2024/07/30 13:03:39
so i have this model which is a single fan but ever since i bought it it has this issue with the hotspot, the delta goes up to +20°C i contacted the customer service and sent them screenshots and all i got was (as long as it doesn't throttle you should not worry) but the thing is when my temp is over 70 with full load on the card which is pretty often these days since the card is already old my hotspot can easily go over 95°C and in some cases it can go over 100°C. what should i do?
* just a something worth mentioning i bought the card new when it was on sale.
* i have changed the thermal paste (currently have noctuca nt-h1) and it is the best result so far with the delta and keeping it at 19-22°C.
* i checked the mounting pressure so many times in the process of changing the thermal paste but nothing seems to give better results than what i have previously mentioned.
* i keep the card clean as much as i can and remove the dust from the finns.
* i wanted to get liquid metal since i have read in so many places that it can bring down the hotspot temp but i can't seem to find it in my country these days.
* currently have the card undervolted to 0.850v and clock is 1830mhz but even with that the temps can still spike to +90°C. and i go even further during the summer

2024/07/30 13:33:24
Put some PTM7950 on it, and that will fix it up. 😎
2024/07/30 13:36:09
Hotspot deltas are either a core design thing or a thermal contact thing.  You only have control over some of that.
I would install a PTM7950 thermal pad on the core instead of thermal paste. It performs really good and won't pump-out and form voids over time.
2024/10/14 05:42:12
so i found the solution to my problem and it really was something so stupid and that was wrong thickness thermal pads. a friend of mine had some issues finding the correct size thermal pads for his card and the journey of trial and error the temps of his card matched mine despite his being on the higher end models (3 fans card gigabyte vision 3060ti) so i thought why not try to change the pads too and what do you know the temps went down drastically  (in the pic)

the funny thing is ... the pads that i had replaced before is the same exact thickness with the one came from the factory (2mm thickness on top of the mid plate) and also the temps of the card was bad out of the box which is a true ..... is going on EVGA moment. 
2024/10/14 06:00:01
Cool GTX
so i found the solution to my problem and it really was something so stupid and that was wrong thickness thermal pads. a friend of mine had some issues finding the correct size thermal pads for his card and the journey of trial and error the temps of his card matched mine despite his being on the higher end models (3 fans card gigabyte vision 3060ti) so i thought why not try to change the pads too and what do you know the temps went down drastically  (in the pic)

the funny thing is ... the pads that i had replaced before is the same exact thickness with the one came from the factory (2mm thickness on top of the mid plate) and also the temps of the card was bad out of the box which is a true **** is going on EVGA moment. 

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Please remember EVGA forums is a family friendly site; so, if your see asterisks -- you should choose a Different word to express your frustrations - it is a TOS thing 
AS to the Pad issue:
Even with OEM supplied pads -- it is always best practice to do a test assembly, then disassemble & inspect for proper pad contact & TIM spread on the entire GPU die --- unlike a CPU's heat spreader ..... you MUST get 100% thermal material coverage on the GPU Die 

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