Cooling fan and heat sink combination for Z170 FTW mobo??

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Re: Cooling fan and heat sink combination for Z170 FTW mobo?? 2016/03/22 14:07:14 (permalink)

I had (and still have) watercooling on my Pentium IV 3.8 GHz lol. I was living the South-East of France at this time and in the summer with ambient temperature around 37C (95F), watercooling was the best choice for the noise and the temperature. Now in the UK with a very hot summer at 25C (77F) . I do not thing watercooling is appropriate for my use.
It is clear that the case is important, but I had to make chice at home as we had a very bad start in 2016 and have to change a lots of stuff in a couple of weeks, our washing-machine failed, steering of my wife's car could not work properly (we changed the car lol), my daughter broke the TV while playing with the cats when I was about to clik on "check out" ordering my new motherboard and processor as my previous computer could not start anymore (dead motherboard)... and I pass you the leaks in the Kitchen and bathroom and other stuff lol. Anyway everybody is alive  but no more savings LOL.
So instead of buying a expensive case, I used the jigsaw and buy two filters.
I will post my temp and some pictures of my mod when everything will be fitted (the two new fans are just locked on the hole at the moment).

Ok about water cooling I decided after a few days reading all the reviews on putting a block on the cpu from newegg and corsairs site, funny thing is I looked at all comments almost for every RAD they had and seen temps way hotter than I am now on air with 2-120mms in a push/pull out the 140mm exhaust I now get down to 21C idle usually at 26-28 always got some things running but the reviews were bad and higher temps on loads than I get. (( OC'd @ 4.6 ))
I dished out a 100 on a H80i v2 and temps ended up being like most of the reviews I read on the skylake i6700 k 4.2ghz, temps rose at the least 10C on idle and load stock paste/artic silver anyhow it's in the mail for refund lol.
My case can take a 240mm overhead but tight.

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Re: Cooling fan and heat sink combination for Z170 FTW mobo?? 2016/03/23 01:31:27 (permalink)
Finally, I have bought a new case. When the set up is completed I will post some pics and temps

CPU Intel I7-6700K OC (4.6GHz)
Cooler Noctua NH-C14 modified (2x140mm PWM fans)
Motherboard EVGA Z170 FTW
Corsair Vengeance 4X4GB DDR4 3200MHz
1 x EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SSC GAMING ACX 2.0+
1 x Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti
2 x Samsung SAM 850 Pro 128GB SSD (raid 1 for OS and software)
1 x LG 14x Blu-ray DVDRW
2 x WD Hard Drives (2TB for games/archives/BOINC)
Case Nanoxia Deep Silence 5 Rev. 5
2 X 22" Monitors (LG and Asus) 

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Re: Cooling fan and heat sink combination for Z170 FTW mobo?? 2016/03/31 03:16:23 (permalink)
noctua u12s
this cooler is good for 4500mhz  24/7 with a good margin, and no mating  DIMM (1mm free space) or heatsink, top pci-e slot
hope these pics can be of any help to someone
note> different brands of fans can be thicker than others, despite the fact they are labeled 25mm
over and out


I have the same $30 air cooler but a cooler master same design as mine though. bought H80i push/pull and the water coolers on skylakes are pathetic to say the least, 10C higher idle/load at minimum sent that sucker back first day nothing but junk, Hoses way to long to I got this huge THOR v2 case and they were all smashed up against side of case, hoses were 4-6" to long. I read all reviews on newegg thought people were OC'n wrong but nope just crap coolers even neweggexperts leaving horrible reviews on all the coolers, the plastic tube intakes were cheaply done as well. 1 leak system fried.

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Re: Cooling fan and heat sink combination for Z170 FTW mobo?? 2016/03/31 09:34:33 (permalink)
I have the noctua u14s and the fan clips sit just against my 980 ti's backplate. No strain on them or anything but something to keep in mind. I can nudge the fan a little to the side to give maybe 1 mm space between clip and video card backplate. I imagine a card without a backplate would clear fine but would be too close to comfort for me and I would probably put some insulating tape on the clips.
post edited by mike406 - 2016/03/31 09:37:56

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