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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 03:32:22
av1at0r I'm a little confused and maybe this has been answered somewhere but I can't seem to find it, but why is the 3080Ti XC3 no longer available for queue? I gave up this morning after 45 minutes of refreshing because I had to go to work, only to come home 15 hours later and find the XC3 queue non-existent.
My totally unsubstantiated guess is, nVidia requires AIBs to have at least one sku with a minimum required amount manufactured in their product range that matches price of nVidia FE available at the products’ launch. Once the minimum number of units met, I don’t think they’re manufactured until the aib sees fit. I’m thinking of sports car homologation process of days old. 🤣
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 03:45:12
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 04:49:04
concentricarc 12G-P5-3958-KR 6/3/2021 7:27:17 AM PTYes
And done. So happy to be out of this rat race!
Congratulations. Your watch is O-V-E-R! Thanks for reporting back to the thread. Enjoy your gaming goodness!
Thank-you for doing all the tracking, after a long night and patient refreshing, here are my timestamps, fingers crossed for KR sku shipping today: 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 8:06:43 AM PT 12G-P5-3969-KR 6/3/2021 8:06:23 AM PT 12G-P5-3958-KR 6/3/2021 7:53:21 AM PT 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:29:11 AM PT Fingers Crossed for the 3967-KR landing in my Build sometime next week!! Frames Win! Good luck today everyone...and thanks enewt!
post edited by Phrank44 - 2021/06/04 04:52:33
Use an Associates Code & SAVE 5% - 10% on your purchase. Just click on the associates banner to save, or enter the associates code at checkout on your next purchase. If you choose to use my code I want to personally say "Thank You" for using it.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 05:00:20
enewt Each weekday, excluding EVGA holidays, I post a summary update for the status of the North American queues in the New-EVGAcom-Notification-Checkout-Process thread. On the eve of the 3080 Ti launch, I thought it would provide some helpful context for the new forum members amongst our ranks (how about the posting traffic over the last 48 hours or so, eh?) who may not have discovered that pinned thread yet. Going forward, the most recent North American Queue Summary can always be found here. Additionally, BovineGamer tracks the European Queue Summary here. Best of luck on your watch! Wednesday, June 2, 2021. A little over a year ago, my brother and his wife were concerned that they were going to run out of toilet paper. It was sold out at Costco, their local grocery store…everywhere in their local meat space. They turned to Amazon, found a third-party seller offering a full box of toilet paper for an unreasonable sum. They promptly paid the exorbitant amount and they not-so-patiently awaited the arrival of the box (which landed at their door a few days later). It was only when they opened the case that they learned a few things:- each sheet of paper was almost perfectly translucent, so thin was the material that a Kardashian could have worn it to fail the baby bar exam;
- the texture of paper rivaled extra coarse sandpaper which actually helped with their prep work for repainting the kitchen cabinets (the cabinets came out great by the way); and
- the thickness of the cardboard core comprised approximately 72% of the total size of each roll.
The Gamers Nexus 3080 Ti Review reminded me of their experience. As a community, we’ve waited so long for the release of the 3080 Ti and put so many expectations on the product that we were bound to be disappointed when the details were finally announced. But unlike the 3080 and the 3090, the 3080 Ti feels like a cynical, supply-constrained product…overpriced, underwhelming and yet certain to sell out. NVIDIA, it seems, is doing their best to recoup some of the margin that they ceded to scalpers over the last nine months…trying to refight their last battle rather than pivoting to the future providing actual incremental value for those consumers whom have been denied an opportunity to purchase a 30 series gpu or whom have intentionally waited for a robust Titanium iteration...a model worthy of its pedigree. Into this environment, we -- as a community -- tread...the launch of the 3080 Ti is tomorrow (Thursday) at 6 am PT. Whether you secure an EVGA card at retail, another manufacturer's card, or pursue a position in the 3080 Ti queue as an "EVGA Elite Member", I wish you luck. May your predawn line up outside of your local Best Buy/Microcenter/other retailer bring you success and, for those that prefer/require the digital realm, may your F5 battle to come bring you glorious rewards. As a final reminder, for those who are joining our program already in progress, with respect to the 3080 Ti: - The 3080 Ti product pages (links below) for the SKUs for which you can queue tomorrow should go live during the 5 am PT hour on Thursday. - Elite members can F5 their way to glory (and the queue) starting at 6 am PT Thursday morning. - Non-Elite members can F5 their way to the back of the line starting 6 am PT Friday morning. - Unlike past launches, we are unable to use a "direct link" to the data entry page (aka, the auto-notify page). As a result, the EVGA servers are likely to be hit even harder by the onslaught Thursday morning than on previous post-queue announcement launches. Don't be discouraged if the website falls down...I fully expect it to be up and down several times Thursday morning; keep at will get in the queue. - The Hybrid and HC models may or may not be available tomorrow for the queue...I have not seen a definitive answer one way or the other. I understand that F5 fingers get the best night's rest on a diet of fresh s'mores; YMMV. Best of luck tomorrow! As of 5:30 pm PT Wednesday, June 2, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents movement from the morning of June 2; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from the prior report): Card SKU Most Recent Notify Timestamp to Receive an Invite to Purchase email Ultra 3090 FTW3 Ultra 3987 11/03/2020 00:20:40 3090 XC3 Ultra 3975 10/06/2020 06:21:58 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3967 06/03/2021 00:00:00 (Product page likely not active until ~6/3 6 am PT) 3080 Ti XC3 Ultra 3955 06/03/2021 00:00:00 (Product page likely not active until ~6/3 6 am PT) 3080 FTW3 Ultra 3897 09/22/2020 04:46:40 3080 XC3 Ultra 3885 09/18/2020 13:00:31 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3797 06/10/2021 00:00:00 (Product page likely not active until ~6/10 6 am PT) 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra 3785 06/10/2021 00:00:00 (Product page likely not active until ~6/10 6 am PT) 3070 FTW3 Ultra 3767 11/24/2020 11:57:24 (50:20:26) 3070 XC3 Ultra 3755 11/30/2020 20:40:48 (02:36:27) 3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3667 12/01/2020 07:30:47 Gaming 3090 FTW3 Gaming 3985 09/24/2020 16:12:06 3090 XC3 Gaming 3973 09/24/2020 00:00:00 3080 FTW3 Gaming 3895 09/21/2020 09:57:19 3080 XC3 Gaming 3883 09/16/2020 11:01:20 3070 XC3 Gaming 3753 10/29/2020 06:21:40 3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming 3665 12/08/2020 18:51:41 3060 Ti XC3 Gaming 3663 12/01/2020 07:35:17 3060 XC3 Gaming 3657 02/25/2021 22:06:59 (06:29:44) Black 3090 XC3 Black 3971 09/24/2020 00:00:00 3080 XC3 Black 3881 09/16/2020 15:25:37 3070 XC3 Black 3751 10/29/2020 06:31:11 3060 XC3 Black 3655 02/25/2021 09:08:40 Hybrid 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3988 12/13/2020 01:18:00 (25:08:19) 3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3978 12/09/2020 01:02:10 (05:13:19) 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3968 06/03/2021 00:00:00 (Product page likely not active until ~6/3) 3080 Ti XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3958 06/03/2021 00:00:00 (Product page likely not active until ~6/3) 3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid 3898 12/16/2020 09:07:47 (00:00:34) 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid 3888 12/10/2020 09:09:42 (00:00:11) Hydro Copper (XC3 Delayed) 3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC 3989 04/15/2021 10:00:17 3090 XC3 Ultra HC 3979 11/13/2020 00:00:00 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra HC 3969 06/03/2021 00:00:00 (Product page link will not be active until ~6/3) 3080 Ti XC3 Ultra HC 3959 06/03/2021 00:00:00 (Product page link will not be active until ~6/3) 3080 FTW3 Ultra HC 3899 11/13/2020 09:13:29 3080 XC3 Ultra HC 3889 11/13/2020 09:33:00 (first report of a drop to the queue)
K|NGP|N K|NGP|N HC (Queue) 3999 05/06/2021 09:00:15 (00:00:04) K|NGP|N Hybrid (Queue) 3998 01/04/2021 19:58:06 K|NGP|N HC Kit 1999 04/23/2021 10:00:40
May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve. Best of luck!
This is for the FTW3 ultra 3080Ti when I got my auto notify in the system. PartNumber DateEntered Notify Sent 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 8:23:11 AM PT No
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 06:13:26
Was busy trying to get in yesterday and balancing work or I would have posted sooner. Late entries for the NA queue but better than nothing. Thanks for tracking!
12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:52:29 AM PT No 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 7:47:14 AM PT No
08G-P5-3785-KL 6/15/2021 11:08:38 AM PT No 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:55:36 AM PT No 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:52:29 AM PT Yes 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 7:47:14 AM PT No
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 06:46:11
Hope to get an email soon. 12G-P5-3967-KR 06/03/2021 7:27:10 AM PT No Received my email an ordered today!!
post edited by Ritzie - 2021/06/04 10:53:20
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 06:56:32
Do we post the 3080ti que times here now? If so here are mine. If not then sorry to clutter the thread. 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 8:07:51 AM PT No 12G-P5-3969-KR 6/3/2021 7:53:43 AM PT No 12G-P5-3958-KR 6/3/2021 7:52:02 AM PT No I'll update when/if i get a notify.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 07:09:45
AMD RYZEN 9 5900X 12-core cpu~ ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero ~ EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3~ G.SKILL Trident Z NEO 32GB DDR4-3600 ~ Phanteks Eclipse P400s red case ~ EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 G+ PSU ~ Intel 660p M.2 drive~ Crucial MX300 275 GB SSD ~WD 2TB SSD ~CORSAIR H115i RGB Pro XT 280mm cooler ~ CORSAIR Dark Core RGB Pro mouse ~ CORSAIR K68 Mech keyboard ~ HGST 4TB Hd.~ AOC AGON 32" monitor 1440p @ 144Hz ~ Win 10 x64
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 07:23:16
I'm not sure if my spot was recorded already or not. 3080ti NA: 12G-P5-3967-KR6/3/2021 8:13:53 AM PTNo
Build in Progress: CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x GPU: RTX3080 or 3080ti <----  Motherboard: Aorus Elite x570 RAM: 2x16GB (32GB) G.Skill Trident Z PSU: NZXT C850 Gold AIO: NZXT Kraken Z73 360mm SSD: WD Black 1TB
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 07:25:31
Great job making this and updating it!
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 07:37:10
Are there any links for EU shop too?
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 08:40:39
Harord Are there any links for EU shop too?
Check the first post of this thread or my signature block. There is a link for EU.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 08:43:31
So what time do they start slinging notifications? Noon Eastern?

12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:22:54 AM PT - PURCHASED12G-P5-3655-KR 2/25/2021 1:03:13 PM PT 10G-P5-3897-KR 2/20/2021 12:19:20 PM PT 08G-P5-3751-KR 3/5/2021 10:52:27 AM PT 12G-P5-3657-KR 3/10/2021 9:56:29 AM PT
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 08:46:11
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 08:52:47
Yes, I check it. But it's only queues. I was wondering are there a product link for 3070 Ti like you have in your post for the EU shop. But still thanks for the answer.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 08:56:02
I just couldn't get in for the life of me. Managed to sign in @9:12:57 for the 3080 ti FTW3 Ultra.
What does it mean that the launch queue may be fully satisfied?
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 08:58:33
munozyoshi I just couldn't get in for the life of me. Managed to sign in @9:12:57 for the 3080 ti FTW3 Ultra.
What does it mean that the launch queue may be fully satisfied?
It is a closed queue...they turned off the auto-notify button fairly early. Fully satisfied means that they will have sent invite to purchase emails to all of the registrants of that queue. It will essentially become a dead queue with no further sign-ups and no further movement.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 09:02:37
Here are mine: 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 7:53:56 AM PT No 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:47:13 AM PT No
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 09:04:36
I came for the stats, stayed for the story in the main post.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 09:29:10
Here are mine: 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 7:48:15 AM PT No 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:45:14 AM PT No Just wish I had known the bundle would lose all chance of queueing before it worked for me, after may notification timeouts. I could have then worked on getting these quicker. So close, yet so far to be fulfilled for the Hybrid.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 09:31:13
CCeph I came for the stats, stayed for the story in the main post.
Thanks for this…I stay for the community. Best of luck!
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 09:41:04
12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:28:05 AM PT No I hope this helps.
post edited by MrStalk72 - 2021/06/04 09:51:01
12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:28:05 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:02:49 AM PT Yes
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 09:44:50
12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:26:19 AM PT No just got my email to purchase!!!
post edited by Wyman.ross - 2021/06/04 10:20:07
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:09:52
The 3967-KR has started to drop this morning. If you registered yesterday before 8 am PT you may have a shot at an email today. (Likely 7:35 am and earlier)…best of luck!
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:11:54
Nice, I'm at 7:44 so hoping that I get the email today :)
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:14:59
Just got my purchase email! Was able to use my 20% off coupon from spin the wheel and enewt's associate code. Just under $1200 shipped. Can't wait for Wednesday. Thank you for putting these threads together and helping everyone out enewt! 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:24:56 AM PT Yes
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:17:37
celcius Nice, I'm at 7:44 so hoping that I get the email today :)
Fingers crossed! I really hope they have enough to at least get this far today.
ASUS RTX 4090 TUF OC • Intel Core i7 12700K • MSI Z690 Edge WiFi • 32GB G.Skill Trident Z • EVGA 1600T2 PSU 3x 2TB Samsung 980 Pros in RAID 0 • 250GB Samsung 980 Pro • 2x WD 2TB Blacks in RAID 0 • Lian-Li PC-D600WB EK Quantum Velocity • EK Quantum Vector² • EK Quantum Kinetic TBE 200 D5 • 2x Alphacool 420mm Rads LG CX 48" • 2x Wasabi Mango UHD430s 43" • HP LP3065 30" • Ducky Shine 7 Blackout • Logitech MX Master Sennheiser HD660S w/ XLR • Creative SB X-Fi Titanium HD • Drop + THX AAA 789 • DarkVoice 336SE OTL
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:30:20
Honestly, this is crazy. Yesterday their website went to **** pretty badly. This morning it didn't at all for the public. Either: - A lot of non-elite people yesterday were trying to get to the auto-notify and added to the chaos OR
- There is actually more Elite members than non-elite members interested in this card
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:32:41
enewt The 3967-KR has started to drop this morning. If you registered yesterday before 8 am PT you may have a shot at an email today. (Likely 7:35 am and earlier)…best of luck!
I'm going to cry if I get it.
12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:28:05 AM PT Yes 08G-P5-3797-KL 6/10/2021 6:02:49 AM PT Yes
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/04 10:56:40
celcius Nice, I'm at 7:44 so hoping that I get the email today :)
7:44:05 as well and nothing so far :(
3967-KR 7:44:05am PT YES! Current Build: 9900k, Aorus Master z390, Asus ROG Strix 2080ti OC, 32gb 3200 Corsair Vengeance Pro, Corsair H150i cooler, 970 Evo Plus 1tb NVME, 970 Pro 500gb, 870 QVE 1tb