LockedEVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club

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Re:EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2013/09/29 02:01:36 (permalink)
My 295 wasn't the red edition, but it ran like a champ. That card would take anything I threw at it. Only reason it's in the closet is, because I upgraded a couple more times since then.    :)

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Re:EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2013/09/29 06:16:09 (permalink)
I don't know why anyone would ever want one of these trashy cards ever again. After buying one on day 1 of the cards release, i probably went thru 8-9 RMA's before EVGA finally sent me a GTX 480 as a replacement. Slight performance drop, but at least it worked (lasted for years tbh)
GTX 295 was such a fail card for nvidia, the people who didn't have problems were fewer than the people that did.

Your bad experience doesn't do me much for the rest of this topic, I call it a bad coincidence, the GTX 295 was NVIDIA's best engineering Dual CHIP VGA card, the GTX 295 Red Edition was just a tad better as it's G200-400-B3 GPGPU's were hand picked and it's cooling was slightly better the entire cooler was made of Aluminium and the heatpipes and GPGU's heatsinks were made of copper.
The Dual PCB version of the GTX 295 was more delicate but it did consist of much higher quality parts over the single PCB variant, your card died probably due to bad maintenance , which is the biggest killer of any VGA card.
Here a guide I made on how to clean this cards:
That helped lots of people and it saved my cards from dying. Dust + heat kills hardware even many GTX 480's have died from a much similar cause also the death ratio of GTX 480's is higher than that of GTX 295 Dual PCB cards, so go figure
The simple reason is much cheaper solder, parts and thus lesser lifespan, although if well maintained and well looked after you can always stretch the lifespan of these card and tat goes for any type of hardware.
I am sorry you had a bad experience with the GTX 295, but that doesn't make it NVIDIA's worst, if that were true why are you the only one in this thread that had a bad ride with them as where everyone else finds them probably the best ever made
My Experiences with the EVGA X58 3X SLI & EVGA X79 FTW weren't too great, but it does not mean they were EVGA's worst of all motherboards, there are plenty of people that have had great experiences, to me they were the worst, but overall it's quite a different picture.
Due to my bad experiences with common consumer hardware, I only buy Server quality stuff since that type of hardware has never failed me and it's far more useful to me, that the all that consumer desktop stuff.
My 295 wasn't the red edition, but it ran like a champ. That card would take anything I threw at it. Only reason it's in the closet is, because I upgraded a couple more times since then.    :)

Which VGA cards did you get after the awesome GTX 295?
Have you ever worked with the GTX 590 & GTX 690? even those were not as successful as the GTX 295 as I can recall.
ChrisRay had Quad SLI with two EVGA GTX 295
s from EVGA I was like hah! that's a good idea also after having long chats with Chris, he told me that Quad SLI is finally performing how it should be performing.
Then after finding out about the EVGA GeForce GTX 295 Red Edition after seeing Senju's Red Sun System, I was hooked.
Senju's PC Red Sun gave me the ultimate idea to go Quad SLI with two EVGA Geforce GTX 295 Red Editions, they both gave me great impressions that Quad SLI finally ran the way it should do
Here Senju's Red Sun blog site:

Here is how he built it:

More here:

post edited by Gold Leader - 2013/09/29 06:34:00

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Re:EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2014/01/03 07:44:43 (permalink)
Do you guys think there's much of a chance at finding one of these today? Kind of looking to get a hardware hall-of-fame going for decoration in the computer room. I really want one of these in the collection, but its pretty clear that it's going to be a tough find.
Any suggestions on how to go about locating one would be appreciated if anyone's got any ideas.

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Re:EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2014/01/03 08:17:03 (permalink)
I know a guy who's got one gathering dust, pretty sure he sells tons of hardware here also. 

ASRock Z690 Aqua OC
4TB Samsung EVO  
32 GB GSkill Royal 7800MHz  

Corsair AX1500i
Heat:  http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=61643 

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Re:EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2014/01/03 11:21:49 (permalink)
There was one on eBay not long ago so keep you eyes there.

INTEL I7-5930K 4.8 @ 1.258 V
EVGA 1000P

giltyler on HeatWare
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Re:EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2014/01/25 20:11:56 (permalink)
Post deleted. (This is the last time I can tell you not to sell outside the Evga forums Market Place. Next time you do it will be a warning, and then some possible time off from the forums)
post edited by XrayMan - 2014/01/26 15:46:17
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Re: EVGA GTX GeForce 295 Red Edition Owners Club 2014/04/23 08:41:57 (permalink)
Not sure if you are still tracking this stuff but I have 2 of these cards and I am still using them as of today. I will more then likely be building a New rig this summer and may sell one of the 2 i have if i do deside to sell one i will let everyone know. I still use these 2 cards because they still run all the latest game that I play like FFXIV ARR and WOW and boarderlands 2 and many other MMOs and FPS game that are out within the last year or 2 at 1080p full graphics so had no need to upgrade. Also i have never OCed these cards so im sure I could get even more juice out of them if i needed to lol. Only reason i am building a new Rig is space contrains and also Heat issues in my room lol I curently run a Rampage 2 extreme MB with a I7 940 quad core cpu and 12 gigs of ddr3 1600 ram and 2 x EVGA gtx 295 dual pcb red edition cards in Quad SLI so it REALLY put out alot of heat specially with my 47 inch and 30 inch LCDs.  Anyhoo if your still tracking these i live in Canada so you can add 2 to Canada on your list
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