I got a call and follow up email from Chris as well, regarding two new beta BIOSs for Z790 boards, Classified and KingPin.
The email message is:
"Thank you for your time on the phone and attached is the BETA BIOS for the E798 and E799 MBs which can support the current gen Intel processors.
Also please take note that EVGA strongly suggest using the current BIOS unless you want to use a current next Gen CPU and only flash to #3 on the Motherboard so you can go back to previous BIOS if any issues.
Chris Bencivenga
EVGA Operations Manager"
He stated I can share them. See below
Download Link (remove the empty space to get the URL):
https:// w6py7-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/karthik_ithelp4u_ca/EvXKLUi2ZypFtT-nwWY8eh0BY7BXJg2RIeY70HJYfi4rRg?e=sviB89