2023/03/01 18:25:52
No fix to my problem so far, I have an evga z15 and it randomly stops being recognised. I have to unplug the keybaord and plug it it back again so that it can finally work each time this happens.

Can I just ask, what USB port do you have this plugged into. Mine did the same (as well as having a broken switch) until I kept it in a USB 3.0 port. Seems it requires a higher power output. Mine is a Z20 though.
2023/03/01 22:08:38
No fix to my problem so far, I have an evga z15 and it randomly stops being recognised. I have to unplug the keybaord and plug it it back again so that it can finally work each time this happens.

Can I just ask, what USB port do you have this plugged into. Mine did the same (as well as having a broken switch) until I kept it in a USB 3.0 port. Seems it requires a higher power output. Mine is a Z20 though.

I've tried both the usb 3.0 and the good ol 2.0 ports in my pc, no signs of improvement so far.
2023/03/02 00:04:43
I've tried both the usb 3.0 and the good ol 2.0 ports in my pc, no signs of improvement so far.

Another thing I did do was made sure only ONE of the two USB plugs were in. One of them I believe is to power the USB port ON the keyboard. Whether this made a difference I cannot tell. But my keyboard, aside from the broken switch(from purchase), now works fine.
2023/03/05 13:06:47
I've tried both the usb 3.0 and the good ol 2.0 ports in my pc, no signs of improvement so far.

Another thing I did do was made sure only ONE of the two USB plugs were in. One of them I believe is to power the USB port ON the keyboard. Whether this made a difference I cannot tell. But my keyboard, aside from the broken switch(from purchase), now works fine.

Had to wait a few days to see if it worked, and nope, it doesn't seem to do anything to improve the issue.
2024/12/11 21:46:40
hi where are the note for the lastest update ?

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