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Wednesday, March 07, 2012 2:26 AM
I've been doing a little CPU crunching on NFS@Home with 2 logical cores for awhile now and it's unfortunate to report that its task seems to be punctured with quite a fair share of "Error while computing" issues. In order to sidestep it, just select to perform lasievef application only but the computer machine in question must be equipped with a lot of RAM perhaps, at least 8GB. So, the step-by-step procedure to crunch it is as follows;- 1. Create an account at NFS@Home. 2. Join our team. 3. Navigate from NFS@Home Preferences until Edit NFS@Home Preferences, just select " lasievef - occasionally used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory" only and nothing else. 4. Ensure that " If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications?" are UNtick and then, left-click " Update preferences" button. 5. Left-click " Add project or account manager..." under Tools in BOINC Manager v6.12.34 and then, left-click " Next >" button. 6. Select " NFS@home" with your mouse from the " Choose a project" window panel and then, left-click " Next >" button. 7. Just fill up your email address and choose & confirm your password on the " Identify your account" window panel and then, left-click " Next >" button. 8. Finally, left-click " Finish" button. Note: Our team has a total credit of 32804 and is rank #213 while its DC-Vault score is ~5931pts.
post edited by MOBAJOBG - Wednesday, March 07, 2012 2:41 AM
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012 1:51 AM
Good news! All its applications (such as lasieved, lasievee worth 44 credits & lasievef worth 66 credits) are working perfectly now and it takes about an hour to finish a task. lasievef is advised to be performed by computers that have been fitted with at least 2GB per logical core.
post edited by MOBAJOBG - Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:09 AM
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:33 AM
AB Was Here...
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Friday, March 16, 2012 4:35 PM
Thanks, AB that you're here. This is one of the project that I will be involved with on a long term basis. Note: Our team has a total credit of 59165 and is rank #175 while its DC-Vault score is ~6673pts now.
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Saturday, April 07, 2012 9:19 AM
I've better than the previous good news to share! Under VirtualBox 4.1.4 + Ubuntu 10.10 (with the latest patch update) hosted on a Windows 7 (Win7) Ultimate SP1 64-bit o/s machine (see my siggy for rig CPU-Z), lasievef task chews up ~475MB of RAM and completes within 40mins. Therefore, I can afford to run eight (8) instances of lasievef application now instead of just two (2) previously. So, it takes less RAM by ~1.3MB and save up to 20mins per lasievef task to crunch as compared to on purely Win7 platform.
post edited by MOBAJOBG - Saturday, April 07, 2012 9:40 AM
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Saturday, April 07, 2012 10:27 AM
Good finding. Do you guys know is there any other Project that run faster in Linux? Thanks.
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Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:27 AM
Unfortunately, Leiden Classical encounters "Compute error" ( but done its job within 35mins however I'll try the latest builds of BOINC Manager 7.0.23, VirtualBox 4.1.12 & Ubuntu 11.10 to confirm later) as follows;- stderr out <core_client_version>6.12.34</core_client_version> <![CDATA[ <stderr_txt> Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: userid Skipping: 0 Skipping: /userid Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: teamid Skipping: 0 Skipping: /teamid Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: hostid Skipping: 95852 Skipping: /hostid Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: result_name Skipping: wu_78596477_1332919788_25171_1 Skipping: /result_name Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: starting_elapsed_time Skipping: 0.000000 Skipping: /starting_elapsed_time Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: computation_deadline Skipping: 1334127274.136000 Skipping: /computation_deadline Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: mod_time Skipping: /mod_time Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: run_gpu_if_user_active Skipping: 1 Skipping: /run_gpu_if_user_active Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: suspend_cpu_usage Skipping: 0.000000 Skipping: /suspend_cpu_usage Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: max_ncpus_pct Skipping: 75.000000 Skipping: /max_ncpus_pct Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: daily_xfer_limit_mb Skipping: 0.000000 Skipping: /daily_xfer_limit_mb Unrecognized XML in GLOBAL_PREFS::parse_override: daily_xfer_period_days Skipping: 0 Skipping: /daily_xfer_period_days
</stderr_txt> <message> upload failure: <file_xfer_error> <file_name>wu_78596477_1332919788_25171_1_1</file_name> <error_code>-161</error_code> </file_xfer_error>
</message> ]]>
post edited by MOBAJOBG - Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:29 AM
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012 5:06 AM
Latest update;- Under a VM setup of VirtualBox 4.1.12 + Ubuntu 11.10 ( with Linux kernel v3.3-precise), lasievef task grabs ~507MB of prime RAM real estate and takes an average of ~30mins to finish within BOINC Manager v7.0.25. So, there is an increase of 32MB RAM usage however the entire computation time has dropped by another 10mins. Note: I'd encountered failure to perform an upgrade of Linux kernel to v3.3.1-precise but nonetheless, I'm looking forward to the eventual release of the v3.4-precise in the nearest future.
post edited by MOBAJOBG - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 5:11 AM