3080 XC3 Ultra Gaming sound issues

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2025/01/17 14:25:28 (permalink)
So a month ago I started having this problem when listening to YouTube or flying my flight sim, the sound would randomly go really bad--staticy, the instruments in the music would sound out of tune with each other and generally just sounding like garbage. I found I could temp fix it by closing and re-opening the browser and the YouTube page, but when you are 2 hours into a flight, it isn't that simple. Sometimes while on long flights in my sim it would clear up and fix itself. It isn't like it happens 5 minutes into flight or 10 or 15 or an hour or two and happens for some set amount of time, it literally comes and goes at random times.

Everything is updated--GPU (566.36) and all software on computer. I update and install all software that needs it, clean up the drives, optimize the drives and restart before I play the sim just to ensure the computer is in best shape for gaming.

It isn't heat-related as when I monitor Precision X1 all temps are within limits.

This isn't the power cable buzz/EMI issue either, from what I can understand that would happen constantly. Also this isn't an EMI sound--it is some sort of processing failure at the GPU, I believe.
Any useful input is appreciated. I really don't understand why this is happening or what is causing it.

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    Re: 3080 XC3 Ultra Gaming sound issues 2025/01/17 14:56:45 (permalink)
    you could try a different cable
    make sure only one audio out is enabled 
    Try older GPU Driver
    Try older audio driver
    make sure Blutooth is not taking over Audio out
    Make sure contollers are not using audio out PS4 or Xbox

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    Re: 3080 XC3 Ultra Gaming sound issues 2025/01/17 15:03:16 (permalink)
    What kind of cable?
    I use a Logitech G35 headset (USB connected) and that is the only audio out. If the cable to that failed, I would assume I would have this issue constantly.

    I rolled GPU back drivers--that was unsuccessful.

    I haven't rolled back audio driver. I will look into that--thanks!

    I don't have Bluetooth set up on this.

    All controllers are USB connected.
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    Re: 3080 XC3 Ultra Gaming sound issues 2025/01/17 15:52:03 (permalink)
    Sorry i did not know you your using a headset
    why do you believe it is your GPU? 
    At this point you are having an audio issue now you have to isolate the issue
    try direct connection HDMI or Display port to a monitor or tv with speakers
    almost all motherboards have audio out analog, optical try different Headset
    Their are alot of thing i would try before blaming the GPU
    i stopped using USB for audio years ago due to issues
    Good luck hope you are to figure it out and its simple

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    Re: 3080 XC3 Ultra Gaming sound issues 2025/01/17 17:03:51 (permalink)
    Thanks for the responses, tatude69!

    Yeah, the Logitech G35 (IMO) is the best bang for the buck. They sound great (mic and speakers) for the price. My second one and trying to hold on to it as long as possible!

    I believe it is the GPU, because unless things changed and I totally missed it, doesn't the GPU still handle the bulk of sound processing? Correct me if I am wrong.

    I can try using the TV speakers. 

    So if I get another headset (one with 1/8th" jack or whatever) I'm going full on with it. Not prepared to invest in that quite yet.

    And yes, it being a random thing with zero known triggers, it is frustrating. I hope it is simple as well.
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    Re: 3080 XC3 Ultra Gaming sound issues 2025/01/18 01:50:51 (permalink)
    I had a similar issue awhile back, I ended up disabling all sound drivers accept the one from the "SOUND CARD" ,,,,MB sound drivers? Little bit different scenario it's worth a try you can always enable them if it doesn't work. Good luck in your endeavor,
    post edited by Nozler - 2025/01/18 01:51:54

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