Re:And the virus continues to spreads (Thank You brcromer!!!)
2011/06/02 16:19:08
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Re:And the virus continues to spreads (Thank You brcromer!!!)
2011/06/02 16:26:58
So what is the community going to get for Brcromer? I think something would be nice. Maybe pitch in and get him a game. Send him over a few dollars a piece to his Steam wallet and let him decide on the game?
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Thank you brcromer!
2011/06/02 16:41:55
Just checked my e-mail on my phone and saw that I have been given a gift! Thank you so much man!
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Re:And the virus continues to spreads (Thank You brcromer!!!)
2011/06/02 16:43:45
chrisdglong So what is the community going to get for Brcromer? I think something would be nice. Maybe pitch in and get him a game. Send him over a few dollars a piece to his Steam wallet and let him decide on the game? Or maby a ultimate folding rig?
 12G-P5-3953-KR 6/30/2021 6:23:47 AM PT YES! 10G-P5-3899-KR 6/23/2021 6:01:36 AM PT No 10G-P5-3889-KR 6/23/2021 6:01:12 AM PT No 24G-P5-3979-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:45 AM PT No 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 8:15:04 AM PT No 10G-P5-3898-KR 12/17/2020 7:55:06 AM PT No
Re:Thank you brcromer!
2011/06/02 16:44:09
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Re:Thank you brcromer!
2011/06/02 16:49:06
It is like he never ceases to stop amazing me...
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Is Extremly Mad at this Moment
2011/06/02 16:58:11
While at work today had the the most horrable joyfull thing happen. It was Such a Disgusting act of human kindness., it mad me scream WHY ME!?!?!?! it leavieng a disfigureing smile on my face that i am unable to remove. What happened you may ask me? I got a email while pulling a Cart filled with 3 CRT's 6 Laptops and then some other junk around the Office complex i was in that said this HOW DARE HE FORCE ME TO PARTAKE IN IS PLANS OF RULING THE RULED WITH BLUE RIBBONS AND JUST BEING A EXTREME A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X2 MEMBER HERE ON EVGA!!!!! I point my finger at him it shaking wildly yelling I THANK YOU, AND I AM ONTO YOUR EVIL PLANS at the top of my lungs
Signature Images.. What are those.. and can I eat it?
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Re:Is Extremly Mad at this Moment
2011/06/02 16:59:24
The world is doomed all because of Br...
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Re:BRcromer strikes again!
2011/06/02 17:01:58
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Re:BRcromer strikes again!
2011/06/02 17:07:40
Congrats! BR you the man!!
Re:Is Extremly Mad at this Moment
2011/06/02 17:16:36
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Re:Is Extremly Mad at this Moment
2011/06/02 17:19:11
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:31:38
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:34:29
Odd I post about this very idea and 5 mins later threads are consolidated. lol
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:36:19
z999z3mystorys Odd I post about this very idea and 5 mins later threads are consolidated. lol Believe me, the work took more than 5 minutes, lol.
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:40:02
Odd I post about this very idea and 5 mins later threads are consolidated. lol
Believe me, the work took more than 5 minutes, lol.
MEH -TACULAR.....  I won't be surprised you will get bitten by the Brcromer bug
post edited by atfrico - 2011/06/02 17:41:55
T hose who abuse power, are nothing but scumbags! The challenge of power is how to use it and not abuse it. The abuse of power that seems to create the most unhappiness is when a person uses personal power to get ahead without regards to the welfare of others, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way. Affiliate Code: 3T15O1S07G
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:45:30
Thanks Again for Duke Nukem Brendan
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:46:37
Thanks for the DNF Preorder. Appreciate it a ton.
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 17:47:33
NordicJedi z999z3mystorys Odd I post about this very idea and 5 mins later threads are consolidated. lol Believe me, the work took more than 5 minutes, lol. YEA! It took nearly twice as long!
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 18:01:42
I think it is great what he has given away, I have a classified 759 board I have yet to put a ram stick in after 12 months of looking at it gather dust so I think its great other members are helping each other with stuff. Im going to have at least $300 soon so I hope to maybe buy some stuff from you guys when you upgrade keep up the good work I would like to know what Aussies have stuff they are looking to sell soon I wish the sales area was divided into regions makes it hard to find something in the country. Any way congrats on the OP for his kindness to others Gold ribbon worthy...
post edited by Darron - 2011/06/02 18:02:53
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 18:02:03
yea brcromer u are a good man! :).. nothing like beeing gifted!.. hope this spread like a wild fire even though we are a lot of people in here ! :)..
thank u one more time for the Duke Nukeem Forever! :)
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 18:08:14
I almost want to PM him now, but id feel bad about asking for a game thats a "gift". Other people are more deserving than me though ill admit. haha. I completely agree with the community gift idea. Maybe an EVGA shirt or a custom made one from another Shirt building website that says thanks or something from the EVGA community.
post edited by kidcrumb - 2011/06/02 18:09:22
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 18:14:53
I find the whole thing a bit odd personally. If it makes him feel good, I guess it's ok. I personally turned him down on an offer because frankly I don't deserve anything from him. I don't know him well enough to feel comfortable with it and I'd only accept something like that if I could do something of equal value for them in turn. Otherwise it feels like he's being taken advantage of by people asking him for things. Although I find all this giving a bit curious, the amount of spam that has resulted in the general forums was getting a bit counterproductive.
post edited by Brad_Hawthorne - 2011/06/02 18:18:40
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 18:18:36
What if DUKE NUKE EM was in reality, a massive virus that manifested into physical form and then ate your face off with robot death teeth leaving only a slab of brain and bone matter? Just saying what if.
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 18:31:41
Thanks man it's been very appreciated!
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 19:07:42
Brad_Hawthorne I find the whole thing a bit odd personally. If it makes him feel good, I guess it's ok. I personally turned him down on an offer because frankly I don't deserve anything from him. I don't know him well enough to feel comfortable with it and I'd only accept something like that if I could do something of equal value for them in turn. Otherwise it feels like he's being taken advantage of by people asking him for things. Although I find all this giving a bit curious, the amount of spam that has resulted in the general forums was getting a bit counterproductive. Who knows, maybe he came into some money and just wanted people from EVGA to play some duke nukem with? Maybe not. I dont think it really matters. Ive given away plenty to the forum just because. Good karma can go a long way too! I know if I had enough expendable funds...I may do the same thing just so people could play a game with me :)
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 19:16:13
 12G-P5-3953-KR 6/30/2021 6:23:47 AM PT YES! 10G-P5-3899-KR 6/23/2021 6:01:36 AM PT No 10G-P5-3889-KR 6/23/2021 6:01:12 AM PT No 24G-P5-3979-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:45 AM PT No 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 8:15:04 AM PT No 10G-P5-3898-KR 12/17/2020 7:55:06 AM PT No
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 19:17:51
Thank you very much for my gift, you are a good man =D, sorry for cutting the convo short, hope to catch you again!
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Re:A little note about the gifts I've given.
2011/06/02 19:18:31
Brad_Hawthorne I find the whole thing a bit odd personally. If it makes him feel good, I guess it's ok. I personally turned him down on an offer because frankly I don't deserve anything from him. I don't know him well enough to feel comfortable with it and I'd only accept something like that if I could do something of equal value for them in turn. Otherwise it feels like he's being taken advantage of by people asking him for things. Although I find all this giving a bit curious, the amount of spam that has resulted in the general forums was getting a bit counterproductive. I can see your point of view brad, and I agree with you, I'm also kind of getting tired with all the bcromer threads popping up, but the guy is doing a good thing, he basically threw away his whole build and used that money to pepper everyone with gifts, I wub bcromer and hope he gets an uber leet pc from the community or something