EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014

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2014/07/17 18:43:59 (permalink)
EVGA POTM August 2014.
30 days or a full month is a long time to run one project so I think a 14 day or 2 weeks in the summer would be best.
This would give us a two weeks cool down from our Crunching Team.
Also so that you can Crunch on other Crunching Projects to keep your Points RACs up. 

SETI.Germany invites all BOINC teams to the SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014. It takes place from Thu 15th August, 16.00 UTC, until Thu 29th August 2014, 16.00 UTC.
We cordially ask all team leaders to forward the invitation to their team. Information about the Wow! Race 2014, an exciting race concept and a registration form can be found here:
SETI.Germany wishes you and your team members much fun with the Wow! Event 2014.

Many Greatings: Terminator
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2014/07/19 10:23:10

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 10:11:40 (permalink)
    I signed up for the Leo group but will not start running until the start time listed below.
    From when to when will the SETI@Home-Wow!-Event 2014 take place?
    15th August 18:00 MESZ (= 16:00 UTC) to 29th August 2014 18:00 MESZ (= 16:00 UTC)

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    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2014/07/19 10:27:30

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 12:04:20 (permalink)
    I'll be there... thanks!

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 12:17:42 (permalink)

    EVGA Associates code: OLY2307BPM0MXZU Click for a discount on your next purchase from EVGA.com

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 13:18:46 (permalink)
    Your guys are Great, Thanks

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 14:24:47 (permalink)
    I'm in as well.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 14:36:58 (permalink)
    I stopped running SETI when it was ummm... less reliable.  Glad to see they are back.  Crunch on matey's... crunch on!

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 18:58:32 (permalink)
    Registered as well. Now to remember to turn Seti On when the start time rolls around.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/19 23:21:16 (permalink)
    Never ran Seti.
    About time then, looking forward to it.
    I also agree about the run time, seems one Whole month is a long time.
    post edited by Orange_1050 - 2014/07/19 23:23:07

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/20 07:30:33 (permalink)
    I'm in.  We sign up for whatever we want right?  As in teams will be split among different signs?

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/20 12:44:18 (permalink)
    I'm in.  We sign up for whatever we want right?  As in teams will be split among different signs?

    Yes, I went with Leo as that is my sign.
    Thanks for joining up.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/20 17:41:31 (permalink)
    Thanks for the info, I'm all signed up.  Went with Scorpio since it's my sign.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/21 08:41:42 (permalink)
    Ah good timing for this. There is the short and sweet "Perseid Shower Challenge" for PrimeGrid from the 12th to the 14th. A 48 hour sprint to get us ready for SETI.
    "We" will sign up for Gemini soon.


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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/21 10:44:03 (permalink)
    Alrighty... now to remember to actually run this. :)

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/21 20:10:16 (permalink)
    I will send out a PM and Post 1 Week before the start date and 2 Days before the start date.
    Thanks Everyone.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/21 20:15:24 (permalink)
    remind me on that pm list, i'll have fun with it.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/21 21:52:58 (permalink)
    signing up for capricorn....

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 05:55:12 (permalink)
    Hola !
    After setting up a couple of test rig's to see how SETI ran, I did some reading up on the WOW site. I came over something that might be of interest.
    From the Welcome page:
    "To collect pending credits before race start is not only allowed but welcome! The whole purpose is to do our utmost and work hard for SETI@home and thus provide invaluable support. So don't be afraid to start crunching for SETI@home with all of your available CPUs & GPUs before the race starts."
    They encourage bunkering.
    I see a problem:
    Ah good timing for this. There is the short and sweet "Perseid Shower Challenge" for PrimeGrid from the 12th to the 14th. A 48 hour sprint to get us ready for SETI.
    "We" will sign up for Gemini soon.

    Good organized team's will collect huge bunkers. The battle may be parted in two divisions, they who bunkered, and they who didn't.
    I'd be more than happy to bunker till I burst, but then again, I like to go were the team goes. I can of corse combine, but in a challenge, against other teams I like to hammer with all I got.
    So.. Any thoughts on this?
    post edited by Orange_1050 - 2014/07/23 06:20:09

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 06:51:41 (permalink)
    How to I bunker?

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 11:57:54 (permalink)
    How do I bunker?

    Thank you bcavnaugh for that question. I wish someone asked that before the Pentathlon.
    I'm no Tech buff, but I had to try my best once. After this I've given it thoughts, both morally and tactically.
    I'll share my Limited knowledge, and I hope others will fill in, both With tip's and thoughts.
    Basically, bunkering is to collect. Collect WU's, crunch them, but not deliver untill a spesific time/ date.
    You download wu's.
    Your computer will crunch as normal, all the WU's in the buffer.
    Then, after the max download, you stop the network Activity in Boinc Manager:
    In BOINC Manager/Activity/Network Activity Suspended
    When this is checked, no WU's will be either downloaded or uploaded. This Counts for ALL project's !!
    When you, let's say after 2day's check "Network Activity based on preferences" again, Your BOINC manager will upload ready WU's, and download New ones.
    You have now delivered two day's Worth of work, all at once, a two day's bunker.
    Before I og further into this, a Word about moral and ethics around this.
    During the Pentathlon, I was presented this tachtic.
    I was wondering, "Is this right?" Is this ethically and morally ok considering what we do ??
    After some thinking, I had the final answer...... YES !!!!
    See, some Challenges is based on how many wu's you can crunch within a Limited time. Typically for Prime Grid. Only the credit's downloaded AFTER a specified time and crunched ready WITHIN a specified time will Count. 
    Imagine this..... A Money collecting charity event.... "We will only Accept the Money you have earned between monday to Friday"
    "So, you don't Accept my savings?"
    I Guess you get my drift.
    Projects have different approach to Challenges.
    Yes, it has been cheating issues, but as long as Our credits cannot be changed in hard cash.... no actual problem.
    Most Challenges compete about doing as much work for a specified Project as possible.... period.
    So what's wrong about using Our savings???
    Now, for some serious saving....
    Hardcore crunchers like us should master the art of serious bunkering, meaning.....
    Projects usually allow 10 days of work buffer, but default is 1 day.
    So we must change this.
    This is how and where to do this:
    I take GPUGRID as an example (That's what I have available)
    In "Your Account" in the actual Project:
    Under "Preferences" and within "When and how BOINC uses Your computer"
    Click low on the side, "Edit Preferences"

     See the upper setting:
    "Computer is Connected to Internet about every" ..... I have changed this from 1 day (Default) to 10 days (10 day's is Max)
    Now the Project wants to Ensure you 10 day's of work.
    BUT you need to change one more setting....
    In Your BOINC Manager....
    Under "Tools" and under "Computing Preferences" you will see this:

    Now, change the "Minimum Work Buffer" to 10 days (As Shown), and "Minimum Additional Work Buffer" to 3 day's (As Shown).
    This will prevent BOINC to limit the project's preferences.
    Now, you should be all set to receive a 10 day's of work.
    Remember, you will probably not receive 10 day's Worth of WU's right away.
    If you have a lot of Projects onging, the Project may reject Downing more wu's due to the Resource share. It may say "Will not fetch more work, don't need".
    This might be because of many Projects in the BOINC manager, and it will not read the actual Space for WU's.
    You may have to clean up the Project's in the BOINC manager.
    Also, it may take some time, (a day or two) before the Project give you a full 10 day buffer of work.
    Therefore, prepare in good time.
    This Method of crunching has advantages and limitations.
    The advantages is that you might deliver a 10 day's Worth of WU's the first day of the Challenge. They who master this, get's a head start.
    I Guess SETI.Germany have this in their Pocket already.
    You stop all network communication, meaning no communication With other Projects.
    No credit's update for as long as you bunker.
    You must mind the deadlines, get to know the project' WU deadlines.
    The feeling of be diciplined enough to sit on a BOMB of WU's
    The revealing feeling of unleash thousands or perhaps millions of Points, right in the face of Our competitors.
    See how the list of WU's pile up in "Unsent" in the BOINC manager.
    Posting on Our forum..... "Fire in the Hole" or "INCOOOMING"
    We will most likely land in the top 5 right away( or better), and With a reasonable chanche to stay there.
    We will show Our competitors that Team EVGA is a bunch of hardcore crunchers, small enough to have a Nice and personal forum, but big enough to punish the biggest out there.
    Yup, that's all I know about about bunkering I Guess

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 12:50:13 (permalink)
    This begs the question, Can 2 separate boinc managers, with separate network settings be run in windoze? 


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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 13:45:24 (permalink)
    This begs the question, Can 2 separate boinc managers, with separate network settings be run in windoze? 

    Windoze LOL...

    And why cannot such questions be either yes, or no?
    You would need separate partitions. Booting two similar Win partitions might cause issues. Need two different Versions I think.
    One Win partition together With a Linux partition is a go, but then again, they still share same CPU.
    If you want to run SETI on a Win partition, to bunker some SETI's. Then you can boot up in Linux, and run another preferrable Project.
    But please mind the deadlines of the SETI's.
    With one Project only, no glory.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 14:11:10 (permalink)
    Too much to read through right now.... set I wow isn't as much of a team competition other than the sign you sign up for.... bunkering on set I is hard to prevent, as well.... I get a variety of tasks with different due dates from set I all the time. With the different due dates, the number of users on set I and the number of tasks they send out, you could be waiting a bit for credit on some tasks....

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 16:12:12 (permalink)
    I think the primary reason for the POTM isn't the points.. it's acknowledging a project that is near and dear to the heart of the COTM.  Just my two point five cents worth.  (Inflation ya know!)

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/23 22:32:09 (permalink)
    I think the primary reason for the POTM isn't the points.. it's acknowledging a project that is near and dear to the heart of the COTM.  Just my two point five cents worth.  (Inflation ya know!)

    My intention was not to mobilize a full scale bunker hit. My thought was to highlight how to... if...
    I look at POTM as a focus project. Letting people get to know and familiarize projects they perhaps never tried.
    Individuals choose their own approach.
    I've never crunched for SETI, but now, trough POTM, I have had the chance to do look into this project.
    I'm happy to see that SETI deliver a mix of both CPU and GPU work, and I will follow the results of different WU's with great interest.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/24 07:16:52 (permalink)
    OK, then out Team will not bunker for WOW!.
    I vote Not to Bunker on WOW!
    Also I vote Not Bunker any POTM for Team EVGA.
    Anyone Second the above?
    But I still like tying to get the Highest Points or Score at least within or Team.
    post edited by bcavnaugh - 2014/07/24 07:19:52

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/24 10:03:13 (permalink)
    Orange_1050, I would disagree with your analogy for bunkering. Your example compared it to a project/charity accepting cash. This is not accurate. Bunkering would be more like multiple charities (aka crunchers) all holding a friendly competition with each other on whom could earn the most money within a given timeline. If one charity accepts money from outside that timeline, then they would be in essence cheating and getting recognition for doing something outside the guidelines. Now, the challenges don't typically put many rules out there and so many teams (especially those that NEED that leg up) will practice shady behavior in order to get an advantage. Is this unfair? That is just matter of perspective since anyone can do it. PrimeGrid is great because they put the time and energy into making it fair. Their competitions are how many crunchers perceive challenges to be. Bunkering ruins it for a lot of people. Especially when it comes from someone with a lot of resources to begin with. Those crunchers just squash you without even noticing. Now, with that said, I am not going to point fingers and try to shame anyone for doing it. Why? Because it is now common practice and you either do it too, or you give yourself a huge disadvantage.
    Now, if you look at it from the projects perspective and the science (which many crunchers claim to solely do it for) then bunkering hurts the project. Why? Because those are results that should have already been turned in and could feasibly have had results the project needed. You are in essence retarding the project doing that. Also, there are many newbs that expect to get their points quickly after finished results are turned in. Some of them will leave a project if they have to wait long. This basically means bunkering adds to the potential of lost contributors who might stick around long term. The next time you see someone whom says they do it for the science and then starts bunkering, remind them of the hypocrisy behind that. Just my view on the subject.
    post edited by cuarc001 - 2014/07/24 10:06:42

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/24 11:26:14 (permalink)
    Good points, cuarc001.
    One other aspect I want to point out with bunkering is that contests hosted by the projects themselves (e.g. PrimeGrid) can easily determine when tasks are downloaded.  This makes it easy to squash bunkering since they can only count tasks downloaded after the contest starts.  
    Third-party contests (e.g. SETI-WOW and BOINC Pentathlon run by the SETI.Germany team) have to rely on the stats files that are exposed externally by the projects.  Meaning the number of validated points for each team/user is known at specified intervals during the contest.  I don't believe there's a way to completely prevent bunkering in these types of contests.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/24 11:30:40 (permalink)
    This begs the question, Can 2 separate boinc managers, with separate network settings be run in windoze? 

    Windoze LOL...

    And why cannot such questions be either yes, or no?
    You would need separate partitions. Booting two similar Win partitions might cause issues. Need two different Versions I think.
    One Win partition together With a Linux partition is a go, but then again, they still share same CPU.
    If you want to run SETI on a Win partition, to bunker some SETI's. Then you can boot up in Linux, and run another preferrable Project.
    But please mind the deadlines of the SETI's.
    With one Project only, no glory.

    Yes, you can run multiple Boinc managers at the same time in Windows, and no it does not require separate partitions.  I usually have two or sometimes even three managers running.  I do this so I can manage multiple projects better as I do not like the way Boinc does it and I don't really want to be playing around with the cc_config file very much.  And as each manager has its own preferences you can bunker on one manager while running normally on another.

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    Re: EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 2014/07/24 12:43:55 (permalink)
    I'm very pleased we have had this issue brought up in the open.
    Obviously I may have romantisized bunkering in my post, and I thank you for a more ethically in-Depth view in this matter.
    However, when SETI.Germany invites to a challenge, then encurage participating team's to bunker up?
    I cannot blaim SETI.Germany either, because some team's will do this no matter, give them a huge advantage, leaving others in the dust.
    With this, view's and arguements has been placed, leaving it to grow further in Our minds.

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