My temps are way worse since i changed the pads to the point can't use it itl shut down in a minute or so
Now I measured the thermal pads that I was replacing so they should be the right ones
On a side note I didn't paste the gpu like crazy as iv seen others do did a bit more than you would for a cpu
And we'll I have a question to is it possable cheap thermal pads are causing the issue I did use cheap 6w/mk owl tree pads however if that was the cause of the issue the cpu temps would be through the roof?
So not really sure where to go from here any suggestions
I have a evga xc black 2080 if helps any
Also there's a thread with the exact sizes needed for thermal pads as I used whole number 1.0mm 2.0mm my measurements might he a off by a hiar should this matter 0.25mm difference?
Also is great that they list the thermal pads you need but I can't find a diagram anywhere that would suggest what pad for what spot cause clearly eyeballing it and matching it up that way is innacure
Anyone have a diagram as my particular card the 2080 xc black isn't listed in that thermal pad size thread for some reason less is the same as a 2060 or 2080 super