Yeah, it really is a simple fix but requires people to mess around a bit in the bios which I can understand can be scary for a lot.
The steps are really easy to follow and once you set it you are good to go. I am just trying to help others on here who may feel like they dont know what to do.
1. Turn "core isolation" off for Windows 11.
2. Enter bios turn XMP on
3. Lock all your cores to the real speed of the cpu; example like the 13900ks, lock it at 5.6 ghz for all cores. This stops the boost algorithm from pushing the cores up to 6 ghz and keeps the cores in sync not just for speed, but for voltage too!
4. Set vcore to "adaptive" setting and set a 1.345v with a negative offset starting at -25 and going from there to a higher negative offset until you get the "vid max" voltage stable below 1.35v at all times of cpu use.
5. Set Vcore PWM Frequency from 500 to 400.
6. Set CPU Power Limit to 253 watts. Remember that EVGA motherboards "pl1=pl2" so 253 will be set for both which is fine.
7. Save changes and rest
8. Run tests and keep and eye on temps and vid voltage max and go back into bios and keep making adjustments to vcore offset as needed to keep voltage below 1.35v at all times.