2070 XC + Precision 1.1.2 fan speed problems

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2020/11/26 22:30:08 (permalink)
While gaming, Fan 1 (and occasionally fan 2) rapidly fluctuates between ~1500 RPM and ~4000 RPM. As in, it will be 1500 for 5 seconds, then 4000 for 15 seconds, then 1500 for 5 seconds, then 4000 for 5 seconds etc etc. Temperatures will be stable at 70-80C. This is incredibly annoying/distracting, as the fans are quite loud at 4000 RPM. I've tried custom fan curves + just setting them to fixed % (see picture for example). None of my changes seem to do anything - and there doesn't seem to be any relation between the speed % shown in the UI and the actual fan RPMs (also can see that in screenshot). Any suggestions/ideas for how I might fix this annoying problem? 
I've tried:
  • Reformatting SSD
  • Updating BIOS to latest version
  • Updating all system drivers
  • Lots of custom fan settings in Precision X1 (I make sure to save/apply changes, of course)
Note that this problem happens whether or not Precision X1 is installed, so the software isnt CAUSING the problem, but it's frustrating that none of the fan settings seem to actually change anything. Any advice/ideas is welcomed!
EDIT: hm reading some old posts and my issue sounds a lot like what's discussed here:   should I look into RMAing my card? It's 2 years old so I'm not sure what the warranty status is...
post edited by roguemonkey - 2020/11/26 22:43:05

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    Re: 2070 XC + Precision 1.1.2 fan speed problems 2020/11/27 00:03:32 (permalink)
    Hmmm   If you registered the card for warranty when you bought it, or it was auto registered due to being RMA card already or step-up, warranty status should show under member > MyEvga > My products > View Product.  Assuming nothing else is using your GPU ( You can check with Task Mgr ) like you've been crypto-jacked or something, only thing I can think of is shut down and pull the card and make sure nothing is obstructing airflow thru the fins like dust bunnies or whatever, inspect for obvious burn marks or bubbled/burnt/fractured PCB, and assuming no obvious cause discovered yet put it back in and decide how much annoyance is tolerable? If under warranty I think RMA time--perhaps degraded/loose thermal paste/pads or pcb/controller/VRM degradation.  If not under warranty and temps not spiking to critical level its a balance between annoyance with loud fans vs annoyance of disassembly to redo thermal paste and pads perhaps for nothing if it turns out chips/board is going bad.  GL!

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