Re: 3080 TI Vram temps
2021/11/03 18:06:36
Well I did the swap as outlined in the link I posted above. Only a partial success, dropped about 6-8C while mining. (no this a gaming card, not a mining card) Only thing maybe I could have done better is a little more paste between the copper plate and the block. I put a thin layer but then wondered how well it really fits after I got it back together. I did use Kryonaut Extreme there also though. My temps are actually close to the reported # above in the link, so maybe my card/kit started out a bit better too. 92C with 26C ambient vs the 88 reported above.
So better than nothing but not amazing. Core temp is slightly lower (1-2C) probably due to using Kryonaut Extreme rather than MX-4 this time. So that's good news. The harder Gelid Ultimate's didn't hurt core contact pressure apparently. I still think that's because they are on the thin side (2mm vs 2.25mm). Link above suggests 2.5mm Extreme's are worse, but I kinda wonder...