2012 Chimp Challenge Smack Talk Thread

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Re:2012 Chimp Challenge Smack Talk Thread 2012/05/23 04:59:09 (permalink)

I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain!  I'm burning these breakers as hot as they can go without losing power, CPUs are at full load, I've got every GPU I've got running.


Well, I tried.  Again hardware failure has stopped me in my tracks.  With my SR-2 down due to HDD failure, I won't be able to make the big points.

You gave her all she's got until you killed her... Well the HDD anyway... That would be the 2nd one that's failed in matter of months. Poor Mad and the curse of the contests,  Something always happens. *hugs her Mad* < he he squishy hugs .
 I may not be in this Contest, but I'm still cheering on the Apes.
 To the awesome people/person out there... You know who you are... I thank you.
Now go Apes! fling dung the other teams way in these last remaining days.

Shykal = A Girl and Madrias' BETTER half.
 ShadowSplicer: Son of a GROMACS... Z shut up xD

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Re:2012 Chimp Challenge Smack Talk Thread 2012/05/26 01:24:29 (permalink)
I know it's over, but my speach a few posts back didn't motivate anyone did it?

People are, well, only Human. We know that. The rule of law is borne out in identifying, condemning, and punishing those who violate the standards on which we all agree. This is exactly what we do in america. -James Inhofe
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