z790 Classified i already have the i7-13700k and MSI Trio X RTX 4090 (DANG i wish it was a EVGA RTX 4090.....) all is left is RAM and MB and ATX3.0 psu.
    You know there are PLENTY of USA pc hardware sites that OFFER the option to ship to EU/UK! Why not EVGA USA? The EVGA EU simply is a ghost site for years now and nobody cares or fixes the EVGA eu site its a shore for years and years now. And i checked often at the EVGA EU sites in hope of seeing the Z790 in stock....
    Look if EVGA was just a brand new company only existing for say 2 years i would understand. But they exist for a pretty LONG time now and also have a loyal fan base in EU/UK they could have increased their profit margins if they INCLUDED EU/UK...1 to 3 months is WAY to long to wait and thats an IF so you wait for nothing...
    Im now looking at Asus or MSI Z790 boards and doing research pretty disappointed i feel like loyal EU/UK EVGA costumers are left hanging.
    You know there was a time where EVGA EU had everything in stock from MB's to GPU's to PSU's and loved it to order from them ie my last 2 rigs where all EVGA parts.
    But now i can't! I wish they offer us a quick solution at least the ones that are member of EVGA and can proof their purchases over the years.
    PS you said "EU couldn't have gotten stock yet for already mentioned allocation reasons AND because US didn't even have it's main launch yet."
    How come when the EVGA EU site was working properly you could find anything that EVGA USA had! At around the same price from dollar to euro incl all high end mb's or gpu's you could order one at around the launch at USA maybe 1 to 3 weeks later. So if they could do it THEN why not now?
    Even if im a bit salty disappointed but thats out of love!
    Either way i wish all EVGA STAFF and EVGA members a nice christmas and a healthy succesfull and happy new year!!!!

    So look first of all i have daily watched EVGA EU since about 2019 and it was a ghost site apart from some Ampere stock and some other random items and the 2020-2021 Queue system.
    So this is not even new information, but almost 4 years old history now. Basically they closed their warehouse in Germany back in 2017 or 2018 (yes, because i kept asking the same questions as you and guessing, but actually got to talk to James from EVGA on discord about this a few times).
    WHY exactly they closed it is unclear to me, but it was mentioned a few times that the logistics is somehow extremely complicated for it to be worth it to sell directly to customers in EU (i guess apart from the very limited Ampere stock and again a few random items).
    And them being a US based company combined with that above i think they simply made the decision to follow a priority like this: EVGA US Shop>US retailers>EU retailers>EVGA EU Shop (this priority is also based on those years of observing product launches, comparing the EU and US site, their stocks and even personally participating in the launches and Queue systems, so it must be damn close to their actual allocation priority)
    Additionally i know for a fact that EVGA EU Shop is under EVGA HK jurasdiction (you can confirm this when purchasing anything on EVGA EU, you pay to this branch) and the US Headquarters know very little or has very little decision making in what happens there.
    They do have a German office, but it only handles RMA and Customer Service, the decision makers are in Hong Kong and Taiwan (both has an office).
    And yes i do remember the time before like 2016 when many other things were in stock on EVGA EU, i have purchased in the past there and actually got my products from their German warehouse, since they closed in 2017 or 2018, it all ships from Taiwan.
    But i also remember even then we were not the first to get that stock, atleast not so immediately like you would expect.
    In response to your PS, i can only repeat the reason which is evident considering how it works for a few years now: Z790 didn't actually launch yet, they had special pre-launch sales for US only, on two separate Fridays only, because they had extremely LIMITED amount of the boards. So if you check back to the priority and all the information above, it checks out. The little amount they had was sold on US soil. The MAIN/actual launch is still coming, so even if EVGA EU was functioning, or they would magically allocate us any Z790, it will be no earlier than that date (but again by previous data, it's more likely to take a month or a few).
    The small amount of boards itself probably means they couldn't produce enough just yet, which would further explain why they ship them to a place first higher in priority. This could very well be because there is still shortage of specific materials or components, which was suggested every single month in the hardware space and didn't seem to magically end or disappear yet.
    When they are going to have such high production numbers of them, you will slowly start seeing them at more and more US retailers, perhaps even EU retailers at that point.
    Obviously if we ever find out more detailed reasons of why exactly EU is a bit forgotten apart from their Retail partners, i will try to share that info aswell.
    I know it is hard to swallow, it was for me too, but please trust that the information i have gathered for years now and i'm sharing here is with absolutely good intent and it's trying very hard to get the points across!
    I think i have covered everything, but i wrote this pretty late and a bit tired, if i missed anything or anything is unclear that we have information about, let me know, happy holidays again!

    Thank you so much for taking your time to respond to me appreciate it m8.
    You done your homework about the ins and outs reagrding the issue that is EVGA and EU availibility. And i trust your information thats a lot of effort you did. Indeed i heard that the main decision comes from headquarters in Hong Kong and Taiwan (mainly in Taiwan in my case). Then i wonder about the logistics because sending hardware from there to USA or EU is similar by my guess...Both can have a big market. So basically designed in the USA made in Taiwan like most other pc hardware.
    However there is one gripe i have and it is NOT your input.
    It is about the decisions made by Taiwan this whole mess could be solved by just adding one simple addition in the EVGA USA store and that is:
    Include Europe and United Kingdom where to send the EVGA hardware many USA based pc hardware web sites AND also water cooling companies already do that. For instance i ordered all my water cooling parts at Koolance.com ie cpu and gpu block + fittings no issue at all they include shipping to EU and UK.
    Im eye balling the EVGA Z790 Classified but im holding my breath EVEN if its available in EU/UK what would be the total price we are already talking about a expensive board 700 dollar...I don't want to spend an additional arm and a leg in EURO's. Because i know for a fact that back in EVGA EU site prices where similar to the USA store. Nowadays it seems companies might do the "money grab" and abuse the situation yes i know about the dramatic economic situation in the EU ie Dollar vs Euro and the war in Ukraine and the rizing gas prices...
    Some companies take hard abuse and asking 600 for a board that actually is worth 250 same with the GPU market. If the Classified is around close to 700 i may stretch it to 750 and THATS already asking way much from me i will ditch the Classified if its just not worth the price in favor of another brand of mb this i really don't want to do but in the end money plays a role. We European citizens get the final bill unfair. Just like what NVIDIA did msrp in USA for the RTX 4090 = 1500? In EU msrp is a whopping 2000 Euro 500 difference that's A HUGE difference i can imagine max 150 but 500 = greedy and abusive period.
    As the poster above me said that Jacob would send some units over to EU how many units are we talking about a handfull a couple oof hundreds? And which retailers in the EU will sell them? It's so much hassle just to get a good board. So now im looking at Asus and MSI probably it's going to be either a Asus Z790 Strix E or MSI Z790 Carbon...
    Either way thanks again for the input i now have a better understanding.
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/24 14:05:18 (permalink)
    First of all, Happy Christmas Eve guys!!  I hope everyone is having a blast of a time! :D
    And now, I'll be really quick. Look what Jacob said on his twitter yesterday in the comment section: (link in question so that was a big Oof). I dunno if posting links goes against the rules of this forum but essentially somebody asked the good ol' question "What about EU?" which he replied "We have some on the way will be at EU retailers. Hope to have some more info soon".
    So there you go guys. Finally some good news! 

    Thank you m8!!
    And a happy Christmas and a healthy new year to you as well
    If you have any updates on WHICH retail sites will sell the Z790 Classified please share them with us?!
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/25 01:12:46 (permalink)
    I have read your reply CobraCommand, and obviously i know and agree. The reason i think they don't offer us ordering from the US site is because there is the dedicated EU one and like established both are governed by different branches.
    I still don't understand the exact deep details of the decisions, but i guess it goes back to US being simply their largest market or primary (not that we wouldn't be buying it in EU). 
    As far as prices, thank the EU and your own country for the VAT rates, no wonder some companies don't want to deal with it at all, collecting VAT infront and having to send it to each different countrie's Tax office must not be fun.
    EVGA EU for example displays prices WITHOUT VAT (EXC VAT), meaning you see a base price until you are in the checkout, so ontop of that prices comes your countries VAT (27% for me in hungary for example, almost one third of the value if anything!) 
    and additional 15,99 for DHL Express shipping (this is their only option, i perfectly like it though, they use a DDP feature where they do all the VAT paying and customs for you, you only need to send in some info on a link or in email to your local DHL Express).
    Very glad to see Jacob mention it, you guys notice how he said Retailers (or Retail partners)? This conforms to the priority. Also the "some" is probably a low amount, so we must be very vigilant to get to them.
    Btw often times EU Retailer prices are better than what the EVGA EU would offer with the added VAT, namely your best bet is purchasing from Germany and using mailboxde service to get it shipped to you!
    Unfortunately from past experience i expect the price for those board to be 1:1 dollar to euro + VAT, which is alot (at best, maybe 50-80 cheaper amount in EUR + VAT), but we shall see.
    You can find Jacob's comment HERE

    EVGA X570 DARK (1.09) [manual SoC, AUTO high!]
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/26 15:01:18 (permalink)
    I have read your reply CobraCommand, and obviously i know and agree. The reason i think they don't offer us ordering from the US site is because there is the dedicated EU one and like established both are governed by different branches.
    I still don't understand the exact deep details of the decisions, but i guess it goes back to US being simply their largest market or primary (not that we wouldn't be buying it in EU). 
    As far as prices, thank the EU and your own country for the VAT rates, no wonder some companies don't want to deal with it at all, collecting VAT infront and having to send it to each different countrie's Tax office must not be fun.
    EVGA EU for example displays prices WITHOUT VAT (EXC VAT), meaning you see a base price until you are in the checkout, so ontop of that prices comes your countries VAT (27% for me in hungary for example, almost one third of the value if anything!) 
    and additional 15,99 for DHL Express shipping (this is their only option, i perfectly like it though, they use a DDP feature where they do all the VAT paying and customs for you, you only need to send in some info on a link or in email to your local DHL Express).
    Very glad to see Jacob mention it, you guys notice how he said Retailers (or Retail partners)? This conforms to the priority. Also the "some" is probably a low amount, so we must be very vigilant to get to them.
    Btw often times EU Retailer prices are better than what the EVGA EU would offer with the added VAT, namely your best bet is purchasing from Germany and using mailboxde service to get it shipped to you!
    Unfortunately from past experience i expect the price for those board to be 1:1 dollar to euro + VAT, which is alot (at best, maybe 50-80 cheaper amount in EUR + VAT), but we shall see.
    You can find Jacob's comment HERE

    Yeah its a shame...all this mess.
    And now im researching which brand to take and it's taking it's toll on me the search for a good stable reliable long lasting board. Asus has fallen it seems im reading quite the complaints about Asus boards not having proper compatibility with memory or XMP not working...They used to be such a good brand their boards where made like a tank. But now...So i dropped Asus.
    So far the 2 contenders that i found are MSI Z790 Carbon and Asrock Z790 Taichi both seem to have positive feedback. You will have people swearing to this or that brand and while the other group curses that specific brand...I had no issues with EVGA boards had fond memories in my hardcore gaming days.
    I think im going to say farewell to EVGA not because i want to but...i'm afraid if the EVGA Z790 Classified does end up in some EU retailer il have to pay a hefty PREMIUM and let me tell you its NOT gonna be 700 euro...guaranteed! Expect WAY higher price!

    I still have some time to change my mind still have to wait for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200 PSU which should be available in January 2023 (it has been delayed original date was mid December 2022). If prices are decent in EU for the Classified i might change my mind. Already have the i7-13700K and a MSI Trio X RTX 4090 and Samsung 980 Pro m2.ssd just the board and ram and PSU is left. The 4090 took a lot of my resources...
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/27 05:18:48 (permalink)
    I have read your reply CobraCommand, and obviously i know and agree. The reason i think they don't offer us ordering from the US site is because there is the dedicated EU one and like established both are governed by different branches.
    I still don't understand the exact deep details of the decisions, but i guess it goes back to US being simply their largest market or primary (not that we wouldn't be buying it in EU). 
    As far as prices, thank the EU and your own country for the VAT rates, no wonder some companies don't want to deal with it at all, collecting VAT infront and having to send it to each different countrie's Tax office must not be fun.
    EVGA EU for example displays prices WITHOUT VAT (EXC VAT), meaning you see a base price until you are in the checkout, so ontop of that prices comes your countries VAT (27% for me in hungary for example, almost one third of the value if anything!) 
    and additional 15,99 for DHL Express shipping (this is their only option, i perfectly like it though, they use a DDP feature where they do all the VAT paying and customs for you, you only need to send in some info on a link or in email to your local DHL Express).
    Very glad to see Jacob mention it, you guys notice how he said Retailers (or Retail partners)? This conforms to the priority. Also the "some" is probably a low amount, so we must be very vigilant to get to them.
    Btw often times EU Retailer prices are better than what the EVGA EU would offer with the added VAT, namely your best bet is purchasing from Germany and using mailboxde service to get it shipped to you!
    Unfortunately from past experience i expect the price for those board to be 1:1 dollar to euro + VAT, which is alot (at best, maybe 50-80 cheaper amount in EUR + VAT), but we shall see.
    You can find Jacob's comment HERE

    Yeah its a shame...all this mess.
    And now im researching which brand to take and it's taking it's toll on me the search for a good stable reliable long lasting board. Asus has fallen it seems im reading quite the complaints about Asus boards not having proper compatibility with memory or XMP not working...They used to be such a good brand their boards where made like a tank. But now...So i dropped Asus.
    So far the 2 contenders that i found are MSI Z790 Carbon and Asrock Z790 Taichi both seem to have positive feedback. You will have people swearing to this or that brand and while the other group curses that specific brand...I had no issues with EVGA boards had fond memories in my hardcore gaming days.
    I think im going to say farewell to EVGA not because i want to but...i'm afraid if the EVGA Z790 Classified does end up in some EU retailer il have to pay a hefty PREMIUM and let me tell you its NOT gonna be 700 euro...guaranteed! Expect WAY higher price!

    I still have some time to change my mind still have to wait for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200 PSU which should be available in January 2023 (it has been delayed original date was mid December 2022). If prices are decent in EU for the Classified i might change my mind. Already have the i7-13700K and a MSI Trio X RTX 4090 and Samsung 980 Pro m2.ssd just the board and ram and PSU is left. The 4090 took a lot of my resources...

    Yeah fair enough. Honestly i haven't heard bad things about the MSI Z790 Carbon boards so far (in general i keep hearing they are decent boards for both AMD and Intel chipsets). I know much less of the Taichi, i personally keep away from Asrock.
    Very nice choice on the PSU also, can't wait for them to come in stock! Overall i still want more options the ATX 3.0 selection is too limited still, i'm personally looking for ATX3.0 1200W+ Titanum atleast.
    I also simply want to see what EVGA's ATX3.0 will be, i'm willing to make compromises for that 

    EVGA X570 DARK (1.09) [manual SoC, AUTO high!]
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/27 15:17:37 (permalink)
    I have read your reply CobraCommand, and obviously i know and agree. The reason i think they don't offer us ordering from the US site is because there is the dedicated EU one and like established both are governed by different branches.
    I still don't understand the exact deep details of the decisions, but i guess it goes back to US being simply their largest market or primary (not that we wouldn't be buying it in EU). 
    As far as prices, thank the EU and your own country for the VAT rates, no wonder some companies don't want to deal with it at all, collecting VAT infront and having to send it to each different countrie's Tax office must not be fun.
    EVGA EU for example displays prices WITHOUT VAT (EXC VAT), meaning you see a base price until you are in the checkout, so ontop of that prices comes your countries VAT (27% for me in hungary for example, almost one third of the value if anything!) 
    and additional 15,99 for DHL Express shipping (this is their only option, i perfectly like it though, they use a DDP feature where they do all the VAT paying and customs for you, you only need to send in some info on a link or in email to your local DHL Express).
    Very glad to see Jacob mention it, you guys notice how he said Retailers (or Retail partners)? This conforms to the priority. Also the "some" is probably a low amount, so we must be very vigilant to get to them.
    Btw often times EU Retailer prices are better than what the EVGA EU would offer with the added VAT, namely your best bet is purchasing from Germany and using mailboxde service to get it shipped to you!
    Unfortunately from past experience i expect the price for those board to be 1:1 dollar to euro + VAT, which is alot (at best, maybe 50-80 cheaper amount in EUR + VAT), but we shall see.
    You can find Jacob's comment HERE

    Yeah its a shame...all this mess.
    And now im researching which brand to take and it's taking it's toll on me the search for a good stable reliable long lasting board. Asus has fallen it seems im reading quite the complaints about Asus boards not having proper compatibility with memory or XMP not working...They used to be such a good brand their boards where made like a tank. But now...So i dropped Asus.
    So far the 2 contenders that i found are MSI Z790 Carbon and Asrock Z790 Taichi both seem to have positive feedback. You will have people swearing to this or that brand and while the other group curses that specific brand...I had no issues with EVGA boards had fond memories in my hardcore gaming days.
    I think im going to say farewell to EVGA not because i want to but...i'm afraid if the EVGA Z790 Classified does end up in some EU retailer il have to pay a hefty PREMIUM and let me tell you its NOT gonna be 700 euro...guaranteed! Expect WAY higher price!

    I still have some time to change my mind still have to wait for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200 PSU which should be available in January 2023 (it has been delayed original date was mid December 2022). If prices are decent in EU for the Classified i might change my mind. Already have the i7-13700K and a MSI Trio X RTX 4090 and Samsung 980 Pro m2.ssd just the board and ram and PSU is left. The 4090 took a lot of my resources...

    Yeah fair enough. Honestly i haven't heard bad things about the MSI Z790 Carbon boards so far (in general i keep hearing they are decent boards for both AMD and Intel chipsets). I know much less of the Taichi, i personally keep away from Asrock.
    Very nice choice on the PSU also, can't wait for them to come in stock! Overall i still want more options the ATX 3.0 selection is too limited still, i'm personally looking for ATX3.0 1200W+ Titanum atleast.
    I also simply want to see what EVGA's ATX3.0 will be, i'm willing to make compromises for that 

    Yup an ATX3.0 PSU it will be either an Seasonic or EVGA psu for me but no word on EVGA ATX3.0 as of yet. Just waiting for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200watt psu...i didnt see a Titanium line from the Vertex series as of yet only the Platinum but that should be good enough for my needs. (Vertex line = January 2023 available so keep an eye out for them the top end 1200watt Platinum = 309 eur.)
    As for Asrock they used to be affiliated with Asus not anymore tho. It was true in the beginning they offered budget boards and weren't that good. But this was a long time ago. Now their mid/high end boards are actually good and i have done some serious research on it consensus on reliability and stability is pretty good and positive however their budget boards are STILL meh. I actually hear more complaints about MSI boards then Asrock but this can be easily explained since there are more MSI boards sold then Asrock. I do hear a lot about mid/high end Asrock boards "they simply WORK", build like a tank, no issue with XMP or ram compatibility, rock solid stability".
    But the mid/high end segment from MSI are also very positive especially on the Carbon series high quality reliable etc. hence im leaning towards these 2. And btw the Taichi = high end board. Very beefy VRM power phases. Need to do some last research on which of the 2 boards it will be. But...i would rather have the EVGA Classified i hope within 2 weeks if the price is right il just buy it!
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/27 15:29:02 (permalink)
    AmazonUK/EU may be available for purchase.
    Even if the product is registered on AmazonUK/EU,
    if the seller and shipper is not AmazonUK/EU,
    the price is sometimes quoted at a considerably higher price.

    122-CK-NF68-AR   /   122-CK-NF68-A1   /   132-CK-NF78-A1   /   132-YW-E178-A1   /   132-YW-E179-A1  /   151-IB-E699-KR
    128-A8-N303-TX   /   512-P3-N973-TR*2   /   012-P3-1570-AR*2   /   012-P3-1572-AR   /   03G-P4-3788-KR
    ⊰━━━━━━━≪☆≪  ☆・.*--゚– ☆⊲・*-.-゚–  ☆⊲⊰.-・-*-゚-   ☆-⊰・*-.-゚– -
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/27 16:08:05 (permalink)
    I have read your reply CobraCommand, and obviously i know and agree. The reason i think they don't offer us ordering from the US site is because there is the dedicated EU one and like established both are governed by different branches.
    I still don't understand the exact deep details of the decisions, but i guess it goes back to US being simply their largest market or primary (not that we wouldn't be buying it in EU). 
    As far as prices, thank the EU and your own country for the VAT rates, no wonder some companies don't want to deal with it at all, collecting VAT infront and having to send it to each different countrie's Tax office must not be fun.
    EVGA EU for example displays prices WITHOUT VAT (EXC VAT), meaning you see a base price until you are in the checkout, so ontop of that prices comes your countries VAT (27% for me in hungary for example, almost one third of the value if anything!) 
    and additional 15,99 for DHL Express shipping (this is their only option, i perfectly like it though, they use a DDP feature where they do all the VAT paying and customs for you, you only need to send in some info on a link or in email to your local DHL Express).
    Very glad to see Jacob mention it, you guys notice how he said Retailers (or Retail partners)? This conforms to the priority. Also the "some" is probably a low amount, so we must be very vigilant to get to them.
    Btw often times EU Retailer prices are better than what the EVGA EU would offer with the added VAT, namely your best bet is purchasing from Germany and using mailboxde service to get it shipped to you!
    Unfortunately from past experience i expect the price for those board to be 1:1 dollar to euro + VAT, which is alot (at best, maybe 50-80 cheaper amount in EUR + VAT), but we shall see.
    You can find Jacob's comment HERE

    Yeah its a shame...all this mess.
    And now im researching which brand to take and it's taking it's toll on me the search for a good stable reliable long lasting board. Asus has fallen it seems im reading quite the complaints about Asus boards not having proper compatibility with memory or XMP not working...They used to be such a good brand their boards where made like a tank. But now...So i dropped Asus.
    So far the 2 contenders that i found are MSI Z790 Carbon and Asrock Z790 Taichi both seem to have positive feedback. You will have people swearing to this or that brand and while the other group curses that specific brand...I had no issues with EVGA boards had fond memories in my hardcore gaming days.
    I think im going to say farewell to EVGA not because i want to but...i'm afraid if the EVGA Z790 Classified does end up in some EU retailer il have to pay a hefty PREMIUM and let me tell you its NOT gonna be 700 euro...guaranteed! Expect WAY higher price!

    I still have some time to change my mind still have to wait for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200 PSU which should be available in January 2023 (it has been delayed original date was mid December 2022). If prices are decent in EU for the Classified i might change my mind. Already have the i7-13700K and a MSI Trio X RTX 4090 and Samsung 980 Pro m2.ssd just the board and ram and PSU is left. The 4090 took a lot of my resources...

    Yeah fair enough. Honestly i haven't heard bad things about the MSI Z790 Carbon boards so far (in general i keep hearing they are decent boards for both AMD and Intel chipsets). I know much less of the Taichi, i personally keep away from Asrock.
    Very nice choice on the PSU also, can't wait for them to come in stock! Overall i still want more options the ATX 3.0 selection is too limited still, i'm personally looking for ATX3.0 1200W+ Titanum atleast.
    I also simply want to see what EVGA's ATX3.0 will be, i'm willing to make compromises for that 

    Yup an ATX3.0 PSU it will be either an Seasonic or EVGA psu for me but no word on EVGA ATX3.0 as of yet. Just waiting for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200watt psu...i didnt see a Titanium line from the Vertex series as of yet only the Platinum but that should be good enough for my needs. (Vertex line = January 2023 available so keep an eye out for them the top end 1200watt Platinum = 309 eur.)
    As for Asrock they used to be affiliated with Asus not anymore tho. It was true in the beginning they offered budget boards and weren't that good. But this was a long time ago. Now their mid/high end boards are actually good and i have done some serious research on it consensus on reliability and stability is pretty good and positive however their budget boards are STILL meh. I actually hear more complaints about MSI boards then Asrock but this can be easily explained since there are more MSI boards sold then Asrock. I do hear a lot about mid/high end Asrock boards "they simply WORK", build like a tank, no issue with XMP or ram compatibility, rock solid stability".
    But the mid/high end segment from MSI are also very positive especially on the Carbon series high quality reliable etc. hence im leaning towards these 2. And btw the Taichi = high end board. Very beefy VRM power phases. Need to do some last research on which of the 2 boards it will be. But...i would rather have the EVGA Classified i hope within 2 weeks if the price is right il just buy it!

    Lets say the Asrock board in question comes with decent components that allow for acceptable usage just like lets say an MSI Carbon would. I would personally still go MSI, because after EVGA and ASUS it's probably the last BIOS i would ever touch that is still acceptable, but nothing beyond it.
    Ofcourse again, thats personal, i'm sure there are Biostar BIOS enjoyers even in existence ^^

    EVGA X570 DARK (1.09) [manual SoC, AUTO high!]
    AMD Ryzen 5800X3D [-25 -25 -25 -20 -25 -25 -25 -25]
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/28 13:12:22 (permalink)
    I have read your reply CobraCommand, and obviously i know and agree. The reason i think they don't offer us ordering from the US site is because there is the dedicated EU one and like established both are governed by different branches.
    I still don't understand the exact deep details of the decisions, but i guess it goes back to US being simply their largest market or primary (not that we wouldn't be buying it in EU). 
    As far as prices, thank the EU and your own country for the VAT rates, no wonder some companies don't want to deal with it at all, collecting VAT infront and having to send it to each different countrie's Tax office must not be fun.
    EVGA EU for example displays prices WITHOUT VAT (EXC VAT), meaning you see a base price until you are in the checkout, so ontop of that prices comes your countries VAT (27% for me in hungary for example, almost one third of the value if anything!) 
    and additional 15,99 for DHL Express shipping (this is their only option, i perfectly like it though, they use a DDP feature where they do all the VAT paying and customs for you, you only need to send in some info on a link or in email to your local DHL Express).
    Very glad to see Jacob mention it, you guys notice how he said Retailers (or Retail partners)? This conforms to the priority. Also the "some" is probably a low amount, so we must be very vigilant to get to them.
    Btw often times EU Retailer prices are better than what the EVGA EU would offer with the added VAT, namely your best bet is purchasing from Germany and using mailboxde service to get it shipped to you!
    Unfortunately from past experience i expect the price for those board to be 1:1 dollar to euro + VAT, which is alot (at best, maybe 50-80 cheaper amount in EUR + VAT), but we shall see.
    You can find Jacob's comment HERE

    Yeah its a shame...all this mess.
    And now im researching which brand to take and it's taking it's toll on me the search for a good stable reliable long lasting board. Asus has fallen it seems im reading quite the complaints about Asus boards not having proper compatibility with memory or XMP not working...They used to be such a good brand their boards where made like a tank. But now...So i dropped Asus.
    So far the 2 contenders that i found are MSI Z790 Carbon and Asrock Z790 Taichi both seem to have positive feedback. You will have people swearing to this or that brand and while the other group curses that specific brand...I had no issues with EVGA boards had fond memories in my hardcore gaming days.
    I think im going to say farewell to EVGA not because i want to but...i'm afraid if the EVGA Z790 Classified does end up in some EU retailer il have to pay a hefty PREMIUM and let me tell you its NOT gonna be 700 euro...guaranteed! Expect WAY higher price!

    I still have some time to change my mind still have to wait for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200 PSU which should be available in January 2023 (it has been delayed original date was mid December 2022). If prices are decent in EU for the Classified i might change my mind. Already have the i7-13700K and a MSI Trio X RTX 4090 and Samsung 980 Pro m2.ssd just the board and ram and PSU is left. The 4090 took a lot of my resources...

    Yeah fair enough. Honestly i haven't heard bad things about the MSI Z790 Carbon boards so far (in general i keep hearing they are decent boards for both AMD and Intel chipsets). I know much less of the Taichi, i personally keep away from Asrock.
    Very nice choice on the PSU also, can't wait for them to come in stock! Overall i still want more options the ATX 3.0 selection is too limited still, i'm personally looking for ATX3.0 1200W+ Titanum atleast.
    I also simply want to see what EVGA's ATX3.0 will be, i'm willing to make compromises for that 

    Yup an ATX3.0 PSU it will be either an Seasonic or EVGA psu for me but no word on EVGA ATX3.0 as of yet. Just waiting for the Seasonic Vertex PX1200watt psu...i didnt see a Titanium line from the Vertex series as of yet only the Platinum but that should be good enough for my needs. (Vertex line = January 2023 available so keep an eye out for them the top end 1200watt Platinum = 309 eur.)
    As for Asrock they used to be affiliated with Asus not anymore tho. It was true in the beginning they offered budget boards and weren't that good. But this was a long time ago. Now their mid/high end boards are actually good and i have done some serious research on it consensus on reliability and stability is pretty good and positive however their budget boards are STILL meh. I actually hear more complaints about MSI boards then Asrock but this can be easily explained since there are more MSI boards sold then Asrock. I do hear a lot about mid/high end Asrock boards "they simply WORK", build like a tank, no issue with XMP or ram compatibility, rock solid stability".
    But the mid/high end segment from MSI are also very positive especially on the Carbon series high quality reliable etc. hence im leaning towards these 2. And btw the Taichi = high end board. Very beefy VRM power phases. Need to do some last research on which of the 2 boards it will be. But...i would rather have the EVGA Classified i hope within 2 weeks if the price is right il just buy it!

    Lets say the Asrock board in question comes with decent components that allow for acceptable usage just like lets say an MSI Carbon would. I would personally still go MSI, because after EVGA and ASUS it's probably the last BIOS i would ever touch that is still acceptable, but nothing beyond it.
    Ofcourse again, thats personal, i'm sure there are Biostar BIOS enjoyers even in existence ^^

    Yeah i looked into it with the BIOS however they made some improvements starting on the Z690 Taichi from Asrock its a lot less "gluttered" unlike with Gigabyte its a labyrinth...I am not looking for lower end boards. I have heard a lot of good things about Asrock Taichi line of boards and this is specific for the Taichi line up. Believe me ive been researching for days and days lol comparing all the brands. Gigabyte not for me, Asus WAS my first pick until i read to many issues with Asus Z690 and Z790 when it comes down to ram support and XMP. Check reddit posts and other forums you will see more and more complaints. They just cheaped out it seems...
    MSI can be a hit or miss done some serious research on MSI Carbon series consensus is pretty positive. Until i see comments popping out about Asrock they just work i am reffering to their mid/high end boards. Asked a bunch of questions about their line up and people seem to be positive. Including customer feedback on Newegg which are very positive for BOTH MSI Carbon and Asrock Taichi. In the end i am not an extreme overclocker. All i want is a board that works with XMP and is stable, reliable. Stability and reliability comes from other components as well. Like a very good PSU, memory (Hynix A-Die). But im not done yet i just can say screw it let me order the MSI board (since i already have a MSI RTX 4090 but this comers from feedback saying ONE of the best build quality RTX 4090) i still have time also....in the HOPES that the EVGA Classified can be bought for a decent price. MAN..never an issue if i buy a EVGA board EVGA PSU and a EVGA GPU never an issue at all both of my two EVGA rigs been running for 7+ years!! In the end i have to make a decision my gut feeling tells me pick Asrock i just have a good feeling about for now...I will never forget EVGA!! The nostalgia in my hardcore gaming days always look at it with very positive feelings. So THANK YOU EVGA for giving me NO stress NO issues just a very nice experience in those 14 years ive used your hardware!! Once my rig is up and running i will let you guys know no matter if its an MSI or Asrock board or even a EVGA board if its stable etc. Just in case other people like me thinking about what board to get.
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/29 15:01:23 (permalink)
    Whichever you choose i would like to happily see. I only explained by what rules i would choose which myself (obviously it's also backed by alot of experience, past experience and research).
    All of those would work for your needs, obviously i cheer for an actual EVGA board!

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/30 12:26:01 (permalink)
    Whichever you choose i would like to happily see. I only explained by what rules i would choose which myself (obviously it's also backed by alot of experience, past experience and research).
    All of those would work for your needs, obviously i cheer for an actual EVGA board!

    Gosh me to man me to man i want a Z790 Classified but bro the price is just to much for me...It's weird going to another brand of motherboard really feels weird...And i don't like the feeling at all. Plus the exhausting research one has to do with boards etc. 14 years of loyal customer to EVGA hardware from GPU's to motherboards to PSU's. I wish EVGA could make a deal with loyal EU costumers. But thats maybe to much to ask. In any case do share your findings when you have your Classified.
    I was hoping for an EVGA ATX3.0 PSU but there is no info on it yet...My bet is on the Seasonic Vertex they should be available in January 2023 but this is the GOLD line up pretty sneaky why not release BOTH the Gold and the Platinum as well as the Titanium line up beats me....The Plat will come in February is what i heard good job!!! NOT! Sitting here with a damn paper weight RTX 4090...I just want to test my card if everything works even with a 70% power plan for the 4090 and power limit of 90watt on the I7-13700K (so total wattage is way lower) with my existing EVGA 850 G2 PSU (7 years old) This should be ok right? Or better use a ATX3.0 PSU?
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2022/12/31 01:34:32 (permalink)
    850W is cutting it close, not to your daily wattage limits, but to the possible max power excursions that these hungry cards might have combined with the rest of the hardware (13700k can draw alot by itself too).
    Not saying it can't work, but i would get something higher Wattage for long term.
    Honestly the Galax HoF GH1300 PSU was just announced recently, if it will cost anywhere close to what it does already in China (275$), it makes it the best ATX3.0 offer right now, even just the fact of it's connections (dual 12VHPWR and all legacy connections).
    Other than that CES 2023 is next Thursday, expecting more ATX3.0s to show up, i'm really hoping EVGA one debuts.
    As for the current selection, ThermalTake i wouldn't trust, nor Gigabyte. MSI ai1300p looks decent, but there were reports of their 12VHPWR cable also melting, so for now i push it aside mentally, then you got Corsair and Seasonic with decent platinum/titanium PSUs you can purchase, and even though they include or allow you to get a perfectly functioning 12VHPWR cable (it is an adapter, not a native 12+4 to 12+4 cable), they don't have native connectors on their units (except for Vertex as mentioned, but who wants a gold).
    These last two can be great solutions for people that don't want to wait, these cables are trustworthy, but you won't have a native connector.
    post edited by Epsolike - 2022/12/31 01:38:32

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2023/01/01 13:24:00 (permalink)
    850W is cutting it close, not to your daily wattage limits, but to the possible max power excursions that these hungry cards might have combined with the rest of the hardware (13700k can draw alot by itself too).
    Not saying it can't work, but i would get something higher Wattage for long term.
    Honestly the Galax HoF GH1300 PSU was just announced recently, if it will cost anywhere close to what it does already in China (275$), it makes it the best ATX3.0 offer right now, even just the fact of it's connections (dual 12VHPWR and all legacy connections).
    Other than that CES 2023 is next Thursday, expecting more ATX3.0s to show up, i'm really hoping EVGA one debuts.
    As for the current selection, ThermalTake i wouldn't trust, nor Gigabyte. MSI ai1300p looks decent, but there were reports of their 12VHPWR cable also melting, so for now i push it aside mentally, then you got Corsair and Seasonic with decent platinum/titanium PSUs you can purchase, and even though they include or allow you to get a perfectly functioning 12VHPWR cable (it is an adapter, not a native 12+4 to 12+4 cable), they don't have native connectors on their units (except for Vertex as mentioned, but who wants a gold).
    These last two can be great solutions for people that don't want to wait, these cables are trustworthy, but you won't have a native connector.

    As far as i can tell most people i asked it should be absolute fine since NVIDIA minimum req for an RTX 4090 Founders = 850watt. And i am surprised how many people actually use a 850 watt PSU (a couple even with a 750 watt......) with the RTX 4090 even overclocked and a OC cpu on Reddit and other forums. However im still cautious i will only do some testing with 70% power limit on gpu and a max PL limit of 90 watt on the cpu just to see if the card is working properly. I might just wait for the damn ATX3.0 psu!
    These AIB for PSU don't do a good job in releasing ATX3.0 its been awhile since 4090 launch...I also heard ThermalTake isnt a good option even tho they have a "ATX3.0". Best so far is the MSI but that one isnt from the same OEM as on the Seasonics it is stil regarded as a solid choice. Once the Seasonic Vertex GX1200 comes il buy one heard that at 1200watt it doesnt really matter Gold or Platinum. Platinum comes in february just hurry up dont have time for another 2 months...
    post edited by CobraCommand - 2023/01/01 13:25:01
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2023/01/03 23:37:31 (permalink)
    In regards to the first post it is my understanding that the motherboards will eventually arrive, but no timeframe yet. 

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2023/01/11 08:29:43 (permalink)
    Guys, If you have a twitter account could you ask Jacob about the ETA of the MB and the retailers to whom were sent?
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2023/01/11 10:17:15 (permalink)
    Jacob does NOT accept direct msg thru Tweeter and he doesn't reply to ETA requests either, kinda sucks for a PR guy...

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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2023/01/11 11:00:10 (permalink)
    Jacob does NOT accept direct msg thru Tweeter and he doesn't reply to ETA requests either, kinda sucks for a PR guy...

    Good enough. Thanks for the clarification! I really really hope they arrive soon.
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    Re: EVGA Z790 in Europe 2023/01/12 16:14:16 (permalink)
    Hello guys hope all is well. I also have a problem getting my hands on a Z790. I used to get Evga hardware from Amazon since I don't live in the US. Currently Z790 Classified is available only on Evga US website but no where to be seen on Amazon or Newegg. Unfortunately Evga US website does not accept international orders. It really sucks that we can't get Evga hardware. Specially after the GPU exit, I assumed the focus will be on other products such as Z790 Motherboards. I am currently using a Z390 Dark and would like to upgrade to Z790. There are other options but I really do wish to keep using Evga Dark or classified motherboards. I am checking Amazon daily but it does not look promising. The only way to get it now is from some scalper from Ebay for 1300$ excluding shipping. what a rip off !
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