Can my EVGA Supernova G3 850 have all it's GPU power slots fail?

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2024/08/24 01:27:11 (permalink)
Hey guys. I have been trying to troubleshoot what is going on.
I removed my 3080 and it wouldn't show any signs of life, despite me reinserting cables , slots ect. I went out and bought a used RX 5700 XT. Put it in and nothing. Different slot, nothing. Since it uses just 1 GPU power cable instead of 3 , I tried all 3, nothing. Reinserted them into the PSU. I even removed the CMOS and hit the reset jumper on my Asus X570 Rog Strix Gaming. I tried this all as well with my old 2500K and z78 extreme 3 motherboard, same thing ( though it could be putting a modern GPU can cause compatibility issue switch old hardware.)
Tonight, I disconnected everything. I have my motherboard on the box it came in, everything removed. I have the 24 pin, the 2 CPU aux cables, and the one GPU power cable plugged in. Different slot, nope. Different cable, different cable slot on the power supply. I installed my 3080 again, same thing.
All the while, my motherboard shows a white VGA error light, the GPU does not show Any fans or LEDs.....
Can my EVGA 850 Supernova G3 have possibly have failed in a way that caused all the GPU power cable slots to not work? That is the only thing I can think.
I have a fluke 115 multimeter. I'm not super experienced on it, but this is as good a project as any to use it.

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    Re: Can my EVGA Supernova G3 850 have all it's GPU power slots fail? 2024/08/24 07:26:13 (permalink)
    Any old PSU laying around to test with?  Or maybe borrow one to test?  It does sound like the PSU died though.

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