I have been unable to get two 480 GTX cards to work in PCIe slots 2 and 5. Please see the attached image (sorry cant crop pic correctly). The PCIe slots are numbered from top to bottom 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Currently, I can get SLI to work with the two 480 GTX's in PCIe slots 3 and 5. Due to wanting to add heat sinks and fans I want to get some space between the cards and want them to be in slots 2 and 5. I can only get video successfully in the 3, 5 positions. I know I must be missing something but it doesnt make sense to me.
If I put one card in Slot 2, I get a rapid beep which sounds like a long beep followed by a short beep. If I run a single GTX 480, the card only works if in slot 3.
I'm a bit lost with this and only want to spend more money on third party heat sinks and fans as the cards run REALLY HOT.
EVGA Classified 3 Way Sli (Latest Bios as of Mar this year 2011)
2x 480 GTX (Latest drivers)
USB 3.0 add-in card in PCI3 Slot 1
Thanks for the help.
Attached Image(s)