I realize that the official statements from the company are "we're not closing" but I just have such a hard time actually believing that. They don't do any of their accessories anymore (keyboard, mice, soundcard, etc) GPUs are out, Motherboards are out, etc. That leaves PSUs and I'm sorry, but so many of the motherboard, accessory, or psu sales were driven by their flagship GPU sales. Now that those are gone, I honestly doubt that people will be coming to EVGA for a PSU before they try corsair or seasonic first. I just don't get it. I'm not at all convinced that EVGA can survive as just a powersupply company.
Every company in the world is going to say "No we're not closing" right before they wither and die for lack of money, or sales or simple 'will-to-live'. I can't even imagine how the employees who are still there must be feeling. Of course thats what they're going to tell us.