• Crunching@EVGA
  • Tour de Primes 2025, 00:00:01 UTC Feb 1st to 23:59:59 Feb 28th UTC.
2025/01/28 21:13:23
The TDP should have it's own thread since it's the only month long challenge.
Tour de Primes 2025, 00:00:01 UTC Feb 1st to 23:59:59 Feb 28th UTC.  
TDP results page: https://www.primegrid.com/challenge/tdp_2025.php
From the TDP page:
Tour de Primes 2025

Welcome to the 16th annual Tour de Primes. 2 is the first prime number...and the only even prime. This makes it unique among prime numbers. Therefore, February (UTC) is declared Prime month...being the 2nd month of the year. :) And there's no better way to pay homage to a prime number than to go out and find one. :) More precisely, a Top 5000 prime.

For the month of February, an informal competition is offered. There are no challenge points to be gained... just a simple rare jersey at the end of the month to add to your badge list. No pressure or stress other than what you put on yourself. :)

For 2025, we're bringing back the badges introduced in 2018:

  •  Red Jersey -- discoverer of largest prime
  •  Yellow Jersey -- prime count leader (tiebreaker will be prime score)
  •  Green Jersey -- points (prime score) leader
  •  Polk-a-dot Jersey -- on the 19th of February we'll have a "Mountain Stage" and award the Polk-a-dot Jersey to the one who finds the most primes on that day (tiebreaker will be prime score for that day).
  •  Prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds an eligible prime during the month of February. This is a counter badge, so if you find more than one prime it will show how many you've found, up to 99.
  •  Mega prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds a mega prime during February. This is a counter badge.
  •  Mountain Stage prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds an eligible prime during the Mountain Stage. This is a counter badge.
  •  Mountain Stage mega prime badge -- awarded to everyone who finds a mega prime during the Mountain Stage. This is a counter badge.

Results will be available at http://www.primegrid.com/challenge/tdp_2025.php.

Note that this year all subprojects that find single primes (EXCEPT GFN-16), are eligible for the 2025 Tour de Primes. PPSE is included, even if it is pushed out of T5K later in February. GFN-16 is NOT eligible because it is too small to be reported to T5K. AP27, and SR5 Sieve are NOT eligible, since they do not find single primes.

Currently, the fastest opportunities to find Top 5000 primes is with the PPSE (LLR), and GFN-17 projects. Of course, should someone find a prime in the larger searches, this would certainly give them a good shot at the green or red jerseys.

To participate in BOINC PPSE, GFN-17, or any other eligible LLR or Genefer project, all you have to do is select it in your PrimeGrid preferences. AP27 sequences are not reportable at T5K, so are not eligible for Tour de Primes.

Sieve projects don't find primes, so SR5-Sieve can't find anything in TdP.

Good Luck, have fun, and enjoy! :D
2025/01/29 15:18:11
I guess I’ll start by running PPSE on my CPUs and run some GFN17 mega on the 4070ti S
See what that nets me if anything.
2025/01/29 16:05:04
Bill1024 do you find that Prim Grid make your CPU run way hotter . Most what I run only pulls under 200W Prim pulls 240 and that is what I got CPU set at max watts .
2025/01/29 18:20:02
Oh no doubt. I’m running i9-7960x and 7920x CPUs 16 core and 12 core with AVX512and that AVX512 puts a heck of a load on the CPUs.
Even AVX2 will increase the load significantly.
You can lower the clock speed a couple notches or I find running multithreaded helps.
They said to run PPSE one task per core but I ran it two cores per task and didn’t take a hit on ppd but it did lower the running temps.
2025/01/29 21:55:22

You can lower the clock speed a couple notches

No need to lower clocks on new Intel CPUs just use Intel Extreme Tuning utility tool to lower the TDP . Specs on my CPU says 180w yet its set to pull up to 240W . If I was to run Prim grid full time I would just lower the TDP , I stay under 80c running prim at 220W but no wiggle room on temps . I was just wondering if it was just me or every one . I got one other option get better fans on the 240 rad or put the 480 rad in the  loop . I was not going to water cool tell the second best CPU cooler could not keep this I7 12700 cool
2025/01/29 23:00:25
It's not just you for sure, PG will stress test your system and flaws will show up if there are any. Heat is/can be an issue for sure.
2025/01/31 12:41:40
You can start running PG since by the time it is proven it will be the Feb 1st UTC. Good luck everyone!
Hope someone from EVGA can win a jersey this year. 
2025/02/03 09:07:23
Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Proth Prime Search (LLR2). What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in The Largest Known Primes Database.
Since you have auto-reporting selected, the following prime was submitted on your behalf:
Added 139419 : 7167*2^2157022+1 (649333 digits)
2025/02/04 13:56:43
Here is the results page for the 2025 TDP: https://www.primegrid.com/challenge/tdp_2025.php

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