thanks gents. What would help would be one of those low water shower heads that mist the water, but that requires a much heavier duty pump. Traditional shower heads make the water more of a stream, and while the water is falling it sorta breaks up into droplets. With the mist happening immediately up towards the top, it would cool much more when it got towards the bottom. the fans are blowing into the core, and vent out the top. There is so much air flow from the fans, that it slows the flow of the liquid flowing.
As you can see I just made removable fans that just slide in there so I can add liquid quickly. You can see the water leve in the opening. The pump is a tiny 350 gph pond pump. It is garbage. the swiftech MCP 655 pump ate it for lunch and launches the water through the ENTIRE system, AND the 7 foot tall cooler. I plan on getting a much more powerful pump for this project and perhaps a much more fine mist shower head or even garden hose attachment?
as for making that out of copper, do you have any idea how much a 6" by 7 foot tall copper pipe would cost?!
heh... more then the computer probably.
you really don't have to have a humid room at all, as you can vent the top of the tube outside the house, and to further decrease temps, I could port air from outside into the fans with dryer duct. If I insulate the pipe, it would probably be much quiter, but then it would more then double the cost of the project.
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