The whole thing is getting blown WAY WAY out of proportion. There have now been numerous tests by people intentionally trying to compromise these cables and get them to melt yet no matter what they do they haven't been able to recreate it. I'm not saying it doesn't or can't happen because clearly it did but It's not because of a poor design of the cable and more than likely user error and them not fully inserting the plug into the socket that's causing the small number of issues.
These people that have the damaged cables are not going to outright say "yeah maybe I didn't fully insert the cable" and potentially void their warranty even though the issue is more than likely user error. They of course don't want to be on the hook and admit user error and be out $1600.
This whole thing is just another "POScap" overreaction just like when 30 series first launched and it ended up being a driver bug and nothing actually wrong with the GPUs. These cases of burned cables are user error I'm almost certain at this point. What will be interesting is how the various GPU vendors handle these warranty claims. I've had my card for about a month now and no issue. My card is run at a daily overclock of 2850Mhz core and 22Ghz memory from basically day one for many a long gaming session.
Nvidia didn't pull more power from the PCIe slot because they really don't need to and regardless the 66w that they could have got from the PCIe slot wouldn't have made really any difference at all in terms of heat or power draw from the card. .
Funny you quote JonnyGuru as the source of blaming end users… Real stand up guy to follow through his lies after he keeps sticking his foot further down his own throat. Keep in mind, he said that the quad 8 pin didn’t have any way to tell there was four cables connected because he didn’t actually look into, just shoved that foot in his mouth and then got defense because he got caught. He was a great reviewer, but now that his name rides on the manufacturing of the product, he is vehemently defending it while deflecting blame. He has walked back too many topic for me to care what he says at this point.
Most of these reviewers testing these scenarios have all been doing it for 1 to 2 hours, some more than that, but they haven’t been using most of the cards as much or as long as most end users would run them. More of them are looking at the probability now, but it doesn’t stop the fact that end users have received 12+4 with plastic molded directly into the actual pin. While there isn't a lot of cards experiencing the issue currently, how many people are not even paying attention to this topic right now? JayzTwoCentsless and JonnyGuru are not my two go to people at this point, because one knee jerk reacts to everything on reddit and the other is seemingly defending his own manufacturing at this point.
And why is it with the cables that have melted, why is it only the outside pins melting, typically on both sides at once, not the center pins? If all of the pins are loose because the end user didn’t fully seat them, then all pins should be generating heat and melting more area that just the outside edges.