2023/10/17 19:12:31
If any of the 14th gen CPU's won't work it'd be the 14700K as that's the only one w/any real difference from 13th gen counterpart. The rest of them besides the 14700K might work (partially?) w/out a new BIOS.
2023/10/17 19:20:17
2023/10/17 19:39:13
I returned the i7-14700K to micro center, I kept getting error code d6 and 5 beeps, worried me that something else went defective, I picked up a 13700k and everything is stable again, I have the Z690 Dark Kingpin. I also have bios version v2.13.

Thanks for testing and letting the rest of us know. 
I would assume it's likely that if EVGA is no longer in the motherboard business they may not have the ties with intel they have had before with getting tools, support information, and engineering samples to test with. It's possible they are still working on the update but have had to wait to ensure they have been able to test with new hardware.
2023/10/17 20:06:47
I was thinking the same thing. What if they started working on the bios TODAY.
2023/10/17 20:23:23
Can you please expose tXSDLL? The 2048 value that it defaults to is only compatible with speeds up to 6800 MT/s.


As last request, I vouch.. The board is thinking im using low memory frequency and giving me too low tXSDLL i want to control it.
same as:
tcsh, tmod, tzqcs, tzqcal, trefsbrd
i cant expose with bios mod, need to be "inserted" i guess
2023/10/18 04:30:33
And here we are post launch day with no bios and no replies from EVGA. I guess it's surprising the forums are still here. EVGA, you had a great run. Sad to see you go. My greatest sympathies to those that enjoyed EVGA throughout the years and decades. I suppose it's time to move on.
2023/10/18 04:44:44
Not a good way to end it by leaving customers in the DARK. At least tell us no BIOS update is on the way or that you are still working on it. Either way some info would be appreciated.
2023/10/18 05:16:14
Yeah I returned my 14900kf today. I know It's only been a day but I only have 14 of them before I can't return  It and no idea what's going on with the bios. A shame but It Is what It Is.
2023/10/18 07:14:31
And here we are post launch day with no bios and no replies from EVGA. I guess it's surprising the forums are still here. EVGA, you had a great run. Sad to see you go. My greatest sympathies to those that enjoyed EVGA throughout the years and decades. I suppose it's time to move on.

The EVGA forums remind me of lost loved ones’ social media profiles. They’re gone but their profile remains. I wish I could say I was shocked when I recently discovered that pretty much all remaining EVGA products are now sold & shipped through third parties, but I guess I’m more sad than anything. This company definitely had a great run, and I agree about moving on. I’m just not sure where to move on to, but I suppose that’s partly why I got back into console gaming.
2023/10/18 08:25:30
DJ Ray
Yes, I can confirm that we are working on it and as soon as available we will notify everyone on the forums as well.  Thank you for your patience.

Thank you for letting us know
I appreciate everyone at EVGA to continue to support this MB even though its close to 2-3 years old
Again thank you

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