GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question

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2012/06/30 07:04:40 (permalink)
Is there any why to tell the BOINC Manager to use one GPU for SETI and the other for GPUGRID?
OK, so here is my setup...
X58 with a 920
Two 680's
All watercooled.
I am running BOINC manager.
I have WCG and SETI and GPUGRID all running on this ones system and allowing 100% usage 24/7.
What I noticed today, if I have any GPIGRID running, it stops SETI. All the GPUGRID's "Claim" to be high priorities.
From where I sit these 680's eat anything and everything that either project can toss at it. I slam through SETI's in 4-7 minutes and so far the two GPUGRID's I have done are complete in just over (4) hours each... This makes me want to run both!


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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:09:28 (permalink)
    See my post in the 4.2 app thread AB.
    They don't play nice. It's either one or the other .

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:12:09 (permalink)
    I haven't found anything, I haven't really looked into it that much as I'm sure it would result in more work than I was willing to put into it for the time I was gonna use it.  I wanted to have PrimeGrid and GPUGrid use my 460 and not my 8800 and let everything else use only the 8800.  I think there is a way through editing the project files to only use a specific gpu, but I would have had to edit it for every gpu-capable project I crunch and I wasn't going to keep the 460 adn the 8800 in the same system for long enough to make it worth it.  linux might have more knowledge on this than me....
    Edit:  Or you could "No more work" every project but GPUGrid and set the work buffer for a few days and update then no more work it and allow more work everything else after changing the buffer again and letting the manager do it's thing....  Or maybe lower the amount for GPUGrid so it gives Seti a higher priority, eventually you'll get GPUGrid tasks as it has to balance out project work, but by giving Seti more resources and work time, it should ensure more Seti tasks that don't get bumped.  Or...I haven't looked too much into batch files, but I'm sure you could have a batch file manage suspending and resuming the two on a schedule to "manually" balance the workload.
    post edited by RHMash - 2012/06/30 07:20:02

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:14:11 (permalink)
    Hmmm.  perhaps perhaps  ........
    try this in your cc_config file.  I can't guarantee that this will work, but it might.  Remember to open your cc_config file in wordpad (not notepad) and make sure to save it as .XML .  make sure to save your original file somewhere as well in case you have to go back to it.
    add this to your existing file.  If I've done it right, it 'may' exclude the first GPU from getting GPUGrid tasks. See how you go.



    post edited by Simba123 - 2012/06/30 07:16:32

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:23:06 (permalink)

    Hmmm.  perhaps perhaps  ........

    try this in your cc_config file.  I can't guarantee that this will work, but it might.  Remember to open your cc_config file in wordpad (not notepad) and make sure to save it as .XML .  make sure to save your original file somewhere as well in case you have to go back to it.

    add this to your existing file.  If I've done it right, it 'may' exclude the first GPU from getting GPUGrid tasks. See how you go.




    You know, I'm pretty sure I saw that somewhere....  I thought it was more an app_info thing than a cc_config.  But maybe it was because I was looking more for PrimeGrid and specifically excluding the 8800 from the Genefer tasks as it can't run those....
    Edit:  http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dev/forum_thread.php?id=7486  if I'm understanding this right, that's correct and I don't know why I couldn't find this before.  My PrimeGrid and Genefer scores would be much higher....
    post edited by RHMash - 2012/06/30 07:26:49

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:28:25 (permalink)
    ^^ Trying now =]

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:33:14 (permalink)
    I am not getting the option to use wordpad, only notepad is popping up... weird... 
    This is how it looks in the "Open" feature to explorer and it is saved this way...

    post edited by Afterburner - 2012/06/30 07:37:16

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:47:12 (permalink)
    So far no change. This "May be"...
    • Because I should only have "Option" listed once for the entire script
    • GPUGRID is finishing the current job on the device "0" and then will use the command

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 07:55:26 (permalink)
    I'd go with Option only once.... And unless they changed it with the newest version, and even if they have or you're running an older one, it wouldn't hurt to suspend everything, exit boinc, start it back up and have it read the cc-config file to ensure everything is set....  But, yeah, it might be good to wait for the current gpu tasks to end incase the settings cause it to toss the unit out instead of finishing it.  I don't think a gpu task changes cards if it is suspended and resumed, and if it can, I don't think it likes it too much....  Or it could be they don't like going from a 460 to an 8800....
    post edited by RHMash - 2012/06/30 07:59:03

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 08:02:21 (permalink)
    ^^Will do. 22 minutes away from completing that job on device "0" now...

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 08:28:38 (permalink)
    OK... Did not work. Started new job on "0"... Shutting down, editing to remove the option  tags in the middle...
    Fired it all back up, BOINC Manger did not abort any of the jobs (Thank goodness), still running as if I did nothing.
    I will let the jobs run through their course. So it will be a few hours before another update...
    post edited by Afterburner - 2012/06/30 08:31:53

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 12:11:17 (permalink)
    OK... Need to learn how to select wordpad. This experiment did not work. Had to suspend the device 0 job as it started yet another one just now...

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 15:37:03 (permalink)
    OK... I keep trying.. Even took out the "/" at the end of GPUGRID.net... And get this message (Still running BOINC 6.10)

    I found this info on boinc.berkley about half way down the page...
    Is that saying this GPU script is for 6.13 and up? Or that this works for any boinc, just happened to be added with 6.13?
    post edited by Afterburner - 2012/06/30 15:40:34

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 16:02:05 (permalink)
    As I said, no promises, it was midnight when I posted it and I was tired and that was something I had a brainwave about and quickly threw together.
    Give me a bit and I'll see if can refine/get it working.
    to open the file in wordpad, right-click, select 'open with', then choose wordpad.  (notepad doesn't save xml files properly, that's why you need to use wordpad, which does)

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 16:18:37 (permalink)

    As I said, no promises, it was midnight when I posted it and I was tired and that was something I had a brainwave about and quickly threw together.
    Give me a bit and I'll see if can refine/get it working.

    to open the file in wordpad, right-click, select 'open with', then choose wordpad.  (notepad doesn't save xml files properly, that's why you need to use wordpad, which does)

    Your assist was and is fantastic. This was my issue...
    You see... I am normally a set it and forget it fella. But these 680's and all the other GPU production we can do got my blood flowing again. I have not updated my BOINC in over two years it looks like. 
    Good news!!! Updating "from" WCG's 6.10 to BOINC's newer 7.0.28 allowed the script you wrote, less the options text... 
    Now the bad news...
    All the work that was completed, and in process deleted when I upgraded. SO I deleted all of the BOINC and started fresh just now.
    P.S. I was using the right click, failed to use the open with 
    This script is recognized... Only now it is reading the second "App" line and shutting off "0" to all. This means SETI is still sitting doing nothing as GPUGRID takes over on the device #1... Sad panda
    Deleting script and running both GPU's on GPUGRID for now...
    post edited by Afterburner - 2012/06/30 16:36:54

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 16:36:07 (permalink)
    let me know if it works with the new Boinc version.  <crosses fingers>
    Your config file should look something like this.



    {my note, the  <report_results_immediately>1</report_results_immediately>
    command used to be necessary because GPUGrid
     only updates every 6 hours and on long runs you could miss out
      on the bonus for returning a unit in less than 24 hours unless you returned it immediately .
    It's not so necessary now that the 4.2 tasks are so much quicker, but I'd still keep it in case you get a 3.1 task, not that should really matter with a 680, but for lesser cards, still necessary}

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 16:39:04 (permalink)
    Nope.. Looks like this (Without added GPU script)
    [link=file:///C:/ProgramData/BOINC/cc_config.xml#]-[/link] <cc_config>

      <log_flags />

    [link=file:///C:/ProgramData/BOINC/cc_config.xml#]-[/link] <options>






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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 16:43:42 (permalink)
    Trying yours now.. Errored out, had to remove the spacing... Errors went away.. Starting now... Looks like this...

    post edited by Afterburner - 2012/06/30 16:44:49

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 16:50:32 (permalink)
    Well... I was all excited... Did "Exactly" what we want... Finished two SETI's while running one GPUGRID and bam... Second GPUDRID took over and SETI has stopped again...
    That said... Not to get all excited to quickly... But it just did two SETI's in just over 2 minutes each! AND both GPUGRIDs are showing 2-3 hours to completion. "Crosses fingers"
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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 17:15:06 (permalink)
    sorry, forgot to say remove the spacing.
    So, when you originally started Boinc, it loaded Seti and GPUGrid onto the gpus, but when the Seti tasks finished, instead of loading more Seti tasks, it loaded GPUGrid instead? 
    Also, did it originally run GPUGrid on GPU0 or GPU1 ?

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 17:20:41 (permalink)
    Correct. And GPUGRID was only on "1".. Once SETI completed the second job "0" became the active as well for GPUGRID...
    And not to worry man. I am learning as I go. The spacing seems to be something I should know 

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 17:28:43 (permalink)
    also, but the looks of that pic, you need to free up another core.
    From what I can see you have 7 CPU tasks running and 2 GPUs .
    each GPU (for GPUGrid) needs .77 cores, so there's going to be some scheduling conflicts going on there.
    Set your settings to
    On multiprocessor systems, use at most  75% of the processors
    that should give you  2 cores free for the GPUs

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 17:35:16 (permalink)
    On it 

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 17:52:51 (permalink)
    Can you click on the 'Tasks' tab, click on the GPUGrid task that it using GPU0, then click 'Properties' on the left column.
    A little pop up should appear.  The first line should say 'Application'
    what does it say in that line?
    I thought there was only 2 applications, but there may be more that need to be added to the exclusion list.

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 17:54:54 (permalink)
    also, go to your GPUGrid profile at GPUGrid.com and make sure the short tasks are NOT selected.

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 20:15:13 (permalink)

    Can you click on the 'Tasks' tab, click on the GPUGrid task that it using GPU0, then click 'Properties' on the left column.
    A little pop up should appear.  The first line should say 'Application'
    what does it say in that line?

    I thought there was only 2 applications, but there may be more that need to be added to the exclusion list.

    Now I know this will sound weird... Just watched a movie, came back to check. All the SETI I had have processed. I did nothing. Not sure if it corrected itself at an update point or what. And it seems SETI is not receiving any completed jobs. I no longer have any SETI. So both GPU's are working on the grid..

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 20:16:09 (permalink)

    also, go to your GPUGrid profile at GPUGrid.com and make sure the short tasks are NOT selected.

    I looked and looked. I do not see anything called profile or anything I clicked saying short anything. 

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 20:32:52 (permalink)
    Drat. that isn't showing what i thought it would.
    Seti is having problems at the moment, so don't stress about that.
    log in to GPUGrid. 
    it should take you to your account page.
    (If it doesn't, just click on your name in the top right corner)
    go to the Preferences section (about halfway down)
    click on 'GPUGrid preferences'
    comes up with various options,
    where it says
    ACEMD standard, choose NO
    ACEMD beta, choose NO
    ACEMD for long runs - choose YES
    this should mean you will only get 'long' tasks, which will take around 4-7 hours on your cards depending on which units you get.
    Hopefully this will fix the issue, if it doesn't I have something else to try.

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 20:41:26 (permalink)
    ^^^ Ah.. That I have. All three are selected by default, and it looks like I ran one... Oh well =]... No longer selected thank you!!

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    Re:GPU Crunching in BOINC with SETI and GPUGRID question 2012/06/30 20:47:58 (permalink)

    that's it!
    now we just have to wait for Seti to come back up to test.

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