WCG still has medical tasks too and I have been getting steady tasks.
They lost my account I really do not want to start over . On top my email address with them gets no emails from there automated emailer . I tried to delete the account I just made can not no email confirmation I used the same email and password as I used in 2012 . I sent them a email with my join date points and other info from Account information on prim grid site .
I do know I can turn off hyperthreading and turn off E cores . I7 12700 has 8 cores 4 E cores and with hyper 16 cores . 16 cores run at 4.9 GHz the 4 E cores are 4.6 GHz cache is 3.6GHz . Now with windows 10 I would need to turn E cores off but win 11 fixed that I am not sure turning hyper off on newer cpu's is same as old ones . I know when I turned hyper off on my old 3930k it was only worth about 3% over leaving them on so I turned it on I hate restarting my comps .
As for AVX512 just looked it up . I had to go water cooling to crunch stock and had one of the best air coolers . I can over clock cpu a lot its keeping it under a 100c and Throttling well crunching or folding on it , even on water I hit 85c that is pushing about 200 watts . I looked for crunching with newer cpu's not much out there nor for folding , folding is where I found it would only fold the 4 E cores on win 10 with them on win 11 fixed that .
Just for fun here is longest one I am working on
Genefer 21 4.02 (cpuGFN21_mt)
5/19/2024 11:00:46 AM
Report deadline
6/9/2024 11:00:42 AM
4 CPUs
Estimated computation size
8,121,180 GFLOPs
CPU time
2d 15:12:36
CPU time since checkpoint
Elapsed time
4d 10:25:03
Estimated time remaining
2d 03:00:38
Fraction done
Virtual memory size
188.50 MB
Working set size
183.42 MB
Process ID
Progress rate
0.720% per hour