• Folding@EVGA
  • When Will Team EVGA Folding push the total past 1 TRILLION points in 2024?
2024/04/12 09:08:04
Cool GTX
Looking at our Team stats today & the question of how long will it take us to get past the 1 Trillion points  milestone was on my mind
9 AM 12 April total = 985,176,475,925

Less than 15 Billion from the target  Team EVGA Foilding stats 
Spring & Summer temps will hold many members back from maximum output, myself included. So I'm not sure how long we will maintain our current weekly points gain.

What do our Team members think? 
Can we really cross the 1 Trillion point milestone in only 4, 5 or 6 weeks?
Will we cross the 1 Trillion points line in 2024?
How many will come out of Retirement or "come back to Team EVGA" to joint the push to the 1,000,000,000,000 Milestone ???

Fold them if you can
edit: 16 April, Added "When" to front of thread title
2024/04/12 19:13:56
I can fold full time on the weekend and when I get home on the weekday till the next morning. I'll keep this up until the love of my life starts waving her frying pan at me lol and or until we hit the Trillion.  
2024/04/13 07:46:27
I like where your head's at.  I can usually fold for at least half the day during the summer and still see a lot of active teammates on the stats page...let's go!
2024/04/13 11:39:44
I am always folding, my awesome teammates. I think we can get there in a couple months if not sooner. 
2024/04/13 17:49:18
Never been keeping up with the latest but it's amazing that we are still ahead of overclockers.com. Weren't we in some kind of competition with them?
Hats off to all you die hard EVGA Team folders. Kudo's especially to the ones with old hardware and still keeping their system on 24/7.
2024/04/16 09:40:34
Cool GTX
Team EVGA Foilding stats ---> 9 AM 16 April, Team EVGA (111065) total points = 987,322,827,968
Less than 13 Billion from the - 1 Trillion point target
Are you going to be part of the Push past this milestone? 
Post a comment with your Folding name & tell us if you're:

          1) currently a diehard Team EVGA folder
          2) someone back in from folding retirement & want to  help
          3) just joined EVGA Team 111065-  to help be a part of this historic milestone
Keep the hammer down & we will get there in no time
2024/04/16 12:53:45
Cool GTX
Maybe we can even make a Game out of it? 
What do you think about having everyone that Folds for Team EVGA, guess a "date & update time" that will post to the Extreme folding stats site - when we cross the 1 Trillion points?
2024/04/17 07:31:00
I’ll bite. I think it will be 5/11/24 at 12AM update.

Favrepeoria. Back out of retirement not because of the trillion necessarily but happy to help.
2024/04/17 08:49:33
Cool GTX
I’ll bite. I think it will be 5/11/24 at 12AM update.

Favrepeoria. Back out of retirement not because of the trillion necessarily but happy to help.

Welcome Back
& thanks for taking a guess
2024/04/17 11:53:06
As I have posted, I am normally folding daily. That is unless I have an issue or maintenance.  My guess is May 12 @ 9AM CST to hit the trillion mark, unless we have a big push from other folders. Regardless, I like your enthusiasm and the fun factor included.  
Updated to time stamp.
Edited to change my date from 5/14 to 5/12 @ 9AM update. Change was made 4/26

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