Wednesday, November 18, 2020 4:02 PM
I picked up my RTX 3080 FTW3 yesterday and have been tinkering around on settings, installing new games and reading up. While the card is relatively still new, am hoping to find some advice or recommendation on fan control.
I am using the Precision X1 software. When FAN SPEED is set to AUTO, it appears to run a 0RPM curve, and perhaps runs adaptively once the card is hotter? My question is, is this the recommended fan curve? Or should I click FAN SPEED and check Fan Curve Control and use a preset or create a custom? Should I have the fans spinning at all times, or let it adaptively cool the card? I always feel slight worried when the fans aren't spinning, but if the card is designed for this type of mode and is recommended, would use that.
I appreciate any information!