AMD announced that its Ryzen processor branch prediction optimization that provide gaming performance uplifts, is now available for Windows 11 23H2, through an optional update. This update applies to AMD Ryzen processors based on the "Zen 3," "Zen 4," and "Zen 5" microarchitectures, and essentially yields the kind of performance you get in the real Administrator account, on regular Windows accounts, especially non-local (online) accounts. Users should look for "Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5041587)" in Windows Update, which should begin showing up as an optional update. This update requires a system restart to apply.
With this update in place, gaming performance uplifts between Windows 11 23H2 and 24H2 should be identical. "We wanted to let you know that the branch prediction optimization found in Windows 11 24H2 has now been backported to Windows 11 23H2. Users will need to look for KB5041587 under Windows update > Advanced options > Optional updates. We expect the performance uplift to be very similar between 24H2 and 23H2 with KB5041587 installed," AMD said in a statement to Wccftech.
I am happy to see such a quick release of this optimization.