I can't see exactly how much space you have... my measure is 26.8 for reference card
Now I'm not sure is it K|NGP|N Classified and normal same but my Classified is 28cm with longest part.
She is inside PC I couldn't compare side by side. But you need plus space to install card...With only 2cm you can't install card at all.
You need to remove fans from radiator on other side.
At least one than install card and after that you can check, you have option to put on that place 15mm fan or on other side.
Now do you know how little is reference card compare to Classified, I thought in first moment Classified is 5cm longer, but not she is wide and look fantastic with PCB installed. No doubt. I love EVGA cards because no matter how strong and big is card she stay right in PC no some nasty cooler, everything from side is almost as reference card, strong tight in place and in same time is capable to cool down highest clock on market.
post edited by Vlada011 - 2014/04/14 20:06:11