2024/09/27 15:24:36
looking for confirmation on the X570 WIFI,... if I use the lower PCIE x16 slot for my Kingpin 3090, will this still run at X16, or drops to X8??,... (my processor get's a little warmer with the backplate of the 3090 right next to it!
2024/09/27 15:40:58
Cool GTX
X8 is the answer
Only PE1 = x16 lanes from CPU (it is an AMD thing, even my X570 Dark Hero has this limit)
AMD diagram x570  (x16 lanes from CPU --> Only to PE1)
p22 of Manual
PE2 – x8 (Gen4, x8 lanes from CPU)

What king of CPU cooler are you using?
Add a case fan to move heat away from GPU backplate
2024/09/27 15:52:47
Cool GTX
p22 of Manual
PE2 – x8 (Gen4, x8 lanes from CPU)
Only PE1 - x16 lanes from CPU (it is an AMD thing, even my X570 Dark Hero has this limit)

What king of CPU cooler are you using?
Add a case fan to move heat away from GPU backplate

thanks for fast response ,. I have an h150 Elite on the processor,. but my riser cable failed so I moved the card to slot 1 until new cable arrives, I noticed as now the backplate is some 6-7 inches closer to socket and is also rising into the corsair radiator, my temps have spiked some 7-10 degrees higher,. still in safe ranges, I'm just pissy about it!
2024/09/27 18:09:16
Cool GTX
Happy to Help
FYI - I've tested my 4090 @ 8X in my X570 and the hit to performance is minimal... so you can do it till the new riser arrives

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